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Complex Types - widgetChartDataSeriesTimeSeries


Defines how to get time series type of data for a chart data series.


Name Type Occurrence Description
aggregate aggregationType Optional
Aggregate function to apply.
aggregateColumn xs:string Optional column to apply aggregate function on. No need to specify it if aggregation function is ‘COUNT’ Currently only functions on numeric type columns are supported. supplying non-numeric types may result in unpredictable behavior.
cascade xs:boolean Optional
Does the frequency cascades down from the top level date time construct.(year). For e.g Monthly frequency with cascade=“true” will give aggregation for each month,year combination but Monthly frequency with cascade=“false” can only give max 12 aggregations. One for each month, same months for different years are aggreagated into one
dateTimeColumn xs:string Required dateTime column to group on and build time series
drilldownColumns xs:string Optional comma seperated columns to select when doing drilldown
filter xs:string Optional where caluse filter
fromTable xs:string Required select from table
periodFilter samplePeriodFilterType Optional Specify this to restrict samples from a given time range
sample xs:integer Required number of rows to return
show orderDirectionType Required show in ascending/descending order
tickType sampleFrequencyPeriodType Optional Frequency with which to sample the time series
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