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Searching in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
Search results have been limited. There are a total of {{docApp.searchResponse.totalResultsAvailable}} matches.

You have an odd number of " characters in your search terms - each one needs closing with a matching " character!

{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


Complex Types - appInfoType


This type represents information about the application installed on a Hornbill ESP Server.


Name Type Occurrence Description
adminModules appAdminModulesType Optional Indicates the platform provided app admin modules that are reuqired by this application.
appAuthor xs:string Optional The original author of this application.
appCopyright xs:string Optional The author’s copyright message.
appInformationUrl xs:anyURI Optional A URL to information about this application.
appTitle xs:string Optional The application title.
appVersion xs:string Optional The version of the application when released.
availability xs:string Optional The availability of the application.
build xs:unsignedInt Optional The application’s current installation status.
featureOptionAnalytics xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the Advanced Analytics platform feature is required for/used by this application.
featureOptionAppUserSubscription xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the application requires user subscription management.
featureOptionAutoTask xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the Auto Task platform feature is required for/used by this application.
featureOptionBpm xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the BPM platform feature is required for/used by this application.
featureOptionEmailTemplates xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the application requires email template management.
featureOptionLifecycle xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the Lifecycle platform feature is required for/used by this application.
featureOptionProCap xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the Prgressive Capture platform feature is required for/used by this application.
featureOptionReporting xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the Reporting platform feature is required for/used by this application.
featureOptionSimpleLists xs:boolean Optional
DEPRECATED (see adminModules): Indicates that the application requires simple list management.
hotfix xs:unsignedInt Optional
The application’s current hotfix being applied.
icon xs:string Optional The application’s icon class
name appNameType Required The name of the application.
newBuildAvailable xs:unsignedInt Optional If specified and the value is greater than ‘build’ then a new version of the application is available.
platformEditionRequired platformEditionType Optional
Indicates that platform edition that is required for this application.
price xs:decimal Optional The price of the application.
shortDescription xs:string Optional The short description of the application.
status appStatusType Optional The application’s current installation status.
storeId xs:string Optional The store ID that this application was installed from.
versionTag xs:string Optional The application’s current version tag.
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