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{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}
{{group.title ||}}
Role Information
- Application Reference:
- Type:
- Roles of this type are system roles, and are shipped for the purpose of elevating application FlowCodes. Elevation roles can not be assigned to any users of the system. - Privilege Level:
- The privilege level applied to normal user of the system. If a normal user is granted every right available then the user becomes a security equivalent to an admin user.
Role Rights
Application Rights
The following are the application rights assigned to the Hornbill Supplier Manager System Role role.
Group A - Suppliers
ID | Description |
canCreateSuppliers | Can Create Suppliers |
canViewSuppliers | Can View Suppliers |
canUpdateSuppliers | Can Update Suppliers |
canDeleteSuppliers | Can Delete Suppliers |
canFavouriteSuppliers | Can Favourite Suppliers |
canUnfavouriteSuppliers | can Unfavourite Suppliers |
Group B - Related Supplier Data
ID | Description |
canCreateSupplierAssets | Can Create Supplier Assets |
canViewSupplierAssets | Can View Supplier Assets |
canUpdateSupplierAssets | Can Update Supplier Assets |
canDeleteSupplierAssets | Can Delete Supplier Assets |
canCreateSupplierAttachments | Can Create Supplier Attachments |
canViewSupplierAttachments | Can View Supplier Attachments |
canUpdateSupplierAttachments | Can Update Supplier Attachments |
canDeleteSupplierAttachments | Can Delete Supplier Attachments |
canCreateSupplierAuditHistory | Can Create Supplier Audit History |
canViewSupplierAuditHistory | Can View Supplier Audit History |
canCreateSupplierContacts | Can Create Supplier Contacts |
canViewSupplierContacts | Can View Supplier Contacts |
canUpdateSupplierContacts | Can Update Supplier Contacts |
canDeleteSupplierContacts | Can Delete Supplier Contacts |
canCreateSupplierLinks | Can Create Supplier Links |
canViewSupplierLinks | Can View Supplier Links |
canUpdateSupplierLinks | Can Update Supplier Links |
canDeleteSupplierLinks | Can Delete Supplier Links |
canCreateSupplierMembers | Can Create Supplier Members |
canViewSupplierMembers | Can View Supplier Members |
canUpdateSupplierMembers | Can Update Supplier Members |
canDeleteSupplierMembers | Can Delete Supplier Members |
canCreateSupplierPermissions | Can Create Supplier Permissions |
canViewSupplierPermissions | Can View Supplier Permissions |
canUpdateSupplierPermissions | Can Update Supplier Permissions |
canDeleteSupplierPermissions | Can Delete Supplier Permissions |
canCreateSupplierReviews | Can Create Supplier Reviews |
canViewSupplierReviews | Can View Supplier Reviews |
canUpdateSupplierReviews | Can Update Supplier Reviews |
canDeleteSupplierReviews | Can Delete Supplier Reviews |
Group C - SupplierContracts
ID | Description |
canCreateSupplierContracts | Can Create Supplier Contracts |
canViewSupplierContracts | Can View Supplier Contracts |
canUpdateSupplierContracts | Can Update Supplier Contracts |
canDeleteSupplierContracts | Can Delete Supplier Contracts |
Group D - Related Supplier Contract Data
ID | Description |
canCreateSupplierContractAssets | Can Create Supplier Contract Assets |
canViewSupplierContractAssets | Can View Supplier Contract Assets |
canUpdateSupplierContractAssets | Can Update Supplier Contract Assets |
canDeleteSupplierContractAssets | Can Delete Supplier Contract Assets |
canCreateSupplierContractAttachments | Can Create Supplier Contract Attachments |
canViewSupplierContractAttachments | Can View Supplier Contract Attachments |
canUpdateSupplierContractAttachments | Can Update Supplier Contract Attachments |
canDeleteSupplierContractAttachments | Can Delete Supplier Contract Attachments |
canCreateSupplierContractAuditHistory | Can Create Supplier Contract Audit History |
canViewSupplierContractAuditHistory | Can View Supplier Contract Audit History |
canCreateSupplierContractEvents | Can Create Supplier Contract Events |
canViewSupplierContractEvents | Can View Supplier Contract Events |
canUpdateSupplierContractEvents | Can Update Supplier Contract Events |
canDeleteSupplierContractEvents | Can Delete Supplier Contract Events |
canCreateSupplierContractWatchLists | Can Create Supplier Contract Watch Lists |
canViewSupplierContractWatchLists | Can View Supplier Contract Watch Lists |
canUpdateSupplierContractWatchLists | Can Update Supplier Contract Watch Lists |
canDeleteSupplierContractWatchLists | Can Delete Supplier Contract Watch Lists |
canCreateSupplierContractSubStatuses | Can Create Supplier Contract Sub Statuses |
canViewSupplierContractSubStatuses | Can View Supplier Contract Sub Statuses |
canUpdateSupplierContractSubStatuses | Can Update Supplier Contract Sub Statuses |
canDeleteSupplierContractSubStatuses | Can Delete Supplier Contract Sub Statuses |
Group E - Tags
ID | Description |
canCreateSupplierTags | Can Create Supplier Tags |
canViewSupplierTags | Can View Supplier Tags |
canUpdateSupplierTags | Can Update Supplier Tags |
canDeleteSupplierTags | Can Delete Supplier Tags |
Group F - Admin
ID | Description |
canAdministerSupplierManager | Can Administer Supplier Manager |
canCreateSupplierCompanies | Can Create Supplier Companies |
canViewSupplierCompanies | Can View Supplier Companies |
canUpdateSupplierCompanies | Can Update Supplier Companies |
canDeleteSupplierCompanies | Can Delete Supplier Companies |
canUpdateSupplierPermissions | Can Update Supplier Permissions |
canImportSupplierData | Can Import Supplier Date |
canImportSuppliers | Can Import Suppliers |
canImportSupplierContacts | Can Import Supplier Contacts |
canImportSupplierContracts | Can Import Supplier Contracts |
canChangeSupplierOwner | Can Change Supplier Owner |
System Rights
The following are the system rights assigned to the Hornbill Supplier Manager System Role role.
Group A - systemRightsAType
ID | Description |
manageNotifications | Can manage notifications |
Group B - systemRightsBType
There are no Group B system rights assigned to this role.
Group C - systemRightsCType
There are no Group C system rights assigned to this role.
Group D - systemRightsDType
There are no Group D system rights assigned to this role.
Group E - systemRightsEType
There are no Group E system rights assigned to this role.
Group F - systemRightsFType
There are no Group F system rights assigned to this role.
Group G - systemRightsGType
There are no Group G system rights assigned to this role.
Group H - systemRightsHType
There are no Group H system rights assigned to this role.
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