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Searching in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
Search results have been limited. There are a total of {{docApp.searchResponse.totalResultsAvailable}} matches.

You have an odd number of " characters in your search terms - each one needs closing with a matching " character!

{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


Complex Types

Type Name Description
accountBasicDetailsType This type is used to represent account basic details.
accountGroupListType This type represents a group assigned to a user account.
anyDataType This type represents data that has not schema validated structure and is uses for data who's structure is …
anyKeyValueType This type represents a keyValue used by some database operations where the user is required to provide a unique…
appAdminModulesType This type defines the flags for the admin features required by the application.
appInfoType This type represents information about the application installed on a Hornbill ESP Server.
appUsageInfoType Application usage record. This record represents the usage of one application route in the given client
assetDiscoveryADSIConnectionType This type represents the connection parameters to an Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI).
assetDiscoveryDiscoveredSystemConnectionType This type represents the connection to discovered systems for an asset discovery scan.
assetDiscoveryFilterType This type represents the filter applied to discovery results.
assetDiscoveryImportType This type represents the information required to import the results of a discovery.
assetDiscoveryJobResultType This type represents the result of an asset discovery scan.
assetDiscoveryLDAPConnectionType This type represents the connection parameters to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.
assetDiscoveryListConnectionType This type represents a list of individual systems to which connections will be made. This can be made up of …
assetDiscoveryScheduleType This type represents the scheduling for an asset discovery scan.
assignedRoleType This type represents information about an assigned role.
asyncTaskProgressLogItemType This type defines information about a progress step related to an async job running on a node.
attribType This type represents the user attributes.
autoTaskDefinitionType This type defines an autoTask definition.
availabilityStatusInfoType This type represents the data associated with the user availability status.
availabilityStatusNameTranslationType This type represents the status translations for the availability status.
billingSeriesPeriodType This represents information about a billing period.
bpmApprovalNodeType No description
bpmAssigneeType No description
bpmAutoApprovalNodeType No description
bpmBranchNodeType Splits the flow into parallel execution paths. Each distinct path leads to the corresponding ‘join’ node.
bpmChecklistItemType BPM stage checklist item types.
bpmCoalesceNodeType Joins parallel executions paths. The flow only continues when all split paths reached the node.
bpmDecisionNodeType This decision node flows-out to next node only after the code block is evaluated.
bpmDefinitionType BPM definition types.
bpmExceptionNodeType This is a process stop node, BPM process stops with a failure when this node is reached. Checklist items are not…
bpmExternalApprovalNodeType No description
bpmFlowcodeNodeType This node is used to invoke any flowcode operations.
bpmFlowcodeParameterType No description
bpmFlowType The flow defined for the bpm process. It should have one start node and atleast one stop node.
bpmGotoIfType BPM goto if condition type.
bpmIntegrationCredentialType No description
bpmIntegrationMethodNodeType This node is used to invoke any ibridge operations.
bpmLabelType No description
bpmNodeType Different BPM node types.
bpmParamItemType BPM input/output parameter item type.
bpmParamType BPM input/output parameter type.
bpmProcessCompleteNodeType This is a process stop node, BPM process is completed with a success when this node is reached. Checklist items are…
bpmSetCheckListItemNodeType This node is used to set the state of the item defined in the checklist.
bpmSetCheckpointItemType This is used to set the state of a checkpoint item in the current stage of the workflow.
bpmSetOutputParameterType Used to define what to set an output value to
bpmSetTimePlanNodeType Sets time plan from the process instance
bpmStageChecklistType BPM stage checklist types are defined here. All the required items has to be checked by the setCheckListItem…
bpmStageCompleteNodeType This is a stage stop node, BPM process is completed with a success/failure after validating the checklist items.
bpmStageItemType BPM stage types.
bpmStageStatusItemType Checklist item properties
bpmStartNodeType This node provides the one and only starting point for the process.
bpmTaskCreateType This operation creates a new task.
bpmTaskNodeType No description
bpmTimePlanEventType This represents a timeplan event
bpmTimePlanStageType This represents the time-plan for a given stage within a BPM workflow. If a time-plan is not present for a given…
bpmTimePlanType BPM stage types.
