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{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}}
in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
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{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}
{{group.title ||}}
Type Name | Description |
accountBasicDetailsType | This type is used to represent account basic details. |
accountGroupListType | This type represents a group assigned to a user account. |
anyDataType | This type represents data that has not schema validated structure and is uses for data who's structure is … |
anyKeyValueType | This type represents a keyValue used by some database operations where the user is required to provide a unique… |
appAdminModulesType | This type defines the flags for the admin features required by the application. |
appInfoType | This type represents information about the application installed on a Hornbill ESP Server. |
appUsageInfoType | Application usage record. This record represents the usage of one application route in the given client |
assetDiscoveryADSIConnectionType | This type represents the connection parameters to an Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI). |
assetDiscoveryDiscoveredSystemConnectionType | This type represents the connection to discovered systems for an asset discovery scan. |
assetDiscoveryFilterType | This type represents the filter applied to discovery results. |
assetDiscoveryImportType | This type represents the information required to import the results of a discovery. |
assetDiscoveryJobResultType | This type represents the result of an asset discovery scan. |
assetDiscoveryLDAPConnectionType | This type represents the connection parameters to a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server. |
assetDiscoveryListConnectionType | This type represents a list of individual systems to which connections will be made. This can be made up of … |
assetDiscoveryScheduleType | This type represents the scheduling for an asset discovery scan. |
assignedRoleType | This type represents information about an assigned role. |
asyncTaskProgressLogItemType | This type defines information about a progress step related to an async job running on a node. |
attribType | This type represents the user attributes. |
autoTaskDefinitionType | This type defines an autoTask definition. |
availabilityStatusInfoType | This type represents the data associated with the user availability status. |
availabilityStatusNameTranslationType | This type represents the status translations for the availability status. |
billingSeriesPeriodType | This represents information about a billing period. |
bpmApprovalNodeType | No description |
bpmAssigneeType | No description |
bpmAutoApprovalNodeType | No description |
bpmBranchNodeType | Splits the flow into parallel execution paths. Each distinct path leads to the corresponding ‘join’ node. |
bpmChecklistItemType | BPM stage checklist item types. |
bpmCoalesceNodeType | Joins parallel executions paths. The flow only continues when all split paths reached the node. |
bpmDecisionNodeType | This decision node flows-out to next node only after the code block is evaluated. |
bpmDefinitionType | BPM definition types. |
bpmExceptionNodeType | This is a process stop node, BPM process stops with a failure when this node is reached. Checklist items are not… |
bpmExternalApprovalNodeType | No description |
bpmFlowcodeNodeType | This node is used to invoke any flowcode operations. |
bpmFlowcodeParameterType | No description |
bpmFlowType | The flow defined for the bpm process. It should have one start node and atleast one stop node. |
bpmGotoIfType | BPM goto if condition type. |
bpmIntegrationCredentialType | No description |
bpmIntegrationMethodNodeType | This node is used to invoke any ibridge operations. |
bpmLabelType | No description |
bpmNodeType | Different BPM node types. |
bpmParamItemType | BPM input/output parameter item type. |
bpmParamType | BPM input/output parameter type. |
bpmProcessCompleteNodeType | This is a process stop node, BPM process is completed with a success when this node is reached. Checklist items are… |
bpmSetCheckListItemNodeType | This node is used to set the state of the item defined in the checklist. |
bpmSetCheckpointItemType | This is used to set the state of a checkpoint item in the current stage of the workflow. |
bpmSetOutputParameterType | Used to define what to set an output value to |
bpmSetTimePlanNodeType | Sets time plan from the process instance |
bpmStageChecklistType | BPM stage checklist types are defined here. All the required items has to be checked by the setCheckListItem… |
