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Package - Start Deployment

Operation Information

Creates a package deployment to a Configuration Manager collection.

See the Start-CMDeployment cmdlet documentation for more information:

Input Parameters

Name Type Description Required Sensitive
SiteID string The ID of the target Site Yes No
PackageName string The name of the Package No No
ProgramName string The name of the Program within the Package No No
CollectionName string The name of the Collection to deploy the Package to No No
ScheduleEvent string One of: AsSoonAsPossible / LogOff / LogOn / SendWakeUpPacket No No
DeployPurpose string One of: Available / Required No No
StandardProgram boolean Indicates that the program type in the deployment package is standard program No No
SendWakeupPacket boolean Indicates whether to send a wake up packet to computers before the deployment begins No No
Rerun boolean Indicates whether the deployment reruns. If this value is True, the deployment runs again for clients as specified in the RerunBehavior parameter. If this value is False, the deployment does not run again No No
RerunBehavior string One of: AlwaysRerunProgram / NeverRerunDeployedProgram / RerunIfFailedPreviousAttempt / RerunIfSucceededOnpreviousAttempt No No
SoftwareInstallation boolean Indicates whether to install the deployed software outside of maintenance windows No No
SystemRestart boolean Indicates whether a system restarts outside a maintenance window No No
PersistOnWriteFilterDevice boolean Indicates whether to enable write filters for embedded devices No No
FastNetworkOption string One of: RunProgramFromDistributionPoint / DownloadContentFromDistributionPointAndRunLocally No No
SlowNetworkOption string One of: DoNotRunProgram / DownloadContentFromDistributionPointAndLocally / RunProgramFromDistributionPoint No No
AllowSharedContent boolean Indicates whether clients use shared content No No
Comment string Specify a Comment for the Deployment No No
UseMeteredNetwork boolean Indicates whether to allow clients to download content over a metered Internet connection after the deadline, which may incur additional expense No No
Server string The FQDN of the ECM Server No No

Output Parameters

Name Type Description Required Sensitive
outcome string Outcome of the operation. Can be OK, WARN or FAIL Yes No
errors string Any errors returned by the operation No No
warnings string Any warnings returned by the operation No No
advertisementId string The Advertisement ID No No
advertisementName string The Advertisement Name No No
packageId string The Package ID No No
collectionId string The Collection ID No No
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