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Complex Types - instanceProcessRunStateType


This type defines information available about a running ESP service.


Name Type Occurrence Description
build xs:unsignedInt Optional The build number of the service module.
cpuTime xs:unsignedInt Optional The amount of CPU time (0-100%) being consumed by this process.
handleCount xs:unsignedInt Optional The number of handles in use by this process.
installed xs:boolean Optional
Indicates the service is installed.
memory xs:unsignedLong Optional The amount of memory (in bytes) being used by this process.
name xs:string Required The name of the service.
processId xs:unsignedInt Optional The process ID this service is running as.
running xs:boolean Optional
Indicates the service is running.
stateChanged xs:boolean Optional Used internally only, has no API related meaning
threadCount xs:unsignedInt Optional The threads running in this process.
upTime xs:duration Optional The amount of time this service has been running.
version xs:string Optional The version of the service module.
xmlmcEndpoint xs:anyURI Optional The XMLMC service endpoint for this process if available.
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