bpmStageCompleteNodeType | This is a stage stop node, BPM process is completed with a success/failure after validating the checklist items. |
bpmStageItemType | BPM stage types. |
bpmStageStatusItemType | Checklist item properties |
bpmStartNodeType | This node provides the one and only starting point for the process. |
bpmTaskCreateType | This operation creates a new task. |
bpmTaskNodeType | No description |
bpmTimePlanEventType | This represents a timeplan event |
bpmTimePlanStageType | This represents the time-plan for a given stage within a BPM workflow. If a time-plan is not present for a given… |
bpmTimePlanType | BPM stage types. |
bpmViaNodeType | This node does not provide any function other than facilitate via’s in the flow to optimize the layout asthetics |
bpmWebCallCustomHeaderType | No description |
bpmWebCallNodeType | This webcall node calls a http request and can wait for an outcome response. |
bpmWebCallParameterType | No description |
buzzActivityType | This type is used to represent a an activity object. |
buzzCommentType | This type is used to represent a comment. |
calendarDayTimePeriodType | This type represents a period of time within a 24 hour day. A timeslot must be defined on a 15-minute… |
captureBranchGotoIfType | This node is used to conditionally route to the next node. |
captureBranchNodeType | This node is used to control flow in a progressive capture. |
captureCancelNodeType | This node is used to bring the intelligent an end with no further action taken, and the captured input data… |
captureCustomFormType | This node is used to define custom form data. |
captureCustomQuestionOption | This node is used to define question options. |
captureCustomQuestionPropertyCondition | This node is used to define a field state expression. If expression is true then set field properties as defined in… |
captureCustomQuestionType | This node is used to define single question. |
captureEndlNodeType | This node is used to control flow in a progressive capture. |
captureFlowType | The flow defined for the capture form. It should have one start node and atleast one stop node. |
captureFormNodeType | This node is used to display form. |
captureNextNodeType | This node is used to define what progressive capture to load next. Allows flows to jump between each other. |
captureNodeType | Different BPM node types. |
captureQuestionCoWorkerSelectType | This type represents a Co-worker picker field. |
captureQuestionDatabaseSelectList | This type represents custom databaseList ui select box field. |
captureQuestionDateBetweenType | This type represents a date between picker component. Used to select a start and end date. |
captureQuestionDateTimeType | This type represents a date picker field. |
captureQuestionDateType | This type represents a date picker field. |
captureQuestionDropdownSelectDynamicType | This type represents a date picker field. |
captureQuestionDropdownSelectType | This type represents a drop down single select where the options are defined at design time. |
captureQuestionFileUploadType | This type represents a file upload component field. |
captureQuestionGroupSelectType | This type represents a group picker field. |
captureQuestionLabelType | This type represents a label field. |
captureQuestionMultiCheckboxDynamicType | This represents a multi-option checkbox where the options are obtained from a data provider. |
captureQuestionMultiCheckboxType | This represents a multi-option checkbox where the options are defined at design time. |
captureQuestionMultiLineTextType | This represents a multi-line text field. |
captureQuestionRadioSelectDynamicType | This type represents a radio selector field. |
captureQuestionRadioSelectType | This type represents a radio single select where the options are defined at design time. |
captureQuestionTextType | This type represents a text field. |
captureStartNodeType | This node provides the one and only starting point for the capture form |
catalogItemListType | Information about a catalog item |
chartAxisDefinition | Chart axis definition. |
chartDataSeriesType | a data series, a set of values representing one on the data series (can have multi series chart) |
chartDataSourceDefinition | Defines how to get data for a chart. |
chartDataTickType | a label for the tick axis. i.e. jan, feb,march,april |
chartDataValueType | Detailed information about the value |
chartFontType | Chart font definition. |
chartLabelAxisType | Chart label axis definition. |
chartNumericalAxisType | Chart axis definition. |
chartStyleBorderDefinition | Chart style border definition. |
chartStyleDefinition | Chart style definition. |
chartStyleGridDefinition | Chart style border definition. |
