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  1. {{book.title}}


Entity API / updateReqTimeline

Operation Information

  • Application Reference: com.hornbill.servicemanager
  • Scope: Entity - Requests
  • Class: Entity
  • Required Privilege Level: guest
  • Required Rights: none


This operation posts an update to a Request's Timeline.

Request Parameters

The updateReqTimeline API takes the following input parameters. It is important to note that the parameters must satisfy the requirement of the input validation checks.

Name Type Required Description
requestId xs:string Yes This parameter must be set with the Id of a Request.
action xs:string No This parameter is deprecated.
source xs:string No This parameter is deprecated.
content xs:string Yes This parameter must be set with the content of the Timeline entry.
extra xs:string No A JSON structure representing additional content for the Timeline entry.
visibility xs:string No This parameter must be set with the visibility of the Timeline entry. The options are public, trustedGuest, colleague, manager and owner.
imageUrl xs:string No This parameter can be set with the URL of an image that is associated to the Timeline entry.
activityType xs:string No This parameter can be set with activity type that is associated to the Timeline entry. For example, "System" is used for generic updates.
skipBpm xs:boolean No This parameter determines whether the Request's process is resumed following the Timeline update. By default, this parameter is set to "false".

Response Parameters

Name Type Description
outcome xs:string This parameter is set with the outcome of the operation. The options are "success" and "failure".
activityId xs:string This parameter is set with the activity Id that is generated after posting a new Timeline entry.
exceptionName xs:string This parameter captures any validation errors. The options are "failedTimelinePost" and "failedTimelineImagePost".
exceptionDescription xs:string This parameter will be set with an exception's description, thrown by an API.

Code Examples

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