bpmViaNodeType This node does not provide any function other than facilitate via’s in the flow to optimize the layout asthetics
bpmWebCallCustomHeaderType No description
bpmWebCallNodeType This webcall node calls a http request and can wait for an outcome response.
bpmWebCallParameterType No description
buzzActivityType This type is used to represent a an activity object.
buzzCommentType This type is used to represent a comment.
calendarDayTimePeriodType This type represents a period of time within a 24 hour day. A timeslot must be defined on a 15-minute…
captureBranchGotoIfType This node is used to conditionally route to the next node.
captureBranchNodeType This node is used to control flow in a progressive capture.
captureCancelNodeType This node is used to bring the intelligent an end with no further action taken, and the captured input data…
captureCustomFormType This node is used to define custom form data.
captureCustomQuestionOption This node is used to define question options.
captureCustomQuestionPropertyCondition This node is used to define a field state expression. If expression is true then set field properties as defined in…
captureCustomQuestionType This node is used to define single question.
captureEndlNodeType This node is used to control flow in a progressive capture.
captureFlowType The flow defined for the capture form. It should have one start node and atleast one stop node.
captureFormNodeType This node is used to display form.
captureNextNodeType This node is used to define what progressive capture to load next. Allows flows to jump between each other.
captureNodeType Different BPM node types.
captureQuestionCoWorkerSelectType This type represents a Co-worker picker field.
captureQuestionDatabaseSelectList This type represents custom databaseList ui select box field.
captureQuestionDateBetweenType This type represents a date between picker component. Used to select a start and end date.
captureQuestionDateTimeType This type represents a date picker field.
captureQuestionDateType This type represents a date picker field.
captureQuestionDropdownSelectDynamicType This type represents a date picker field.
captureQuestionDropdownSelectType This type represents a drop down single select where the options are defined at design time.
captureQuestionFileUploadType This type represents a file upload component field.
captureQuestionGroupSelectType This type represents a group picker field.
captureQuestionLabelType This type represents a label field.
captureQuestionMultiCheckboxDynamicType This represents a multi-option checkbox where the options are obtained from a data provider.
captureQuestionMultiCheckboxType This represents a multi-option checkbox where the options are defined at design time.
captureQuestionMultiLineTextType This represents a multi-line text field.
captureQuestionRadioSelectDynamicType This type represents a radio selector field.
captureQuestionRadioSelectType This type represents a radio single select where the options are defined at design time.
captureQuestionTextType This type represents a text field.
captureStartNodeType This node provides the one and only starting point for the capture form
catalogItemListType Information about a catalog item
chartAxisDefinition Chart axis definition.
chartDataSeriesType a data series, a set of values representing one on the data series (can have multi series chart)
chartDataSourceDefinition Defines how to get data for a chart.
chartDataTickType a label for the tick axis. i.e. jan, feb,march,april
chartDataValueType Detailed information about the value
chartFontType Chart font definition.
chartLabelAxisType Chart label axis definition.
chartNumericalAxisType Chart axis definition.
chartStyleBorderDefinition Chart style border definition.
chartStyleDefinition Chart style definition.
chartStyleGridDefinition Chart style border definition.
chartStyleLegendDefinition Chart style legend definition.
chartTargetPointDefinition Chart target point.
chartTargetPointType Chart target point.
configOptionListType This type represents an application or system configuration option returned in a list of options.
conversationlastMessageInfoType This type represents the last message posted in the conversation.
conversationMessageInfoType This type represents the result of the search message(s) item in conversation.
cryptoKeyInfoType Information detail relating to the local identity provider.
customDatabaseFieldType This type defines a custom database column.
customDocumentFieldType This type defines a custom document column.
customFieldConfigType This type defines a custom database column.
customFieldSetType This type defines a custom fields collection.
customFormContainerType This object represents a collection of related forms.
customFormDefinitionType This type defines a custom form that has fields in it that can be databound.
customFormType This object represents a form that contains one or more fields.
dashboardDefinitionType Dashboard definition type.
dashboardLayoutDefinition Dashboard layout definition.
dashboardLayoutRow Dashboard layout row containing 0 or more widgets.
