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Invoices / Create

Operation Information

Creates an invoice within Xero.

This is a Premium Integration.


This operation requires authentication, the details of which can be securely stored on your instance in a KeySafe Key of type Xero.

To create a key of this type:

  • In the Configuration area of your Hornbill instance, navigate to Platform Configuration > Security > KeySafe;
  • Click on the + Create New Key button;
  • On the resulting Create New Key form, choose Xero in the Type pick list;
  • Give the Xero KeySafe key a Title (this is the name / identifier for the Xero account as you will see it when using the cloud automation node in your workflows);
  • Optionally populate the Description field;
  • Click the Create Key button to create your new key;
  • Once the Key is created, you will need to connect to the target service, and your account, in order to authorize the connector app access to the listed operations. Click the Connect button and you will be redirected to the service provider in a popup window;
  • Log in to your account, and then you will be prompted to review the options you are authorizing the Hornbill connector to be allowed to perform using the chosen account;
  • Accept the review and you will be returned to your KeySafe key.

Revoking Access

If at any point you wish to revoke access to any of the above accounts from your Hornbill instance, just hit the Revoke button in the relevant KeySafe key(s).


This will revoke the rights of any existing Cloud Automation Node in your Hornbill Workflows that are using the revoked Xero account, so you will need to manage these workflows accordingly.

Input Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description Required Supported Values
Tenant ID tenantId string The Tenant ID for your system this is essential for Xero API Calls, please select the correct Tenant from the selction provided. Yes None provided
Invoice Type type string ACCPAY: A bill – commonly known as an Accounts Payable or supplier invoice ACCREC: A sales invoice – commonly known as an Accounts Receivable or customer invoice Yes
Invoice Contact ID contactID string The ID of the Contact associated with the Invoice. Yes None provided
Line Items lineItems array Items You Would Like Listed In This Invoice No None provided
Invoice Date date string Please enter the desired Invoice Creation Date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD No None provided
Invoice Due Date dueDate string Please enter the desired Invoice Due Date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD No None provided
Line Item Amount Types lineAmountTypes string Is the Line Item Amount inclusive of Tax. No Exclusive, Inclusive, No Tax
Invoice Reference reference string An Invoice refernce to help identify each Invoice. No None provided
Currency Code currencyCode string Please enter the Currecny Code you would like to be used. For Example: British Pound Sterling - GBP No None provided
Invoice Status invoiceStatus string The current status of an Invoice. No DRAFT, SUBMITTED, DELETED, AUTHORISED, PAID, VOIDED

Output Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description
Error Message error string Any errors returned by the Xero API
Status Code status string The status of the operation: ok / failed
Providing Organization Name providerName string The Name of the organization that provides the Invoice.
Invoice ID id string The ID of the created Invoice.
Invoice Type type string The specific type of Invoice that was created.
Invoice Number invoiceNumber string The Invoice Number.
Invoice Reference reference string The Refernce associated with the created Invoice.
Amount Due amountDue string The outstanding balance against the created Invoice.
Amount Paid amountPaid string The Amount paid towards the balance of this Invoice.
Invoice Sent To Recipient sendToContacts boolean Designate if this Invoice will be sent to Contacts within Xero.
Discounted isDiscounted boolean This field will state whether discounts are enabled against this Invoice.
Invoiced Contact ID contactID string The ID of the Contact associated with the Invoice.
Invoiced Contact Name contactName string The Name of the Contact that will be Invoiced.
Invoiced Contact Email Address contactEmail string The Contact Email that the Invoice will be sent to.
Invoice Due Date dueDate string The Date Invoice payments need to be made by.
Invoice Sub Total subTotal string The Sum of the Invoice before any discounts, taxes or additional charges.
Invoice Tax Amount totalTax string The Amount of Tax charged on an Invoice.
Invoice Total total string The Total amount charged to the Customer.
Invoice Currency currencyCode string The Currency Code that shows what the currency Invoice will be chraged in for example: British Pounds Sterling (BPS) U.S Dollards USD
Invoice Item Names items string The items
Invoice Item Codes codes string Returned codes.
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