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  1. {{book.title}}


Complex Types - databaseTableType


Information about a table attributes that control the hard settings.


Name Type Occurrence Description
@name xs:string Required The name of the table in the database.
@primaryKey xs:string Optional Contains the name of the column(s) that form the table primary key. If the table does not have a primary key then this attribute can be absent or empty.
@reportExclude xs:boolean Optional Set this to ‘true’ if you want to exclude this table from general reporting. The purpose of this option is to reduce the table selections available to users not using the advanced mode.
@sysExclude xs:boolean Optional Set this to ‘true’ if you want to exclude this table from the application settings. This will be ignored if the “sysRequired” property is set to ‘true’. This attribute only has meaning when defined in a schema within an application, it does not apply to the system schema defined under “All Applications”.
@sysRequired xs:boolean Optional Set to yes if the table is required by the system. Marking a table required means it can not be hidded through application schema or soft (administrative) settings. This attribute only has meaning when defined in a schema within “All Applications”.
columns databaseColumnListType Required Information about extended meta data settings available for each column.
description xs:string Optional Provides a description as to the purpose of the table.
displayName xs:string Optional Allows you to define a human-friendly name for the table.
indexes databaseIndexListType Optional Information about an index attributes that control the hard settings.
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