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Stop VM

Operation Information

This operation will power off a VMware vSphere Virtual Machine.

Extra Credentials

This operation requires an extra credential to be provided, stored in KeySafe, to the following specification:

  • Credential Reference: credential1
  • Credential Keysafe Key Type: Username + Password

Input Parameters

Name Type Description Required Sensitive
VMName string The name of the Virtual Machine to perform the action against Yes No
Port string Specifies the port on the server you want to use for the connection No No
Protocol string Specifies the internet protocol you want to use for the connection. It can be either http or https No No
NoTrustedCert boolean Specifies if the Connect-VIServer cmdlet will establish the connection without taking into account that the certificate is invalid Yes No
Kill boolean Indicates that you want to stop the specified virtual machines by terminating their processes running on the ESX. You can use this parameter to stop a virtual machine that is not responding and cannot be stopped or restarted in other ways Yes No

Output Parameters

Name Type Description Required Sensitive
outcome string Outcome of the operation. Can be OK, WARN or FAIL Yes No
errors string Any errors returned by the operation No No
warnings string Any warnings returned by the operation No No
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