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  1. {{book.title}}


Security Role - Service Manager Authorised Guest

Role Information

  • Application Reference: com.hornbill.servicemanager
  • Type: Security - Roles of this type are shipped by Hornbill for the purpose of assigning platform and application rights to user sessions.
  • Privilege Level: Guest - The privilege level applied to any anonymous or authenticated guest on the system.

Role Rights

Application Rights

The following are the application rights assigned to the Service Manager Authorised Guest role.

Group A - Service Desk and Self Service

ID Description
viewRequests View Requests
viewCustomerRecords View Customer Records
manageBoards Manage Boards

Group B - Problem Management

There are no Group B application rights assigned to this role.

Group C - Change and Release Management

There are no Group C application rights assigned to this role.

Group D - Asset Management

There are no Group D application rights assigned to this role.

Group E - Service Level Management

There are no Group E application rights assigned to this role.

Group F - Service and Knowledge Management

There are no Group F application rights assigned to this role.

Group G - Self Service

ID Description
viewIncidents View Incidents
viewServiceRequests View Service Requests
viewChangeRequests View Change Requests
createIncidents Create Incidents
createServiceRequests Create Service Requests
createChangeRequests Create Change Requests
updateIncidents Update Incidents
updateServiceRequests Update Service Requests
updateChangeRequests Update Change Requests
closeIncidents Close Incidents
closeServiceRequests Close Service Requests
closeChangeRequests Close Change Requests
reopenIncidents Reopen Incidents
reopenServiceRequests Reopen Service Requests
reopenChangeRequests Reopen Change Requests

Group H - Entities Access Control

There are no Group H application rights assigned to this role.

System Rights

The following are the system rights assigned to the Service Manager Authorised Guest role.

Group A - systemRightsAType

ID Description
manageNotifications Can manage notifications
registerChannel Can register an event channel
deregisterChannel Can de-register an event channel
manageSlcs Can manage service level calendars
createSlc Can create service level calendar
updateSlc Can update service level calendar
deleteSlc Can delete service level calendar
manageTimers Can manage timer instances
createTimer Can create timer instance
updateTimer Can update timer instance
deleteTimer Can delete timer instance
executeStoredQuery Can execute stored query
canSpawnProcess Can spawn business process

Group B - systemRightsBType

ID Description
manageTasks Can manage tasks
createTask Can create task
updateTask Can update task
deleteTask Can delete task
addDocument Can add indexer document
updateDocument Can update indexer document
deleteDocument Can delete indexer document
manageIndexer Can manage indexer

Group C - systemRightsCType

There are no Group C system rights assigned to this role.

Group D - systemRightsDType

ID Description
refreshApplication Can reload application
addRecord Can add record
getRecord Can get record
updateRecord Can update record
deleteRecord Can delete record

Group E - systemRightsEType

ID Description
postMessage Can post activity message
deregisterActivityStream Can deregister activity stream
followActivityStream Can follow activity stream
unfollowActivityStream Can unfollow activity stream
likeActivity Can like activity or comment
unlikeActivity Can unlike activity or comment
queryActivityStream Can query activity streams
postComment Can post activity comment
editComment Can edit activity comment
deleteComment Can delete activity comment
createWorkspace Can create workspace
getWorkspace Can get workspace
joinWorkspace Can join workspace
leaveWorkspace Can leave workspace
addWorkspaceMember Can add members to workspace
removeWorkspaceMember Can manage timer instances
updateWorkspace Can update workspace
changeWorkspaceOwner Can change workspace owner
deleteWorkspace Can delete workspace
startConversation Can start conversation
getConversation Can get conversation
postConversation Can post a message to a conversation
searchConversation Can search conversations
addConversationMember Can add participants for a conversation
deleteConversation Can delete conversation
removeConversationMember Can remove participants for a conversation
manageProfileImages Can manage social objects profile images
searchActivity Can search activity streams

Group F - systemRightsFType

There are no Group F system rights assigned to this role.

Group G - systemRightsGType

There are no Group G system rights assigned to this role.

Group H - systemRightsHType

There are no Group H system rights assigned to this role.

In This Document