dashboardLayoutWidget Dashboard layout row widget.
dashboardSlideshowDefinitionType Dashboard slideshow definition type.
dashboardTitleDefinition Dashboard title definition.
databaseColumnListType No description
databaseColumnType Information about extended meta data settings available for each column.
databaseIndexListType No description
databaseIndexType Information about an index attributes that control the hard settings.
databaseMetaDataType No description
databaseSchemaType No description
databaseTableListType Information about a table attributes that control the hard settings.
databaseTableType Information about a table attributes that control the hard settings.
dataImportDefinitionType This type defines a data import definition.
dataImportTransformType This type defines the configuration of a data transform.
dataListCustomSqlType defines a custom select sql statement for list of data to display.
dataListDatabaseSourceType defines how to get data for a datalist widget.
dataListStaticRowDataType defines a static row of data
dataListStaticSourceType defines a static list of data to display.
davFolderRightsType This type defines the WebDAV folder rights.
dbGraphDefinition This represents config information required to build a graph from a db
dbGraphEdge This represents config information required to build edges of a graph
dbGraphNode This represents config information required to build nodes of a graph
dbGraphQuery This represents config information required to build nodes of a graph
deskConfigType This type represents configuration information for the desk
deskPriorityType Configuration for priorities, priority matrix and priority assesments.
documentPartInfo Information about a document part
domainFlagsType This type represents the domain flags.
emailRoutingRuleFlagsType DEPRECATED: This type defines the flags that control the behavior of e-mail inbound routing rules.
embeddedFileAttachmentType This type represents a file with the file data embedded as BASE64 encoded content.
entityAccessControlType This type represents the entity access controls.
entityActionAutomationRunType This node is used to invoke any installed ITOM packages.
entityActionCreateTaskType No description
entityActionFlowcodeCallType This node is used to invoke any flowcode operations.
entityActionIntegrationCallType This node is used to invoke an integration operation.
entityActionRunbookRunType This node is used to spawn runbook processes.
entityActionSetProgressType This action to update progress status.
entityActionSetValuesType This action to update progress status.
entityActionWorkflowStartType This action to update progress status.
entityAttachFileInfo This type provides information about an entity file attachment
entityAttachFolderInfo This type provides information about a folder related to an entity record
entityColumnNameListType This type represents how the data::entityGetNameList operation returns data.
entityColumnsListType This type represents entity column list type.
entityDataChangeLogType This type represents configuration for data change logging/auditing.
entityDatasetType This type is used to encapsulate the data for entity related data operation.
entityDynamicRelatedEntityType This type defines properties of a dynamic related entity
entityEmailTemplatesType Configuring email templates.
entityFileAttachmentStoreInfoType This type represents the entity file attachment store info.
entityFixedRecordValuesType This type represents entity fixed record value(s). These values are applied to the record on insert The…
entityFixedRecordValueType This type represents entity fixed record value.
entityIndexedColumnListType This type represents index columns list.
entityIndexedColumnType This type represents entity free text search column mapping.
entityMailTemplateFieldInfoType Information about a parameter that can be used in an entity related email template.
entityMappedValueType This type represents entity mapped value type.
entityOptionsType This type defines the flags for log message severity levels used in logging control.
entityPrimaryDatasetType This type is used to encapsulate the data for primary entity related data operation.
entityRelatedEntityInfoType This type defines properties of a related entity
entityRowLevelAccessControlType This type represents the entity row level access controls.
entityRuleActionConfigType This type provides information about an entity rule action.
entityRuleActionInformationType This type provides information about an entity rule action.
entityRuleExternalApprovalNodeType No description
entitySearchBrowseType This type represents entity search/browse type.
entitySelectRelatedRecordType This structure is used to select a subset of result data when getting an entity record.
entitySelectType This structure is used to select a subset of result data when getting an entity record.
entityUpdateDatasetType This type is used to encapsulate a set of data for entity related data operations.
esmCustomFormControlDefinition This type defines a custom form control.
esmCustomFormControlListType This type defines a custom form control.
esmCustomFormControlPosition This type defines the positioning element of a custom form control.
espEntityActivityStreamType This type represents the entity related activity stream information.