chartStyleLegendDefinition | Chart style legend definition. |
chartTargetPointDefinition | Chart target point. |
chartTargetPointType | Chart target point. |
configOptionListType | This type represents an application or system configuration option returned in a list of options. |
conversationlastMessageInfoType | This type represents the last message posted in the conversation. |
conversationMessageInfoType | This type represents the result of the search message(s) item in conversation. |
cryptoKeyInfoType | Information detail relating to the local identity provider. |
customDatabaseFieldType | This type defines a custom database column. |
customDocumentFieldType | This type defines a custom document column. |
customFieldConfigType | This type defines a custom database column. |
customFieldSetType | This type defines a custom fields collection. |
customFormContainerType | This object represents a collection of related forms. |
customFormDefinitionType | This type defines a custom form that has fields in it that can be databound. |
customFormType | This object represents a form that contains one or more fields. |
dashboardDefinitionType | Dashboard definition type. |
dashboardLayoutDefinition | Dashboard layout definition. |
dashboardLayoutRow | Dashboard layout row containing 0 or more widgets. |
dashboardLayoutWidget | Dashboard layout row widget. |
dashboardSlideshowDefinitionType | Dashboard slideshow definition type. |
dashboardTitleDefinition | Dashboard title definition. |
databaseColumnListType | No description |
databaseColumnType | Information about extended meta data settings available for each column. |
databaseIndexListType | No description |
databaseIndexType | Information about an index attributes that control the hard settings. |
databaseMetaDataType | No description |
databaseSchemaType | No description |
databaseTableListType | Information about a table attributes that control the hard settings. |
databaseTableType | Information about a table attributes that control the hard settings. |
dataImportDefinitionType | This type defines a data import definition. |
dataImportTransformType | This type defines the configuration of a data transform. |
dataListCustomSqlType | defines a custom select sql statement for list of data to display. |
dataListDatabaseSourceType | defines how to get data for a datalist widget. |
dataListStaticRowDataType | defines a static row of data |
dataListStaticSourceType | defines a static list of data to display. |
davFolderRightsType | This type defines the WebDAV folder rights. |
dbGraphDefinition | This represents config information required to build a graph from a db |
dbGraphEdge | This represents config information required to build edges of a graph |
dbGraphNode | This represents config information required to build nodes of a graph |
dbGraphQuery | This represents config information required to build nodes of a graph |
deskConfigType | This type represents configuration information for the desk |
deskPriorityType | Configuration for priorities, priority matrix and priority assesments. |
documentPartInfo | Information about a document part |
domainFlagsType | This type represents the domain flags. |
emailRoutingRuleFlagsType | DEPRECATED: This type defines the flags that control the behavior of e-mail inbound routing rules. |
embeddedFileAttachmentType | This type represents a file with the file data embedded as BASE64 encoded content. |
entityAccessControlType | This type represents the entity access controls. |
entityActionAutomationRunType | This node is used to invoke any installed ITOM packages. |
entityActionCreateTaskType | No description |
entityActionFlowcodeCallType | This node is used to invoke any flowcode operations. |
entityActionIntegrationCallType | This node is used to invoke an integration operation. |
entityActionRunbookRunType | This node is used to spawn runbook processes. |
entityActionSetProgressType | This action to update progress status. |
entityActionSetValuesType | This action to update progress status. |
entityActionWorkflowStartType | This action to update progress status. |
entityAttachFileInfo | This type provides information about an entity file attachment |
entityAttachFolderInfo | This type provides information about a folder related to an entity record |
entityColumnNameListType | This type represents how the data::entityGetNameList operation returns data. |
entityColumnsListType | This type represents entity column list type. |
entityDataChangeLogType | This type represents configuration for data change logging/auditing. |
entityDatasetType | This type is used to encapsulate the data for entity related data operation. |
