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Ensure your workflows are reliable
- Article
- Wed Aug 28 2024
- 2 minutes to read
- 1 contributors
As system administrators come and go and your service delivery evolves, the number of workflows configured in your instance inevitably grows over time. This is one area where good housekeeping is important, not just from a storage perspective, but also from an administrative standpoint. Workflows can be managed in Configuration > Service Manager > Customize > Workflows.
Ensure your workflows are reliable
Failed workflows can contribute to greater storage consumption. As part of workflow execution, an event log is generated; in the event of an issue, you can review the log’s actions and responses. An event log is generated for every workflow that is running in the application.
When the workflow reaches a successful conclusion (i.e. a state of Completed) or is canceled (a state of Canceled) its logs are purged 7 days after. Logs are only retained for workflow instances with a state of In progress, Suspended, or Failed. Workflows that are In progress or Suspended are still active, however those that are in a failed state have encountered problems and have stalled. Logs for failed processes are retained for much longer (3 months), so you have time to take action to understand the reason for failure and address this in the workflow design so that further workflow instances can avoid failure. Workflows that have already failed should be dealt with appropriately, either by fixing or canceling the specific workflow instance.
You can inspect the details of any active workflow in the Workflows section (Configuration > [application] > Manage Executed Workflows), of the associated application, for example, Service Manager.
You should monitor the Manage Executed Workflows area periodically to ensure workflows are running reliably through to completion. Any failed workflows should be investigated, and the root caused addressed.
Delete old workflow designs
Deleting old workflows that are no longer used will help manage the storage consumed.
To delete a workflow, click the Delete workflow button (trash can icon) in the workflow’s row in the list.
Workflows can be deleted only if there are no active instances of the design running in the application, for example in the case of Service Manager workflows running against requests.
Design efficiently
Many workflow operations have the option to post a timeline update to a request as part of performing the operation. While an individual timeline update doesn’t contribute a great deal to storage consumption, these will accumulate over time. Consider whether a timeline update as part of the workflow operation is really necessary before enabling it.
To control the timeline content generated by a workflow node, hover over the node, click the cog icon, and in Options, set the System Timeline Update and Manual Timeline Update parameters to Ignore.
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