excelDataSourceType This type defines the configuration for importing data from an excel spreadsheet.
folderItemType This type defines a folder object.
freeTextSearchIndexingType This type represents entity free text search indexing settings.
geoLocationType This type defines a location type to be used to represent the last or current location of a user. It should have…
graphAnalysisJobDefinition This represents what type of analysis needs to be done on the graph
graphCentralityConfig This represents what type of centrality algorithms need to be computed and stored for the graph
graphDefinition This represents config information required to build a graph
graphNodeTypeFilter This represents what type of centrality algorithms need to be computed and stored for the graph
groupListType This type represents the group details.
groupMemberOptionsType This type represents the group assignment options.
groupMembershipType This type represents the list of groups and its rights assigned to the role.
groupOptionsType This type represents the group options.
groupUserListType This type represents a user assigned to a group account.
haiActionInfoItemType Information about a service provider.
haiListOutputType Defines a set of instruction prompts.
haiQueryInfoItemType Information about an available query.
hbuildCopyFileType Copy a file.
hbuildCopyFolderType Copy a file.
hbuildCreateFolderType Will create a folder.
hbuildExpandArchiveType Copy a file.
hbuildFileOperationType Type used to define a file operation.
hbuildNotificationType information about who to notify
hbuildPackageManagerType Type used to define a remote command to execure.
hbuildPublishTestInfoType Information about a published build test validation.
hbuildReleaseStreamType Information about a release stream for a product.
hbuildScpCopyFileType Copy a file.
hbuildSequenceInfoType Information about a buildable sequence.
hbuildSshRemoteExec2Type Type used to define a remote command to execure.
hbuildSshRemoteExecCommandType Type used to define a remote command to execure.
hbuildSshRemoteExecType OBSELETE, Please see hbuildSshRemoteExec2Type - Type used to define a remote command to execure.
hbuildStreamDependancyType Information about a dependancy on a previous release stream.
hbuildStreamPushType Information about when to push forward to the next stream.
hbuildTestTargetPropType This type is used to custom test startup properties.
hbuildValidationRegisteredTestType Information about an automated validation test.
hbuildValidationTestType Information about a file to publish.
hbuildVersionInfoType Project version information.
iBridgeCredentialType No description
iBridgeDataImportType This node is used to invoke any ibridge operations.
iBridgeInputParameterType No description
iBridgeLicenseType Information about the license/usage associated with this integration
indexStatisticsType This type is the statistics of a single index in an Elasticsearch cluster.
indexStatusType This type is the status of a single index in an Elasticsearch cluster.
inputParameterType A general purpose input parameter name/value.
instanceProcessRunStateType This type defines information available about a running ESP service.
ipLocationType This type defines location information for an IP address.
keystoreItemType This type defines a custom database column.
keyValueStringToStringType This type is used for a general key/value pair type.
languageInfoType This type represents information about a language that is supported by the server.
libDocumentSharePermissionsType This type represents the permissions that can given when sharing a document with someone.
libOptionsType This type represents the library options.
lifecyclePhaseType This object represents a lifecycle phase definition
lifecyclePhaseWorkflowType This object represents a lifecycle definition
localIdentityProviderType Information detail relating to the local identity provider.
logMessageGroupType This type defines the log message groups available for system logging control.
mailboxFolderCountType This type provides basic information about a mailbox folder count.
mailboxRightsInfoType This type represents rights that are associated with a mailbox.
mailboxRightsType This type represents the mailbox rights.
mailLogItemType This type represents inbound/outbound message log entries.
mailRecipientType This type represents a single recipient in an e-mail message.
measureFrequencyType Defines the frequency a measure should take a sample
measureListItemType This type is used when returning a list of defined measures.
measureTrendData A collection of measured data
measureTrendValueType Defines tsample value
messageInfoType This type lists all the message.
noticeActivationConditionsType This type represents the conditions under which a notice becomes activated.
noticePresentationTargetType This type represents information about a notice that is being shown to a user
notificationBasicRuleElementType “Encapsulates a basic notification group and a filter effect”
notificationBasicRuleQueryElementType “Encapsulates a basic notification group and a filter effect”
notifyMessageItemType This represents the notification message posted via event service.
