


How can we help?


Searching in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
Search results have been limited. There are a total of {{docApp.searchResponse.totalResultsAvailable}} matches.

You have an odd number of " characters in your search terms - each one needs closing with a matching " character!

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  1. {{book.title}}

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  1. {{book.title}}


Hornbill App Store

The Hornbill App Store is a place where one can go to browse, install, and remove applications on your Hornbill Instance. Applications are categorized under Installed, Premium, and Free. By clicking on each available application you can view the details of that application.

Hornbill App Store

Application Details

Click on an app to see more details about the app.


  • Install
    If the application is not currently installed, an Install button will be available to install that app.
  • Update
    When a new update of an installed application is available, a notification will be displayed in the Hornbill App Store. Applications are automatically updated during the maintenance window (0530 UTC Mon-Fri). If you wish to apply the update before the maintenance window, you can proceed with applying the update immediately by clicking on the Update button.
  • Uninstall
    If you happen to have an application installed that you no longer need, it can be removed with a click of a button. Have you uninstalled it by mistake? Not a worry…your data is intact. Re-install and start from where you left off.
  • Latest Changes
    You can view the latest updates to each application, including what’s new, changed and fixed. If there is a pending update, the most recently displayed changes will not be applied until the update has been performed.

Road Map

Get a peak at some of the planned features for each app.

  • Incoming
    Features that have been agreed on and incorporated into our roadmap, but no timeframes allocated.
  • 90 Day Commit
    Features that have been committed for work to start within 90 days of being added.
  • In Progress
    Features that are currently under development
  • Completed
    Features that have recently been completed and are available to customers.

Update History

Find the dates, times, and build numbers of all the past updates to the app.

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