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Entity API / logRelease

Operation Information

  • Application Reference: com.hornbill.servicemanager
  • Scope: Entity - Releases
  • Class: Entity
  • Required Privilege Level: user
  • Required Rights: Group C - createReleases


This flowcode operation logs a Release using the provided parameters. Firstly it calls the component flowcode operation logRequest to actually log the release before updating the record with any extended table details. Finally it spawns a bpm process if a service id has been provided.

Request Parameters

The logRelease API takes the following input parameters. It is important to note that the parameters must satisfy the requirement of the input validation checks.

Name Type Required Description
summary xs:string No The release summary.
description xs:string No The release description.
requestType xs:string No The type of request (Release)
customerId xs:string No The customer Id (Co-worker / Contact). If the customer is a co-worker, the id will be their User ID. If the customer is a contact, the id will be the h_pk_id value of their record in the h_sys_contact table.
customerType xs:string No The customer type (Co-worker / Contact). 0 for a co-worker, 1 for a contact.
ownerId xs:string No The co-worker Id of the owner of the release.
teamId xs:string No The Id of the team assigned to the Request. This is the h_id value of the record in the h_sys_groups table for the assigned team.
employeeAssignmentId xs:string No The Id of the employee assignment assigned to the Request.
status xs:string No The status of the release. Examples are,, status.resolved. When not supplied, the value "" is considered.
priorityId xs:string No The Id of the chosen priority for the release. By default, High (1), Medium (2), Low (3).
categoryId xs:string No The Id of the chosen category for the release.
categoryName xs:string No The Name of the category
image xs:string No WebDAV path to an image (from email only).
sourceType xs:string No The source from where the release was raised (e.g. Email / Post).
sourceId xs:string No The Id if the source object it was raised from (if Email:messageId, if Post:ActivityStreamID and ActivityID).
assetId xs:string No The Id(s) of all assets to be associated to the release.
impact xs:string No The impact of the release. E.g. High, Medium, Low.
urgencyId xs:string No The ID of the request's Urgency level
serviceId xs:string No The id of the selected service. This will be used to spawn a bpm process.
questions xs:string No Questions that were answered during progressive capture
resolutionDetails xs:string No The resolution details if the release is to be raised and resolved at the same time.
fileName xs:string No The full path for the file(s) to be attached
releaseType xs:string No The type of release. E.g. Emergency/Standard/Normal.
siteId xs:string No ID of the site this request is affecting
siteName xs:string No Name of the site this request is affecting
catalogId xs:string No The Catalog Id the Request was raised against
catalogName xs:string No The Catalog Name the Request was raised against
externalRefNumber xs:string No This parameter is to be set with the External Reference Number of a Request.
bpmName xs:string No The custom BPM Name when raising a request via a customised Service Catalog
questionFieldMap xs:string No Question Field Map as JSON
connectionMap xs:string No Connection Map as JSON
connectionUpdateTimeline xs:boolean No Update timeline true/false
connectionTimelineVisibility xs:string No Visibility level of timeline updates for added connections. Timeline update visibility defaults to Team if not provided.

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
requestId xs:string The Id of the new release.
bpmProcessId xs:string The Id of the spawned Bpm process for the new release.
exceptionName xs:string The name / code of any exception thrown during the creation of the release.
exceptionDescription xs:string A description of any exception thrown during the creation of the release.
summary xs:string The provided summary of the release.
warnings xs:string Any warnings that were encountered when logging the release.

Code Examples

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