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Complex Types - iBridgeDataImportType


This node is used to invoke any ibridge operations.


Name Type Occurrence Description
connectorId xs:integer Required The connector id for operation.
methodPath xs:string Required The method path for the operation.
methodSchemaPath xs:string Required The method schema path for the operation.
methodName xs:string Optional The method display name for the operation.
credential Array<iBridgeCredentialType> Optional The keySafe ID for the credentials required by this integration.
parameter Array<iBridgeInputParameterType> Optional The input parameters to pass to this flowcode operation.
ibridgeRequestParameters xs:string Optional Hornbill’s iBridge supported more complex data structures for input parameters. When this represents an iBrdige node, this property can be used instead of the ‘parameter’ property to sepcify the request parameter content as a JSON object. If this is specified then the ‘parameter’ property is disregarded.
timeout xs:unsignedInt Optional
The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the integration call to complete before a timeout is returned.
metaData xs:string Optional any ui meta data as json string.
processingType iBridgeImportProcessingType Required The processing that will be carried out on the data.
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