Documentation Library
Search for information on Hornbill Documentation.
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Have questions about this site?
What is this site?
- This website is Hornbill's new product documentation website and is currently under development.
- It is intended that all existing and future public-facing documentation we produce will be available to search, browse and share.
- Hornbill's current documentation is available at Hornbill Wiki but over time this content will be migrated to this documentation site.
- Please feel free to have a look around at any time.
Why has Hornbill created this site?
- Hornbill's products have moved on considerably since we introduced it almost 10 years ago. At the time, the MediaWiki tool was sufficient, but we have outgrown it.
- Our customers are more enterprise focused and more self-sufficient than ever before, so for 2023 and beyond we have established a new documentation platform and team to drive our documentation initiative forwards.
- We are aiming to deprecate the use of Hornbill Wiki for most Hornbill related documentation.
- We want to enable our growing partner network with product resources and information, documentation beyond our Wiki approach is required.
- We could definitely do with some help, and may even pay for some! If you have domain knowledge and would like to help, please check out our Hornbill Docs Contributor Guide and contact the Hornbill docs team at
What will this site be good for?
- Community contribution will be facilitated, encouraged, and most welcome.
- High quality documentation, will be kept up to date as rapidly as our products evolve.
- Real-time content search and discovery.
- Articles organized into books, books into libraries, creating a more natural and logical structure to our documentation.
- Legacy API documentation and various other documentation sources will all be consolidated into a single unified documentation system.
- Documentation available in browser as well as printable/viewable as PDF on demand.
- Personalized documentation experience, allowing dark/light mode, article subscriptions, social media sharing and other useful features.
- Almost all publicly available documentation on will be open-source and available to fork on GitHub, allowing customers to derive their own custom documentation around Hornbill products should they wish to.
What is the timeline for this site?
- We have taken the decision to publish and make available early, there is very little content at this time.
- As and when we have completed/usable documentation, it will be published here.
- We have a host of additional features we wish to add over time, so please watch this space.
- We expect most of our existing documentation should be reviewed/migrated to over the coming months.
- The documentation project will be ongoing, will continue to expand, evolve and improve day-by-day.
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My Documents is where you can upload, create, or manage documents that you can then share and collaborate on with other Hornbill users. This is a great alternative to storing files in network shares or passing documents around by email. Use My Documents to collaborate, schedule reviews, store revisions, and much more.
Creating documents
You can use the Create new button and its adjoining down-arrow button to do the following:
- To create a new document, click Create new.
- To create an external link to a document, click the Create new button’s down-arrow and select External Link.
- To upload an external document, click the Create new button’s down-arrow and select Upload Document.
About uploading documents
Maximum upload size. This is set by default to 10MB. This can be increased on your instance using this system setting in the admin console: communications.maxfileUploadSize
File types. By default, the following file types cannot be uploaded: exe
, bat
, cmd
, js
, and vbs
. To allow these file types on your instance, use this system setting in the admin console: security.fileUploadRestriction.webdav.types
About creating external links
When you click Create new > External Link, you are creating a document in Document Manager that opens an external link. This option only links to the document; there is no integration with the document repository. So, for example, permissions must be managed separately.
As with any other type of document, users can search for the externally linked document by its title or description and any tags it has been given.
Navigating the My Documents views
Use the navigation options on the left side to view documents in the main pane.
My Documents
In this section, you can view documents organized as follows:
- Home View. This option allows you to revert the document list view to that which you have set as your Home View.
- All My Documents. This option shows you all documents that you own or that have been shared with you.
- Documents I Own. This option shows you documents for which you are set as the owner.
- Unorganized Documents. This option shows you documents that you own or that have been shared with you and are not already added into a manual collection
- Documents Due For Review. This option shows you any documents for which the review date is due today or is overdue.
In this section, you can view documents that you have grouped into collections, either using the Self-organizing or Manual add-to-collection option.
- Available collections appear as a list under the Add New Collection button.
- Click Add New Collection to create a new personal document collection.
In this section, you can view documents that have been added to libraries for which you have the rights to view. All libraries you have the rights to will be listed.
Document list
In the main pane, the document list displays documents based on the chosen view from the left side.
Document info and options
For each document displayed, you can see the document name, description, owner, creation date, and last-updated date. You can also take further actions:
- Open. Open the document.
- Properties. Go to the properties of the document, where you can manage and collaborate on the document.
- Add To Collection. Add the document to any Manual type collections you have. (This option will not be displayed if you have not created any manually organized collections.)
Filters, views, and ordering
Use the following filters, views, and sorting options to manage which documents will be displayed.
- Quick Search. Filter the documents based on keywords in the document title or description.
- Status. Display only documents that are in Draft, Active, or Retired status — or a combination of the three.
- View. Toggle between the List and Thumbnail options to display the documents in list or thumbnail views.
- Order By. Order the documents by title, owner, file type, creation date, and last-updated date — and sort by ascending or descending order.
- Home View. Set or return to your home view.
- Set current view as my home. Set the current view as your home view.
- Home. Switch your current view to your home view.
- Refresh. Manually refresh the content of the current view.
Library and collection-specific properties
When viewing documents from a library or collection, an additional cog option will be displayed on the tool bar options:
- Collection view cog. View the properties of the collection view. In the case of a Self-organizing collection, you can see which tags are used to make up the view, and edit the collection properties.
- Library view cog. View the properties of the library, including the library title, description, and who the library has been shared with (users, roles, groups).
- Tag filtering. When viewing a library of documents, you can filter the documents in this library to only those which carry specific tags by selecting the tags you wish to apply.
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