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Orchestration is fulfilled via the creation of a Runbook, enabling different operations to be bound together within a business process to perform a complete end to end solution. Allowing for the standardization/automation of best practices that improve efficiency, reliability and reducing user error. As an example, the onboarding of a new user could require the following to be set-up / configured:

  • AD User Account creation
  • Mailbox Creation
  • Forum / Wiki Access
  • Software Installation
  • Database Access rights

The above actions are most likely conditional based on information passed to the Runbook and logic provided by Hornbill’s Powerful Business Process Workflow tool. Only features specific to Runbooks will be discussed and any differences that there may be; for further details, refer to the Business Process Designer documentation. One of the main omissions is the use of Stages and Checkpoints as they are not required for use within a Runbook Process.

Runbooks List

Runbook List

  • Runbook
    The name of the Runbook.
  • Category
    Runbook Category.
  • Created By
    The User that created the Runbook process.
  • Created On
    Runbook Process creation date.
  • Updated By
    The User that last updated the Rnbook process.
  • Published version
    Runbook published version number.
  • Active State
    Identifies Active or De-Activated Runbooks.
  • Action Buttons
    Enables actions to be executed on the adjacent Runbook.
    • Publish
      Open the Publishing Manager.
    • Copy
      Createa a new copy of the Runbook.
    • Rename
      Rename the Runbook.
    • Delete
      Delete the Runbook.
    • Invoke
      Execute the Runbook.


Runbook List

  • Filter
    Free Text Filter on Runbook, Category & Created By.
  • Dropdown Filter
    Active State filter.
  • Search Button
    Searches process for a Set Value.
  • Manage Executed Processes
    Displays all executed processes, provides troubleshooting and process control features.
  • Create New
    Creates a new Runbook process.
  • Delete
    Delete selected Runbook(s).

Runbook Workflow

One significant difference with the workflow, as used within Applications such as Service Manager, is the definition of input and output parameters. Runbook process can be called via an applications workflow, using a Runbook Process node where the process can set and use the parameters the same as for system nodes.

Runbook List

Process Nodes

The following nodes are available for use within the Runbook processes and function mostly identically to how they work within the BPM Engine except for the parameter “Auto” and suspend features. We recommended that all parameters be manually entered or populated using variables and not The “Auto” feature, which relies on executing within the context of an application. Any nodes that can suspend the process will not be available for use within a Runbook, as they should be able to execute with no user interaction seamlessly.

  • Hornbill Automation
    Invoke Actions within a Hornbill Application or Core Feature.
  • Cloud Automation
    Interact with third-party systems via a Hornbill iBridge automation.
  • IT Automation
    Invoke an ITOM Package operation.
  • Decision
    Used to control the flow of a process based on the outcome of the previous node(s), with more complex logic possible via custom expressions using process variables. Each decision node allows for a maximum of three outcomes, where more than this is required, it is also possible to chain decision nodes with the use of a No Match outcome.
  • End
    Successfully terminate the process, allowing for values to be assigned, manually or via variables, to the output parameters as defined in the Runbook Processes settings.
  • Abort
    Abandons the process and sets the status to “Failed”, allowing for a message to be manually supplied or sourced via a variable.
  • Start Parallel Processing
    Allows a process stage to invoke more than one stream of actions and for these to run in parallel. Adding this node will enable multiple process streams to be defined, and these will run independently until brought back together by the Finish Parallel Processing node. Examples of this would be a requirement for assigning tasks to different teams, but there is no dependency or need to complete one before the other can be created and invoked in parallel.
  • Finish Parallel Processing
    Use this node to bring together and finish the individual process lines initiated from a Start Parallel Processing node.

Runbook Process Settings

Runbook List

  • Input Parameters
    Parameters which can be used throughout the process.
  • Output Parameters
    Parameters which will be passed on to the calling process.
  • Category
    Allowing for categorisation & searching.
  • Description
    Allowing for searching.
  • Display Options
    Normal/Projector - providing a more high contrast viewing alternative.
  • Access Granted To
    Access can be granted based on Role, User or Group.


IF the “Access Granted To” is set, the system will limit then the ability to run this particular Runbook to either specific users and those users who are members of the configured Groups

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