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Repositories / File Add

Operation Information

Adds a file to a repo.

This is a Free Tier Integration.


This operation requires authentication, the details of which can be securely stored on your instance in a KeySafe Key of type GitHub.

To create a key of this type:

  • In the Configuration area of your Hornbill instance, navigate to Platform Configuration > Security > KeySafe;
  • Click on the + Create New Key button;
  • On the resulting Create New Key form, choose GitHub in the Type pick list;
  • Give the GitHub KeySafe key a Title (this is the name / identifier for the GitHub account as you will see it when using the cloud automation node in your workflows);
  • Optionally populate the Description field;
  • Click the Create Key button to create your new key;
  • Once the Key is created, you will need to connect to the target service, and your account, in order to authorize the connector app access to the listed operations. Click the Connect button and you will be redirected to the service provider in a popup window;
  • Log in to your account, and then you will be prompted to review the options you are authorizing the Hornbill connector to be allowed to perform using the chosen account;
  • Accept the review and you will be returned to your KeySafe key.

Revoking Access

If at any point you wish to revoke access to any of the above accounts from your Hornbill instance, just hit the Revoke button in the relevant KeySafe key(s).


This will revoke the rights of any existing Cloud Automation Node in your Hornbill Workflows that are using the revoked GitHub account, so you will need to manage these workflows accordingly.

Input Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description Required Supported Values
Repository Owner repo_owner string GitHub Owner or Organization Yes None provided
Repository Name repo_name string GitHub Repo Yes None provided
Path path string File path Yes None provided
Message message string Commit Message Yes None provided
Content file_content string Contents of this file Yes None provided
Is encoded encoded boolean Set to true if the string is already base64 encoded, leave as false otherwise No None provided
Branch branch string The branch name (The default branch is master) Yes None provided
Committer Name committer_name string By default the authenticated user is used as the committer, both name and email must be set if you change this No None provided
Committer Email committer_email string By default the authenticated user is used as the committer, both name and email must be set if you change this No None provided

Output Parameters

Display Name ID Type Description
Name name string Name of the created file
URL url string The url to the newly added file
HTML URL html_url string The URL for the HTML
download URL download_url string The download link
sha sha string The Blob Sha of the file
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