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Device - Get Details

Operation Information

Gets information about a Configuration Manager device.

See the Get-CMDevice cmdlet documentation for more information:

Input Parameters

Name Type Description Required Sensitive
SiteID string The ID of the target Site Yes No
DeviceName string The Name of the Device Yes No
Server string The FQDN of the ECM Server No No

Output Parameters

Name Type Description Required Sensitive
outcome string Outcome of the operation. Can be OK, WARN or FAIL Yes No
errors string Any errors returned by the operation No No
warnings string Any warnings returned by the operation No No
adSiteName string The AD Site Name where the Device resides No No
clientState string The Client State No No
coManaged string The Co-Managed State No No
deviceOS string The device Operating System No No
domain string The Domain the device belongs to No No
epDeploymentState string The Endpoint Protection Deployment State No No
isAssigned string Is Assigned No No
isClient string Is the resource an installed Configuration Manager client No No
isDecommissioned string Is Decommissioned No No
isDirect string Is the resouerce a member through a direct rule No No
name string The Device Name No No
resourceId string The Resource ID No No
resourceType string The Resource Type No No
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