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Contracts / Contract Get

Operation Information

Retrieves information about a Salesforce Contract.

This is a Premium Integration.


This operation requires authentication, the details of which can be securely stored on your instance in a KeySafe Key of type oAuth 2.0.

To create a key of this type:

  • In the Configuration area of your Hornbill instance, navigate to Platform Configuration > Security > KeySafe;
  • Click on the + Create New Key button;
  • On the resulting Create New Key form, choose oAuth 2.0 in the Type pick list;
  • Give the oAuth 2.0 KeySafe key a Title (this is the name / identifier for the oAuth 2.0 account as you will see it when using the cloud automation node in your workflows);
  • Optionally populate the Description field;
  • Populate the following fields accordingly, then click the Create Key button to create your new key:
Name Type Description
Client Id string Application Client Id
Client Secret string Application Client Secret
oAuth Scope string Application oAuth Scope
Authorize URL string Application Authorize URL
Access URL string Application Access UR
Response Type string Application Response Type
Additional Params string Application Additional Params
Additional Access Token Params string Application Additional Access Token Request Params
Grant Type string Application Grant Type
Refresh URL string Application Refresh URL
Refresh Grant Type string Application Refresh Grant Type
Refresh Body string Application Refresh Body
Revoke URL string Token Revoke URL
Token string Authentication Token
Refresh Token string Refresh Token
API Endpoint string Optional API Endpoint


Client ID and Client Secret should be populated with a valid Consumer Key and Consumer Secret. Values for the Authorize, Access, Refresh and Revoke URLs can be found on the Salesforce website.

Revoking Access

If at any point you wish to revoke access to any of the above accounts from your Hornbill instance, just delete the relevant KeySafe key(s) from the KeySafe list.


This will revoke the rights of any existing Cloud Automation Node in your Hornbill Workflows that are using the revoked oAuth 2.0 account, so you will need to manage these workflows accordingly.

Input Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description Required Supported Values
Contract Id id string ID for the Contract Yes None provided
Instance instance string SalesForce Instance Name Yes None provided

Output Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description
ID id string ID of the contract that was found
Activated Date activatedDate string Date and time when this contract was activated
Activated By ID activatedById string ID of the User who activated this contract
Customer Signed Date customerSignedDate string Date on which the customer signed the contract
Customer Signed ID customerSignedId string ID of the Contact who signed this contract
Contract Number contractNumber string Number of the contract
Company Signed Date companySignedDate string Date on which the contract was signed by your organization
Company Signed ID companySignedId string ID of the User who signed the contract
Start Date startDate string Start date for this contract
End Date endDate string End date for this contract
Status status string Contract status
Status Code statusCode string The status category for the contract
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