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Have questions about this site?
What is this site?
- This website is Hornbill's new product documentation website and is currently under development.
- It is intended that all existing and future public-facing documentation we produce will be available to search, browse and share.
- Hornbill's current documentation is available at Hornbill Wiki but over time this content will be migrated to this documentation site.
- Please feel free to have a look around at any time.
Why has Hornbill created this site?
- Hornbill's products have moved on considerably since we introduced it almost 10 years ago. At the time, the MediaWiki tool was sufficient, but we have outgrown it.
- Our customers are more enterprise focused and more self-sufficient than ever before, so for 2023 and beyond we have established a new documentation platform and team to drive our documentation initiative forwards.
- We are aiming to deprecate the use of Hornbill Wiki for most Hornbill related documentation.
- We want to enable our growing partner network with product resources and information, documentation beyond our Wiki approach is required.
- We could definitely do with some help, and may even pay for some! If you have domain knowledge and would like to help, please check out our Hornbill Docs Contributor Guide and contact the Hornbill docs team at
What will this site be good for?
- Community contribution will be facilitated, encouraged, and most welcome.
- High quality documentation, will be kept up to date as rapidly as our products evolve.
- Real-time content search and discovery.
- Articles organized into books, books into libraries, creating a more natural and logical structure to our documentation.
- Legacy API documentation and various other documentation sources will all be consolidated into a single unified documentation system.
- Documentation available in browser as well as printable/viewable as PDF on demand.
- Personalized documentation experience, allowing dark/light mode, article subscriptions, social media sharing and other useful features.
- Almost all publicly available documentation on will be open-source and available to fork on GitHub, allowing customers to derive their own custom documentation around Hornbill products should they wish to.
What is the timeline for this site?
- We have taken the decision to publish and make available early, there is very little content at this time.
- As and when we have completed/usable documentation, it will be published here.
- We have a host of additional features we wish to add over time, so please watch this space.
- We expect most of our existing documentation should be reviewed/migrated to over the coming months.
- The documentation project will be ongoing, will continue to expand, evolve and improve day-by-day.
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The Hornbill Platform is offered to customers in two specific editions, referred to as Standard and Enterprise. Both editions offer the same levels of availability, security, data redundancy features, and uptime guarantees. For organizations deploying one or two primary applications, the Standard Edition meets their needs; our applications are optimized to run at scale on this edition. However, for some customers, either because of scale or because of complexity of the workload, the Enterprise Edition may be more appropriate or even required. The fundamental difference between the Standard and Enterprise editions is configuration of compute resources, with the Enterprise Edition tuned and resourced for the higher demands of system scalability, performance, redundancy, and MTR that enterprise organizations demand.
The compute resource configurations are not bespoke. We currently define two specific architectures (Standard and Enterprise). There is not a menu of options that customers can choose from.
Standard Edition architecture
The Standard Edition is the typical configuration for most customers using a single primary Hornbill application. Users access their application data through the application logic and a database, which is their primary database. The primary database (based on MariaDB) is a single transactional relational database that serves both transactional as well as read queries. For light to medium loads, workflows, and data sets, this configuration offers ample performance and reliability.
Enterprise Edition architecture
The Enterprise Edition is a more modular, horizontally scaled configuration, designed primarily to much greater transactional and query throughput, while also separating, balancing, and tuning compute resources to more equally match individual customer instance workloads. In addition to the configuration differences, there are a number of additional features offered that require more compute resources to function adequately and that are typically only demanded by enterprise organizations where higher levels of security, auditing, compliance, and performance at scale are required.
Platform edition feature matrix
The following feature list provides a side-by-side comparison of the two editions to help you evaluate them.
Scalability and architecture
Standard |
Enterprise |
Compute nodes/memory sharing | Up to 8 instances | Up to 4 instances |
Storage technology | SSD | NVME |
Storage configuration | RAID 5 | RAID 5 + 0 |
Active database server | Single | Multiple |
GEO Replica DR | Single (remote DC) | Dual (remote and local) |
Collaboration, application, and process users | Suitable for up to 500 users | No limit |
Main features
Standard |
Enterprise |
Collaboration | Y | Y |
Task Management | Y | Y |
Free applications | Y | Y |
Premium applications | Y | Y |
Shared mailboxes | Y | Y |
Document Management | Y | Y |
Reporting & Scheduling | Y | Y |
Advanced Analytics | $ | Y |
Advanced Reporting & Delivery | - | Y |
Direct Database Access | - | Y |
Standard |
Enterprise |
iBridge Cloud Integration Basic | Y | Y |
iBridge Cloud Integration Premium | $ | $ |
Enterprise Orchestration Integration Connectors | $ | $ |
Standard |
Enterprise |
TLS encryption | Y | Y |
Single sign-on (SAML 2.0) | Y | Y |
Data encryption at rest (AES-256) | Y | Y |
IP access controls | - | Y |
Advanced security compliance (Note 1) | - | Y |
Advanced DR (priority recovery)(Note 2) | - | Y |
Security audit reports and extended audit storage (Note 3) | - | Y |
Extended mobile access controls (Note 4) | - | Y |
- Advanced security compliance. This extends our standard platform by facilitating deeper and more bespoke individual support for security-related needs, including additional service features to provide you with more fine-grained controls over IP and mobile access, etc. In addition, we provide more personalized support for security audits, and where appropriate, can facilitate you reviewing Hornbill’s own ISM and compliance stats (charges generally apply).
- Priority DR time. Instances running on the Enterprise Edition of our platform include a Hot Backup replica database running in the same physical location as the primary and replica databases. This means in the event of a system failure that requires a database/storage rebuild, your data is already in the physical location, so mean time to recovery is significantly faster than that on Standard Edition, where the data is available in a remote data center and will need copying back to the primary DC for restoration. The transfer of data can take many hours for large data sets.
- Security auditing. This includes more comprehensive and granular security auditing, logging, and reporting capabilities generally required in enterprise organizations.
- Extended access controls. This provides more granular and lower-level control over access to your instance, including mobile device and IP address restrictions and access controls.
Choosing the right platform edition for your organization
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It’s important to say that the Standard Edition of the Hornbill platform is robust and capable; it scales well for many hundreds, even thousands of concurrently logged in and active users. So for most needs, the Standard Edition is more than adequate. However, in environments where you have large numbers of very active users, or where you have many complex workflows, large data throughput, large transaction volume (such as logging larger numbers of requests), handling large volumes of emails, orchestrating larger volumes of automations and workflows — these will all be driving factors of the Workload/Workflow axis. The point at which a customer will benefit from, or need the Enterprise Edition will be different for each customer, each instance, and each situation.
You may also require the Enterprise Edition at a smaller scale if you need the more advanced security features, or the guarantees for faster/prioritized system recovery in the event of a DR situation.
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