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{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
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{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


Entity Details: SupplierContracts


Supplier Contracts


  • Application Reference: com.hornbill.suppliermanager
  • Table: h_supplier_supplier_contracts

Entity Options

  • Enable Webhooks: true (default)
  • Visible To Reporting: false (default)
  • Enable Business Rules: false (default)
  • Disable Direct Access: false (default)

Entity Name List

No entity name list options have been defined.

Access Control

No access controls have been defined.

Entity Access Control

  • Privilege Level: none

No entity operation access controls have been defined.

Search and Browse Control


No search filter has been defined.

Searchable Columns

  • h_id
  • h_supplier_id

Result Columns

  • h_id
  • h_supplier_id

Free Text Index

Free text search index is not enabled for this entity.

File Attachment Store

  • Store ID: fs_entity
  • Timeout: PT10S
  • Key Expression: Not specified

Activity Stream

  • Visibility: public
  • Record Display Name: {%h_id%}
  • Activity Stream Reference Column: h_activity_stream_id
  • Contact Reference Column: none
  • Access Token Timeout: PT1H

Data Change Log

  • Data Change Log Table: h_sys_audit_trail

Data Change Log Columns

  • h_acquisition_method
  • h_agreed_compliance_target_percentage
  • h_budget_owner
  • h_business_owner
  • h_cancellation_notice_period
  • h_contact_email_address
  • h_cost_centre
  • h_currency
  • h_custom_0
  • h_custom_1
  • h_custom_2
  • h_custom_3
  • h_custom_4
  • h_custom_5
  • h_custom_6
  • h_custom_7
  • h_custom_8
  • h_custom_9
  • h_custom_10
  • h_custom_11
  • h_custom_12
  • h_custom_13
  • h_custom_14
  • h_custom_15
  • h_custom_16
  • h_custom_17
  • h_custom_18
  • h_custom_19
  • h_custom_20
  • h_custom_21
  • h_custom_22
  • h_custom_23
  • h_custom_24
  • h_custom_25
  • h_description
  • h_end_date
  • h_invoice_number
  • h_name
  • h_order_number
  • h_owned_by
  • h_payment_type
  • h_renewal_end_date
  • h_renewal_start_date
  • h_source_contract_id
  • h_start_date
  • h_status
  • h_sub_status
  • h_target_minutes_per_event
  • h_type
  • h_value
  • h_version
  • h_working_time_calendar

Entity Relationships


Name Related Entity Reference Key Foreign Key Mandatory Managed
supplierContractAssets SupplierContractAssets h_supplier_contract_id h_id false true
supplierContractAttachments SupplierContractAttachments h_supplier_contract_id h_id false true
supplierContractEvents SupplierContractEvents h_supplier_contract_id h_id false true
supplierContractWatchLists SupplierContractWatchLists h_supplier_contract_id h_id false true
In This Document