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Rundeck DevOps Job Execution and Retrieval
Trigger Rundeck runbooks from inside Hornbill to resolve incidents faster and shrink the IT ops workload.
Package Details
- Vendor: Rundeck
- Target Platform: Windows Universal
- Package Type: Application Management
Why use this
Control external runbooks from Hornbill to shorten incident timescales
If you already have Runbook Automations (RBA) that you use in Rundeck, this integration lets you trigger them directly from Hornbill—without jumping from Hornbill to Rundeck. After running, it pulls the execution details back into Hornbill for full visibility of what happened.
Example: If a customer calls the service desk with an issue that can be resolved by an existing Rundeck automation, the service desk agent can trigger the automation from inside Hornbill with just a few clicks. Call times are reduced and customer satisfaction is improved.
Alternatively (where appropriate) the customer can simply go to the service catalog and trigger the runbook automation themselves—bypassing the need to call the service desk.
- Empower service desk agents to take complex actions quickly to resolve incidents
- Eliminate call volume spikes from wide-impacting issues
- Empower employees and customers with runbook-driven services
- Reduce routine call volumes
How to get it
- You can try out ITOM for free (not for production use, limited runs) by installing the ITOM application from the Hornbill App Store.
- If you would like to explore ITOM and consider subscribing, please contact your account manager here.
- Install the Hornbill Site Integration Server inside your firewall (if you don’t already have it).
- PowerShell v5.x
- If the script execution policy on the machine executing these operations is set to
, then this will need to be updated toRemoteSigned
. See the Microsoft website for more information.
When creating jobs for operations contained within this package, they need to be run on the target machine as a user who has the correct privileges within your environment. To create and securely store keys to run the operations:
- In the Configuration area of your Hornbill instance, navigate to Platform Configuration > Security > KeySafe;
- Click on the + Create New Key button, then select Username + Password;
- Give the KeySafe Key a Title (this is the name/identifier for the Active Directory account as you will see it when creating an IT Automation Job, or adding an IT Automation node to a Workflow);
- Optionally add a Description;
- Populate the Username field with the domain username for the account being used, for example:
; - Populate the Password field with the password for the above account;
- Select Create Key to save.
Extra Credentials
Operations in this package require extra credentials to be sent, as well as the credentials for the user running the operation (as above). To create and securely store keys to run the operations:
- In the Configuration area of your Hornbill instance, navigate to Platform Configuration > Security > KeySafe;
- Click on the + Create New Key button, then select API Key;
- Give the KeySafe Key a Title (this is the name/identifier for the Rundeck account as you will see it when creating an IT Automation Job, or adding an IT Automation node to a Workflow);
- Optionally add a Description;
- Populate the API Key field with an API Key that has the rights to perform the operations contained within this package;
- Populate the API Endpoint field with the API Endpoint for your Rundeck instance. For example: https://yourrundeckserver:4440/api/32 where 4440 is the default port for Rundeck API calls, and 32 is the API version number;
- Select Create Key to save.
Once you have created your KeySafe Keys, you can then use them to populate the Credentials > Admin or Run As and Extra Credentials inputs when creating IT Automation Jobs from this package.
Package Automations
Operation | Description |
Get Execution Details | Retrieves information regarding a job execution. |
Get Execution Output | Retrieves the output of a specified job execution. |
Run Job | Executes a job with a specified ID. |
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