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TextAnywhere / Send SMS

Operation Information

Hornbill Integration Bridge method for sending an SMS using the TextAnywhere Gateway.

See the TextAnywhere SMS API Documentation for more information about the input parameters for this operation:

This is a Premium Integration.


This operation requires authentication, the details of which can be securely stored on your instance in a KeySafe Key of type TextAnywhere.

To create a key of this type:

  • In the Configuration area of your Hornbill instance, navigate to Platform Configuration > Security > KeySafe;
  • Click on the + Create New Key button;
  • On the resulting Create New Key form, choose TextAnywhere in the Type pick list;
  • Give the TextAnywhere KeySafe key a Title (this is the name / identifier for the TextAnywhere account as you will see it when using the cloud automation node in your workflows);
  • Optionally populate the Description field;
  • Populate the following fields accordingly, then click the Create Key button to create your new key:
Name Type Description
User ID string Client/User ID
User API Password string Client/User API Password

Revoking Access

If at any point you wish to revoke access to any of the above accounts from your Hornbill instance, just delete the relevant KeySafe key(s) from the KeySafe list.


This will revoke the rights of any existing Cloud Automation Node in your Hornbill Workflows that are using the revoked TextAnywhere account, so you will need to manage these workflows accordingly.

Input Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description Required Supported Values
Message Body body string Message to Send Yes None provided
Destinations destinations array The telephone numbers to send the SMS to, maximum 1000 numbers Yes None provided
Client Billing Reference clientbillingreference string This parameter sets the Client Billing Reference of your message, maximum 128 characters Yes None provided
Client Message Reference clientmessagereference string This parameter sets the Client Message Reference of your message, maximum 128 characters Yes None provided
Character Set ID charactersetid number 1 - Unicode; 2 - GSM 03.38 Yes 1, 2
Originator originator string This parameter sets the originator value for the free-to-receive message that you are sending, maximum 32 characters No None provided
Validity validity number This parameter sets the length of time in hours that a message will be attempted for delivery, prior to expiring and should be set to a value of between 1 and 72 Yes None provided
Reply Method ID replymethodid string This parameter operates in conjunction with the originator and replyData parameter settings Yes No Reply Option - Send 11 Characters, Reply To Email, Reply To Web Service, No Reply Option - Send Phone Number, Reply To URL, No Reply Option - Send Shortcode
Reply Data replydata string This parameter contains the actual location of the destination to which message replies should be sent. The context of the location is determined by the replyMethodID setting No None provided
Status Notification URL statusnotificationurl string This parameter sets the web page address that you would like delivery statuses for your outbound messages to be automatically delivered back to No None provided

Output Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description
status status string Integration Status
Response Code responseCode string SMS Send Response Code
Response Description responseDescription string SMS Send Response Description
In This Document