entityDynamicRelatedEntityType | This type defines properties of a dynamic related entity |
entityEmailTemplatesType | Configuring email templates. |
entityFileAttachmentStoreInfoType | This type represents the entity file attachment store info. |
entityFixedRecordValuesType | This type represents entity fixed record value(s). These values are applied to the record on insert The… |
entityFixedRecordValueType | This type represents entity fixed record value. |
entityIndexedColumnListType | This type represents index columns list. |
entityIndexedColumnType | This type represents entity free text search column mapping. |
entityMailTemplateFieldInfoType | Information about a parameter that can be used in an entity related email template. |
entityMappedValueType | This type represents entity mapped value type. |
entityOptionsType | This type defines the flags for log message severity levels used in logging control. |
entityPrimaryDatasetType | This type is used to encapsulate the data for primary entity related data operation. |
entityRelatedEntityInfoType | This type defines properties of a related entity |
entityRowLevelAccessControlType | This type represents the entity row level access controls. |
entityRuleActionConfigType | This type provides information about an entity rule action. |
entityRuleActionInformationType | This type provides information about an entity rule action. |
entityRuleExternalApprovalNodeType | No description |
entitySearchBrowseType | This type represents entity search/browse type. |
entitySelectRelatedRecordType | This structure is used to select a subset of result data when getting an entity record. |
entitySelectType | This structure is used to select a subset of result data when getting an entity record. |
entityUpdateDatasetType | This type is used to encapsulate a set of data for entity related data operations. |
esmCustomFormControlDefinition | This type defines a custom form control. |
esmCustomFormControlListType | This type defines a custom form control. |
esmCustomFormControlPosition | This type defines the positioning element of a custom form control. |
espEntityActivityStreamType | This type represents the entity related activity stream information. |
excelDataSourceType | This type defines the configuration for importing data from an excel spreadsheet. |
folderItemType | This type defines a folder object. |
freeTextSearchIndexingType | This type represents entity free text search indexing settings. |
geoLocationType | This type defines a location type to be used to represent the last or current location of a user. It should have… |
graphAnalysisJobDefinition | This represents what type of analysis needs to be done on the graph |
graphCentralityConfig | This represents what type of centrality algorithms need to be computed and stored for the graph |
graphDefinition | This represents config information required to build a graph |
graphNodeTypeFilter | This represents what type of centrality algorithms need to be computed and stored for the graph |
groupListType | This type represents the group details. |
groupMemberOptionsType | This type represents the group assignment options. |
groupMembershipType | This type represents the list of groups and its rights assigned to the role. |
groupOptionsType | This type represents the group options. |
groupUserListType | This type represents a user assigned to a group account. |
haiActionInfoItemType | Information about a service provider. |
haiListOutputType | Defines a set of instruction prompts. |
haiQueryInfoItemType | Information about an available query. |
hbuildCopyFileType | Copy a file. |
hbuildCopyFolderType | Copy a file. |
hbuildCreateFolderType | Will create a folder. |
hbuildExpandArchiveType | Copy a file. |
hbuildFileOperationType | Type used to define a file operation. |
hbuildNotificationType | information about who to notify |
hbuildPackageManagerType | Type used to define a remote command to execure. |
hbuildPublishTestInfoType | Information about a published build test validation. |
hbuildReleaseStreamType | Information about a release stream for a product. |
hbuildScpCopyFileType | Copy a file. |
hbuildSequenceInfoType | Information about a buildable sequence. |
hbuildSshRemoteExec2Type | Type used to define a remote command to execure. |
hbuildSshRemoteExecCommandType | Type used to define a remote command to execure. |
hbuildSshRemoteExecType | OBSELETE, Please see hbuildSshRemoteExec2Type - Type used to define a remote command to execure. |
hbuildStreamDependancyType | Information about a dependancy on a previous release stream. |
hbuildStreamPushType | Information about when to push forward to the next stream. |
hbuildTestTargetPropType | This type is used to custom test startup properties. |