orderByColumnType This type defines the order by column .
outputParameterType A general purpose ouput parameter name/value.
pageInfoType This type is used for paging.
portalGrantContactAccessType Information to grant access to a portal for a contact.
portalOptionsType This type represents the portal options.
portalUiConfigAboutSettingsType portal about us config settings.
portalUiConfigContactUsSettingsType portal contact config settings.
portalUiConfigGeneralSettingsType general portal ui config settings.
portalUiConfigHomepageSettingsType home page settings for portal ui.
portalUiConfigLoginUiSettingsType portal login ui settings etc
portalUiConfigSocialSettingsType portal social ui config settings.
portalUiLoginConfigCssSettingsType portal login ui settings etc
primaryEntityQueryDatasetType The name of the relationship this data set relates to.
priorityAssesmentConfigType Priority matrix configuration.
priorityMatrixConfigType Priority matrix configuration.
priorityValueNameType Priority matrix configuration.
profileCodeListType This type represents the top-level list of profile codes.
propListMultiValType This type represents a list of properties, where the element name is the property name, mapped to the value of that…
propListType This type represents a list of properties, where the element name is the property name, mapped to the value of that…
regionalSettingsType This type represents the regional settings.
relatedEntityQueryDatasetType The name of the relationship this data set relates to.
releaseNoteType information about a release note
reportChartDefinition info about report chart
reportCharts info about report charts
reportDataSourceDefinition info about report data source
reportDataSourceEntityDefinition info about report entity data source
reportDataSourceFilterCustomDefinition custom hardcoded section filter clause
reportDataSourceFilterDbLookupDefinition database lookup info used for - comparing to another able in the select
reportDataSourceFilterHardcodedDefinition hardcoded values for section filter
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptDefinition runtime info used input for report
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptDisplayDefinition runtime info used input for report
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptStaticList static list items
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptStaticListItemDefinition user prompt static list item
reportDataSourceJoinTableDefinition report join on table
reportDataSourceMeasureDefinition info about report measure data source
reportDataSourceQueryPart a section of the where clause
reportDataSourceQueryStructureDefinition The structure of the report sql select query. this is used to build the actual sql select statement
reportDataSourceRawSqlDefinition info about report raw select sql data source
reportDataSourceSelectColumnDefinition select column for report
reportDataSourceSelectColumnOptionsDefinition report select column options
reportDataSourceSimpleSelectColumnDefinition select column for report
reportDataSourceTablesDefinition report join on tables
reportDataSourceWhereClauseDefinition where clause sections, combined sections to make up valid where clause (andor, bracket or sectio)
reportDataSourceWhereClauseSectionDefinition where clause section where we are testing a condition against a selected tabel column
reportDefinitionType Report definition type.
reportDeliveryType Settings to define the devliery of the Report output
reportDeliveryTypesDocumentType Settings to define the devliery of the Report output via Document
reportDeliveryTypesEmailType Settings to define the devliery of the Report output via email
reportDeliveryTypesSFTPType Settings to define the devliery of the Report output via SFTP
reportDisplayDefinition display, layout, output settings for the chart.
reportDisplayOptionsDefinition display output options
reportGroupDisplayOptionsDefinition display output options for grouped report data
reportInputParameterType Report input parameter.
reportRunDeliveryType Information about a report Delivery.
reportRunItemType Information about a report run.
reportRunOutputFileType Information about a report output file.
reportRuntimeParametersType Report input parameters.
reportScheduleType Settings to define the devliery of the Report output
requestActionLinkedActrosType Configuration for linked actros defeind for this request type.
requestCustomFieldType Custom fields defined for this request type
requestFeatureAssignType Options for the assign action of a request.
requestFeatureAttachFilesType options for the attaching of files to a request.
requestFeatureAutoCloseType Configuration to control how requests are auto-closed after they have been in the resolved state for a period of time
requestFeatureAutoTasksType Configuration for Auto Tasks configuration.
requestFeatureBusinessRulesType Configuration for email integration with this request type.
requestFeatureCallbackType options for the callback action of a request. A callback is set for a speicific date time, the request shows…
requestFeatureCancelType options for the cancel action of a request.
