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ZenDesk is a customer services ticketing solution. Hornbill's integration with ZenDesk enables the management of organizations, users and tickets from Hornbill workflows.
This is a Premium Integration.

Cloud Automations


Org Create Creates an organization record against a Zendesk instance.
Org Delete Deletes an organization record from a Zendesk instance.
Org Update Updates an organization record on a Zendesk instance.


Ticket Create Creates a ticket on a Zendesk instance.
Ticket Delete Deletes a ticket from a Zendesk instance.
Ticket Get Last Comment Retrieves the last comment from a Zendesk ticket.
Ticket Get Retrieves information about a Zendesk ticket.
Ticket Update Updates field values against a Zendesk ticket.


Agent Create Creates a new agent user record in Zendesk.
End User Create Creates a new end user record in Zendesk.
User Create or Update Creates or updates a user record in Zendesk.
User Create Creates a new user record in Zendesk.
User Delete Deletes a user record from Zendesk.
User Get Details Retrieves details about a Zendesk user
User Update Updates a user record in Zendesk.
In This Document