hbuildValidationRegisteredTestType | Information about an automated validation test. |
hbuildValidationTestType | Information about a file to publish. |
hbuildVersionInfoType | Project version information. |
iBridgeCredentialType | No description |
iBridgeDataImportType | This node is used to invoke any ibridge operations. |
iBridgeInputParameterType | No description |
iBridgeLicenseType | Information about the license/usage associated with this integration |
indexStatisticsType | This type is the statistics of a single index in an Elasticsearch cluster. |
indexStatusType | This type is the status of a single index in an Elasticsearch cluster. |
inputParameterType | A general purpose input parameter name/value. |
instanceProcessRunStateType | This type defines information available about a running ESP service. |
ipLocationType | This type defines location information for an IP address. |
keystoreItemType | This type defines a custom database column. |
keyValueStringToStringType | This type is used for a general key/value pair type. |
languageInfoType | This type represents information about a language that is supported by the server. |
libDocumentSharePermissionsType | This type represents the permissions that can given when sharing a document with someone. |
libOptionsType | This type represents the library options. |
lifecyclePhaseType | This object represents a lifecycle phase definition |
lifecyclePhaseWorkflowType | This object represents a lifecycle definition |
localIdentityProviderType | Information detail relating to the local identity provider. |
logMessageGroupType | This type defines the log message groups available for system logging control. |
mailboxFolderCountType | This type provides basic information about a mailbox folder count. |
mailboxRightsInfoType | This type represents rights that are associated with a mailbox. |
mailboxRightsType | This type represents the mailbox rights. |
mailLogItemType | This type represents inbound/outbound message log entries. |
mailRecipientType | This type represents a single recipient in an e-mail message. |
measureFrequencyType | Defines the frequency a measure should take a sample |
measureListItemType | This type is used when returning a list of defined measures. |
measureTrendData | A collection of measured data |
measureTrendValueType | Defines tsample value |
messageInfoType | This type lists all the message. |
noticeActivationConditionsType | This type represents the conditions under which a notice becomes activated. |
noticePresentationTargetType | This type represents information about a notice that is being shown to a user |
notificationBasicRuleElementType | “Encapsulates a basic notification group and a filter effect” |
notificationBasicRuleQueryElementType | “Encapsulates a basic notification group and a filter effect” |
notifyMessageItemType | This represents the notification message posted via event service. |
orderByColumnType | This type defines the order by column . |
outputParameterType | A general purpose ouput parameter name/value. |
pageInfoType | This type is used for paging. |
portalGrantContactAccessType | Information to grant access to a portal for a contact. |
portalOptionsType | This type represents the portal options. |
portalUiConfigAboutSettingsType | portal about us config settings. |
portalUiConfigContactUsSettingsType | portal contact config settings. |
portalUiConfigGeneralSettingsType | general portal ui config settings. |
portalUiConfigHomepageSettingsType | home page settings for portal ui. |
portalUiConfigLoginUiSettingsType | portal login ui settings etc |
portalUiConfigSocialSettingsType | portal social ui config settings. |
portalUiLoginConfigCssSettingsType | portal login ui settings etc |
primaryEntityQueryDatasetType | The name of the relationship this data set relates to. |
priorityAssesmentConfigType | Priority matrix configuration. |
priorityMatrixConfigType | Priority matrix configuration. |
priorityValueNameType | Priority matrix configuration. |
profileCodeListType | This type represents the top-level list of profile codes. |
propListMultiValType | This type represents a list of properties, where the element name is the property name, mapped to the value of that… |
propListType | This type represents a list of properties, where the element name is the property name, mapped to the value of that… |
regionalSettingsType | This type represents the regional settings. |
relatedEntityQueryDatasetType | The name of the relationship this data set relates to. |
releaseNoteType | information about a release note |
reportChartDefinition | info about report chart |
reportCharts | info about report charts |