requestFeatureCloseType options for the close action of a request (sm does not support this?).
requestFeatureCustomActionsType Configuration for custom actions defeind for this request type.
requestFeatureCustomFieldsType Custom fields defined for this request type
requestFeatureEmailType Configuration for email integration with this request type.
requestFeatureEventLog Configration related to the event log
requestFeatureHumanTasksType Configuration relatted to request human tasks
requestFeatureIntelligentCaptureType request makes use of intelligent capture feature.
requestFeatureLinkedRequestsType Configuration for linked requests defeind for this request type.
requestFeatureProfileCodesType options for the assigning of profile categories to a request
requestFeatureResolveType options for the resolution action of a request.
requestFeatureSubStatusType request makes use of sub-status feature
requestFeatureTimelineType Configuration relatted to request timeline
requestFeatureType The feature(s) available for a request.
requestFeatureUpdateType Options/configuration for the update action of a request.
requestFeatureWorkflowType request makes use of business processing feature.
requestPluginAssetType options for when linking asset(s) to a request
requestPluginBoardType options for when associating request to a board in board manager
requestPluginDocumentType Configuration for Docuemnt Manager Integration.
requestPluginKnowledgeType options for integrating with knowledge management.
requestPluginServiceType options for when linking service to a request
requestPluginTimesheetType options for timesheet manager time recording when performing actions on a request
requestPluginType The plugins available for use with request.
requestPriorityAssesmentQuestionAnswerType Priority matrix assesment question answer.
requestPriorityAssesmentQuestionType Priority matrix assesment question.
requestPriorityAssesmentThesholdType Priority matrix configuration.
requestPriorityMatrixCellValueType Priority matrix configuration.
requestPriorityType which desk priority config type to use when logging this type of request.
requestQueueConfigType This type represents the ui configuration of a desk queue.
requestQueueMemberOptionsType True or false set of options for am mebers options and permissions within this queue.
requestQueueOptionsType True or false set of options for a queue’s behavior.
requestSubStatusConfigType This type represents the configuration for a request sub-status
requestTypeConfigType This type represents the configuration of a request type.
requestTypeOptionsType True or false set of options for a request create options.
requestTypeTemplateType This type represents the configuration of a request type.
rightInfoType Meta information about a specific right
runbookNodeType This node is used to spawn runbook processes.
saml20IdentityProviderType Information detail relating to the SAML 2.0 identity provider.
samlSsoServiceType Information relating SAML SSO service type.
sampleDateRangeType Defines the date range a sample covers.
samplePeriodFilterType Defines how to get data for a chart measure group by.
scheduleDayMaskType This type defines day inclusion mask for scheduled jobs.
scheduleMonthMaskType This type defines month inclusion mask for scheduled jobs.
scorecardDataMeasureType score card dataset based on a measure
searchColumnType This type defines the search criteria for a column.
serverFileAttachmentType This type represents a file.
serviceSubscriptionOptionsType This type represents the service subcription Options.
sessionVariableType This type is used to hold session-specific state variables such as “Current User/Current Group”.
settingsType This type represents the profile settings.
simpleFieldValueItemType This type represents a (field,value) pair.
sisDiscoveryJobOptionsType The options required by the discovery process to run
sisExtraCredentialInfoType No description
sisExtraCredentialType No description
sisJobInputParameterType No description
sisJobOutputParameterType No description
sisJobOutputParamType A basic SIS job output param def.
sisJobResultInfoType Information about a SIS job
sisPackageOperationCommandTypeGeneric an ITOM operation generic definition.
sisPackageOperationCommandTypeMsi an ITOM operation MSI definition.
sisPackageOperationCommandTypeRunFile an ITOM operation that runs a selected file.
sisPackageOperationParameterType A SIS package operation input param def.
sisPackageOperationType an ITOM package operation definition.
siteIntegrationNodeType This node is used to invoke any installed ITOM packages.
sizeType This type is used to represent size of a 2D item.
slideShowSlideDefinition A slideshow slide.
stringArray A contigous collection of data stored as strings
subscriptionParameterType Subscription paramter
subscriptionProductFeatureType Subscription product feature
subscriptionProductSubscriptionType Subscription product
systemRightsAType This type represents the system rights group A.
