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Searching in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
Search results have been limited. There are a total of {{docApp.searchResponse.totalResultsAvailable}} matches.

You have an odd number of " characters in your search terms - each one needs closing with a matching " character!

{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


Complex Types - userListType


This type represents the data associated with the user.


Name Type Occurrence Description
accountStatus accountStatusType Required The account status of the specified user.
createdBy xs:string Required The person who created this user account.
createdOn xs:dateTime Required The date/time this user account was created.
employeeId xs:string Required The Employee id of the user.
firstName xs:string Optional The first name of the user.
lastKnownLocation geoLocationType Optional The user’s last known location.
lastLogOnTime xs:dateTime Optional The last login time of the user.
lastName xs:string Optional The last name of the user.
lastUpdatedBy xs:string Optional The person who last updated this user account.
lastUpdatedOn xs:dateTime Optional The last time this user account was updated.
loginId xs:string Required The Login id used by the user when logging into Hornbill.
name nameType Required The display name of the user.
onlineStatus onlineStatusType Optional Online status of the user
userId accountIdType Required The id of the user.
userType accountUserType Required The type of the user account.
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