reportDataSourceDefinition | info about report data source |
reportDataSourceEntityDefinition | info about report entity data source |
reportDataSourceFilterCustomDefinition | custom hardcoded section filter clause |
reportDataSourceFilterDbLookupDefinition | database lookup info used for - comparing to another able in the select |
reportDataSourceFilterHardcodedDefinition | hardcoded values for section filter |
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptDefinition | runtime info used input for report |
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptDisplayDefinition | runtime info used input for report |
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptStaticList | static list items |
reportDataSourceFilterUserPromptStaticListItemDefinition | user prompt static list item |
reportDataSourceJoinTableDefinition | report join on table |
reportDataSourceMeasureDefinition | info about report measure data source |
reportDataSourceQueryPart | a section of the where clause |
reportDataSourceQueryStructureDefinition | The structure of the report sql select query. this is used to build the actual sql select statement |
reportDataSourceRawSqlDefinition | info about report raw select sql data source |
reportDataSourceSelectColumnDefinition | select column for report |
reportDataSourceSelectColumnOptionsDefinition | report select column options |
reportDataSourceSimpleSelectColumnDefinition | select column for report |
reportDataSourceTablesDefinition | report join on tables |
reportDataSourceWhereClauseDefinition | where clause sections, combined sections to make up valid where clause (andor, bracket or sectio) |
reportDataSourceWhereClauseSectionDefinition | where clause section where we are testing a condition against a selected tabel column |
reportDefinitionType | Report definition type. |
reportDeliveryType | Settings to define the devliery of the Report output |
reportDeliveryTypesDocumentType | Settings to define the devliery of the Report output via Document |
reportDeliveryTypesEmailType | Settings to define the devliery of the Report output via email |
reportDeliveryTypesSFTPType | Settings to define the devliery of the Report output via SFTP |
reportDisplayDefinition | display, layout, output settings for the chart. |
reportDisplayOptionsDefinition | display output options |
reportGroupDisplayOptionsDefinition | display output options for grouped report data |
reportInputParameterType | Report input parameter. |
reportRunDeliveryType | Information about a report Delivery. |
reportRunItemType | Information about a report run. |
reportRunOutputFileType | Information about a report output file. |
reportRuntimeParametersType | Report input parameters. |
reportScheduleType | Settings to define the devliery of the Report output |
requestActionLinkedActrosType | Configuration for linked actros defeind for this request type. |
requestCustomFieldType | Custom fields defined for this request type |
requestFeatureAssignType | Options for the assign action of a request. |
requestFeatureAttachFilesType | options for the attaching of files to a request. |
requestFeatureAutoCloseType | Configuration to control how requests are auto-closed after they have been in the resolved state for a period of time |
requestFeatureAutoTasksType | Configuration for Auto Tasks configuration. |
requestFeatureBusinessRulesType | Configuration for email integration with this request type. |
requestFeatureCallbackType | options for the callback action of a request. A callback is set for a speicific date time, the request shows… |
requestFeatureCancelType | options for the cancel action of a request. |
requestFeatureCloseType | options for the close action of a request (sm does not support this?). |
requestFeatureCustomActionsType | Configuration for custom actions defeind for this request type. |
requestFeatureCustomFieldsType | Custom fields defined for this request type |
requestFeatureEmailType | Configuration for email integration with this request type. |
requestFeatureEventLog | Configration related to the event log |
requestFeatureHumanTasksType | Configuration relatted to request human tasks |
requestFeatureIntelligentCaptureType | request makes use of intelligent capture feature. |
requestFeatureLinkedRequestsType | Configuration for linked requests defeind for this request type. |
requestFeatureProfileCodesType | options for the assigning of profile categories to a request |
requestFeatureResolveType | options for the resolution action of a request. |
requestFeatureSubStatusType | request makes use of sub-status feature |
requestFeatureTimelineType | Configuration relatted to request timeline |