systemRightsBType This type represents the system rights group B.
systemRightsCType This type represents the system rights group C.
systemRightsDType This type represents the system rights group D.
systemRightsEType This type represents the system rights group E.
systemRightsFType This type represents the system rights group F.
systemRightsGType This type represents the system rights group G.
systemRightsHType This type represents the system rights group H.
systemRightsType This type represents the system rights and privilege level for the session.
tableListItemType Complex type for table list
taskInfoType The information of the tasks.
taskOptionsType This type defines the options related to a task.
taskOutcomeType This describes a task outcome.
timezoneListItemType This type represents the information returned for one item in a timezone list.
typedInputParameterType A general purpose input parameter type/name/value.
typedOutputParameterType A general purpose ouput parameter type/name/value.
tzLocalTimeType This type represents a timezone specific time
userAccountSecurityOptionsType This type defines the security options related to a account.
userAccountSelectType Information about a scheduled job log entry
userAttributesType This type represents the user attributes of the profile code.
userAvailabilityFlagsType This type represents the availability flags.
userBasicInfoListOrderBy Defines how a basic user information list can be ordered by
userExtendedProfileData No description provided
userListOrderBy Defines how a users list can be ordered by
userListType This type represents the data associated with the user.
userProfileData No description provided
userProfileListOrderBy Defines how a users list can be ordered by
userTemplateGroup Defines a group that should be applied to a user when created form a template
widgetChartDataDefinition Chart widget data defines structure of chart data. Note ticks and series data should be in the order of the defined…
widgetChartDataSeriesCustom Defines how to get custom data for a chart data series.
widgetChartDataSeriesLegendType Defines legend info for data series.
widgetChartDataSeriesMeasure Defines how to get data for a chart measure group by.
widgetChartDataSeriesMeasureGroupBy Defines how to get data for a chart measure group by.
widgetChartDataSeriesSqlGroup Defines how to get sql group by data for a chart data series.
widgetChartDataSeriesTimeSeries Defines how to get time series type of data for a chart data series.
widgetChartDataSeriesType Defines how to get data for a chart.
widgetChartDefinition Chart widget defines structure so can be used with most charting tools.
widgetCounterDataDefinition scorecard widget data
widgetCounterDefinition Counter widget that runs off a data measure to show the current sample value.
widgetCountlistData Defines structure of countlist data.
widgetCountlistDataDefinition Defines structure of countlist data which will be returned for countlist widget definition type
widgetCountlistDefinition Countlist widget - displays a list of items consisting of a title and a count value from a sql statement
widgetCountlistItemDefinition Countlist item properties
widgetCustomDefinition custom widget.
widgetDataColumnType a select data column definition.
widgetDatalistDataDefinition data list widget data
widgetDatalistDataRowColumnType a single column value
widgetDatalistDataRowType a dataset representing a row returned for data list widget
widgetDatalistDefinition Datalist widget defines a data list (notice board) structure. Can read from db or have static list items
widgetDatalistHeaderType the headers to use for the data list based on xml def settings
widgetDefinitionType Widget definition type.
widgetDrilldownDataSet Widget data set for returning widget’s drill down data.
widgetDrillDownMeasureSampleGroupByAggregationFilter Aggregation filter for measure sample group by widgets to narrow down drill down data
widgetMenuDefinition Information about the widget
widgetMenuDefinitionDrillDownType Information about the widget
widgetScorecardDefinition Scorecard widget that runs off 1 or more data measures.
widgetScorecardGroupByDefinition Scorecard widget that runs off 1 or more data measures.
widgetScoreDataDefinition scorecard widget data
widgetStyleDefinition Information about the styling of the widget container
workflowDefinitionType This type defines a workflow definition.
workflowLookupTableColumnType This type defines a workflow definition.
workflowLookupTableRowType This type defines a workflow definition.
workflowLookupTableRowValueType This type defines a workflow definition.
workflowLookupTableType This type defines a workflow lookup table type.
workspaceConfigType Information related to the configuration of a workspace.
workspaceCustomizedHeaderConfigType Information related to the configuration of a workspace.
In This Document