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Customer Portal Configuration

The Customer Portal is provided as an entry point for guest users, giving them a window into Hornbill and access to a subset of selected Hornbill applications. To find out more about what the customer portal is and how it fits into the overall Hornbill solution, you can read more here [TODO].

The customer portal can be accessed at<your instance name>/

Topics Covered

  • Designing the Customer Portal
  • Giving access to the Customer Portal
  • Advanced settings

Before you begin

  • Knowledge of adding contacts and organizations
  • Administrative access to Configuration


Regional Settings

The Regional Settings are the defaults for the Customer Portal on the login page and when contacts do not have any regional information set against their contact record.

  • Language
    The default language that is displayed to users when accessing the login page and subsequent pages if a language has not been set against their contact record.
  • Time Zone
    The default time zone for contacts. All visible date and time fields will be displayed based on this setting. The default is set to (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.
  • Date Time Format
    The format of fields that contain both a date and a time. The default is set to 2020-02-21 16:10:30.
  • Date Format
    The format of fields that contain just a date. The default is set to 2020-02-21.
  • Time Format
    The format of fields that contain just a time. The default is set to 23:30:35.
  • Currency
    This is not currently used.

Security Settings

  • Single Sign On Profile
    The Customer Portal by default uses basic authentication provided by Hornbill. It is possible to enable the use of a third-party identity provider. See Single Sign On Profiles for more information on creating SSO profiles.

  • Anonymous Role
    The Anonymous Role provides a level of access that is available prior to a contact logging into the Customer Portal. In most cases, the role called Anonymous Guest will be used and recommended. It is possible to create your own role. Any role used here must have a privilege level of guest.

  • Authorized Role
    The Authorized Roles are applied to all contacts once they have logged into the Customer Portal. There are several apps in Hornbill that can extend out the available features in the Customer Portal. Each of those apps supplies guest privilege roles that can be granted to the Customer Portal.


  • Session Timeout
    The number of seconds until a user’s session automatically ends after no activity. The default is set to 900 seconds (15 minutes).

  • Permissions
    Permissions are available to control self-registration and profile updates.

    • Allows contacts to register themselves on this portal
      A new visitor to the customer portal will be able to register themselves and have immediate access to the Customer Portal. This will create a new contact record in Hornbill.
    • Allow contacts to select their organization as part of online registration
      When enabled the customer registration form on the portal will show an organization select box. The select list is populated with organization records that are marked as being visible on the registration page. Click on the ? icon for instruction on how to make an orgianization available in the select box.
    • Allow contacts to reset their password
      Following registration, a temporary generated password may be provided to the contact. Enabling this will allow the contact to change this password.
    • New guest registrations require authorization before they can log on
      Select this option if you require any registration to be authorized before allowing them to log in.
    • Allow contacts to update their profile
      Turning this option ON will allow a contact to view and update their profile information.


This section allows you to configure the look and feel of the Customer Portal.

  • Settings
    Set images and colors for Self Service

    • Logo
      Add your company logo to the top banner of the Customer Portal. This field needs to contain a secure URL (https) to the image, which must be either a .png or .jpg.
    • Logo Height
      Adjust the height of your logo for a perfect fit in the top banner.
    • Home Page Image
      Using a URL, include a Home Page image. This URL must be public facing in order for external contacts to see this image. This field needs to contain a secure URL (https) to the image, which must be either a .png or .jpg. For best fit, the size of the image should be around 1024 x 768.
    • Home Page Image background color
      Can be used in either in place of an image or the background for a transparent image.
    • Header color
      The color of the top navigation bar.
    • Second Head color
      The color of the space between the navigation bar and the Home Page Image.
    • Navbar Text color
      Text color for any text that appears in the top navigation bar.
    • Home Page Background color
      This applies to the middle section of the page, below the image.
  • Home Page Text

    • Main Image Text
      This text will overlay the logo in the top banner. Set to 0 (zero) if you do not wish to include this text.
    • Section Title (When not logged in)
      .This is sub-text that sits under the Main Image Text. Set to 0 (zero) if you do not wish to include this sub-text.
    • Section Title (When not logged in)
      Set to 0 (zero) if you do not wish to include this title.
    • Section Text
      Set to 0 (zero) if you do not wish to include this title.
  • Social Information
    This section lets you include links to your company’s social media sites. Each included entry will be represented on the portal by is associated logo.

    • Twitter ID
      Add your company’s Twitter ID. Enter 0 (zero) to hide.
    • Linkedin ID
      Add your company’s LinkedIn ID. Enter 0 (zero) to hide
    • YouTube ID
      Add your company’s YouTube Channel link. Enter 0 (zero) to hide
    • Facebook ID
      Add your company’s Facebook page. Enter 0 (zero) to hide
    • Social Links Background color
      Sets the background color of this section.
    • Social Links Text color
      Sets the color of the social media logos.
    • Social Text color
      Sets the color of the social media text


If all Social Information Fields contain a 0 (zero), this section will be completely removed

  • Contact Information
    Add contact information for your users on how to contact your Service Desk. Set any field to 0 (zero) in order to hide it from view. Added 0 (zero) to all fields will hide this entire section.

    • Contact Title
      Contact Us.
    • Phone Number
      +44 (0)20 8582 8282
    • Email
    • Address
      Hornbill, Apollo - Odyssey Business Park, West End Road, Ruislip, HA4 6QD, United Kingdom
  • About Details

    • About Title
      Hornbill Customer Portal
    • About Text
      The Customer Portal can be used to view and update requests.
  • Login Details
    This section defines the contents of the login page. The login page is accessed from the landing page when the login option is selected.

    • Auto Login
      With this option enabled, the home page will be bypassed and the user will be taken straight to the login page when they access the URL<instance name>.

    • Splash Image
      The image displayed on the login page.

    • Show About Details
      include the information in the About Details on the login page.

    • Show Footer
      The footer can contain contact and social information. Once turned on either one or both these options can be turned on. If both options are turned off, the footer will not be displayed.

    • Terms and Conditions

      Option Description
      None Terms and Conditions are not displayed on the Login screen
      Show This will display the Terms and Conditions on the Login screen. When selected, a field is available to enter or edit the terms and conditions text
      Show and make mandatory This will display the Terms and Conditions on the Login Screen. The customer must select the option, agreeing to these conditions before proceeding. When selected, a field is available to enter or edit the terms and conditions text


The translations allow you to change the displayed text and provide translations into multiple languages.

Language Selection

From the language pick-list select the language that you want to translate. This list will only show supported languages.


Click on the text within the Translated column. You will be presented with a dialog box to change the translation. If you are translating to a language that is different from your own language, a Suggest button can be used to provide a Google translation.

Contact Access

The Contact Access list shows the contacts or Guest Accounts that have been associated with the Customer Portal and have been given permission to log in to the Customer Portal.

Add Contact

Add an existing contact to the Customer Portal Account

  • Set Access
    Change the access a contact has to the Customer Portal
  • Remove Access
    Selecting this will remove the contact from the Customer Portal Account
  • Approved
    Set the contact to be approved for access to the Customer Portal. This is automatically set when a contact is manually added to the Customer Portal Account
  • Suspended
    Temporarily suspend a contact’s access to the Customer Portal. A contact can be automatically set to suspended after multiple failed password attempts.
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