requestFeatureType | The feature(s) available for a request. |
requestFeatureUpdateType | Options/configuration for the update action of a request. |
requestFeatureWorkflowType | request makes use of business processing feature. |
requestPluginAssetType | options for when linking asset(s) to a request |
requestPluginBoardType | options for when associating request to a board in board manager |
requestPluginDocumentType | Configuration for Docuemnt Manager Integration. |
requestPluginKnowledgeType | options for integrating with knowledge management. |
requestPluginServiceType | options for when linking service to a request |
requestPluginTimesheetType | options for timesheet manager time recording when performing actions on a request |
requestPluginType | The plugins available for use with request. |
requestPriorityAssesmentQuestionAnswerType | Priority matrix assesment question answer. |
requestPriorityAssesmentQuestionType | Priority matrix assesment question. |
requestPriorityAssesmentThesholdType | Priority matrix configuration. |
requestPriorityMatrixCellValueType | Priority matrix configuration. |
requestPriorityType | which desk priority config type to use when logging this type of request. |
requestQueueConfigType | This type represents the ui configuration of a desk queue. |
requestQueueMemberOptionsType | True or false set of options for am mebers options and permissions within this queue. |
requestQueueOptionsType | True or false set of options for a queue’s behavior. |
requestSubStatusConfigType | This type represents the configuration for a request sub-status |
requestTypeConfigType | This type represents the configuration of a request type. |
requestTypeOptionsType | True or false set of options for a request create options. |
requestTypeTemplateType | This type represents the configuration of a request type. |
rightInfoType | Meta information about a specific right |
runbookNodeType | This node is used to spawn runbook processes. |
saml20IdentityProviderType | Information detail relating to the SAML 2.0 identity provider. |
samlSsoServiceType | Information relating SAML SSO service type. |
sampleDateRangeType | Defines the date range a sample covers. |
samplePeriodFilterType | Defines how to get data for a chart measure group by. |
scheduleDayMaskType | This type defines day inclusion mask for scheduled jobs. |
scheduleMonthMaskType | This type defines month inclusion mask for scheduled jobs. |
scorecardDataMeasureType | score card dataset based on a measure |
searchColumnType | This type defines the search criteria for a column. |
serverFileAttachmentType | This type represents a file. |
serviceSubscriptionOptionsType | This type represents the service subcription Options. |
sessionVariableType | This type is used to hold session-specific state variables such as “Current User/Current Group”. |
settingsType | This type represents the profile settings. |
simpleFieldValueItemType | This type represents a (field,value) pair. |
sisDiscoveryJobOptionsType | The options required by the discovery process to run |
sisExtraCredentialInfoType | No description |
sisExtraCredentialType | No description |
sisJobInputParameterType | No description |
sisJobOutputParameterType | No description |
sisJobOutputParamType | A basic SIS job output param def. |
sisJobResultInfoType | Information about a SIS job |
sisPackageOperationCommandTypeGeneric | an ITOM operation generic definition. |
sisPackageOperationCommandTypeMsi | an ITOM operation MSI definition. |
sisPackageOperationCommandTypeRunFile | an ITOM operation that runs a selected file. |
sisPackageOperationParameterType | A SIS package operation input param def. |
sisPackageOperationType | an ITOM package operation definition. |
siteIntegrationNodeType | This node is used to invoke any installed ITOM packages. |
sizeType | This type is used to represent size of a 2D item. |
slideShowSlideDefinition | A slideshow slide. |
stringArray | A contigous collection of data stored as strings |
subscriptionParameterType | Subscription paramter |
subscriptionProductFeatureType | Subscription product feature |
subscriptionProductSubscriptionType | Subscription product |
systemRightsAType | This type represents the system rights group A. |
systemRightsBType | This type represents the system rights group B. |
systemRightsCType | This type represents the system rights group C. |
systemRightsDType | This type represents the system rights group D. |
systemRightsEType | This type represents the system rights group E. |
systemRightsFType | This type represents the system rights group F. |
systemRightsGType | This type represents the system rights group G. |
systemRightsHType | This type represents the system rights group H. |
systemRightsType | This type represents the system rights and privilege level for the session. |
tableListItemType | Complex type for table list |
taskInfoType | The information of the tasks. |
taskOptionsType | This type defines the options related to a task. |
taskOutcomeType | This describes a task outcome. |
timezoneListItemType | This type represents the information returned for one item in a timezone list. |
typedInputParameterType | A general purpose input parameter type/name/value. |
typedOutputParameterType | A general purpose ouput parameter type/name/value. |
tzLocalTimeType | This type represents a timezone specific time |
userAccountSecurityOptionsType | This type defines the security options related to a account. |
userAccountSelectType | Information about a scheduled job log entry |
userAttributesType | This type represents the user attributes of the profile code. |
userAvailabilityFlagsType | This type represents the availability flags. |
userBasicInfoListOrderBy | Defines how a basic user information list can be ordered by |
userExtendedProfileData | No description provided |
userListOrderBy | Defines how a users list can be ordered by |
userListType | This type represents the data associated with the user. |
userProfileData | No description provided |
userProfileListOrderBy | Defines how a users list can be ordered by |
userTemplateGroup | Defines a group that should be applied to a user when created form a template |
widgetChartDataDefinition | Chart widget data defines structure of chart data. Note ticks and series data should be in the order of the defined… |
widgetChartDataSeriesCustom | Defines how to get custom data for a chart data series. |
widgetChartDataSeriesLegendType | Defines legend info for data series. |
widgetChartDataSeriesMeasure | Defines how to get data for a chart measure group by. |
widgetChartDataSeriesMeasureGroupBy | Defines how to get data for a chart measure group by. |
widgetChartDataSeriesSqlGroup | Defines how to get sql group by data for a chart data series. |
widgetChartDataSeriesTimeSeries | Defines how to get time series type of data for a chart data series. |
widgetChartDataSeriesType | Defines how to get data for a chart. |
widgetChartDefinition | Chart widget defines structure so can be used with most charting tools. |
widgetCounterDataDefinition | scorecard widget data |
widgetCounterDefinition | Counter widget that runs off a data measure to show the current sample value. |
widgetCountlistData | Defines structure of countlist data. |
widgetCountlistDataDefinition | Defines structure of countlist data which will be returned for countlist widget definition type |
widgetCountlistDefinition | Countlist widget - displays a list of items consisting of a title and a count value from a sql statement |
widgetCountlistItemDefinition | Countlist item properties |
widgetCustomDefinition | custom widget. |
widgetDataColumnType | a select data column definition. |
widgetDatalistDataDefinition | data list widget data |
widgetDatalistDataRowColumnType | a single column value |
widgetDatalistDataRowType | a dataset representing a row returned for data list widget |
widgetDatalistDefinition | Datalist widget defines a data list (notice board) structure. Can read from db or have static list items |
widgetDatalistHeaderType | the headers to use for the data list based on xml def settings |
widgetDefinitionType | Widget definition type. |
widgetDrilldownDataSet | Widget data set for returning widget’s drill down data. |
widgetDrillDownMeasureSampleGroupByAggregationFilter | Aggregation filter for measure sample group by widgets to narrow down drill down data |
widgetMenuDefinition | Information about the widget |
widgetMenuDefinitionDrillDownType | Information about the widget |
widgetScorecardDefinition | Scorecard widget that runs off 1 or more data measures. |
widgetScorecardGroupByDefinition | Scorecard widget that runs off 1 or more data measures. |
widgetScoreDataDefinition | scorecard widget data |
widgetStyleDefinition | Information about the styling of the widget container |
workflowDefinitionType | This type defines a workflow definition. |
workflowLookupTableColumnType | This type defines a workflow definition. |
workflowLookupTableRowType | This type defines a workflow definition. |
workflowLookupTableRowValueType | This type defines a workflow definition. |
workflowLookupTableType | This type defines a workflow lookup table type. |
workspaceConfigType | Information related to the configuration of a workspace. |
workspaceCustomizedHeaderConfigType | Information related to the configuration of a workspace. |
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