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Slack is a cloud communication and collaboration platform. Hornbill's integration with Slack enable you to manage channels, chats and users from Hornbill workflows.
This is a Premium Integration.

Cloud Automations


Channel Archive Archives a Slack channel.
Channel Create Creates a Slack channel.
Channel Get Info Retrieves information about a Slack channel.
Channel Lookup Id Looks up a Slack channel ID by name.
Channel Update Updates the details about a Slack channel.
User Add to Channel Adds a user to a Slack channel.
User Remove from Channel Removes a user from a Slack channel.


Delete Message Deletes a message from a Slack chat.
Post Message This method posts a message to a public channel, private channel, or direct message/IM channel.
Reply to Message Replies to a message in a Slack chat.
Update Message Updates a messahe in a Slack chat.


Group Archive Archives a Slack group.
Group Close Closes a Slack group.
Group Create Creates a Slack group.
Group Get Info Retrieves information about a Slack group.
Group Lookup Id Looks up the ID of a Slack group by its name.
Group Update Updates a Slack group.
User Add to Group Adds a user to a Slack group.
User Remove from Group Removes a user from a Slack group.


Pin Message Posts a slack message to a channel and pins that message
Pin Remove Remove one or multiple pins.

To remove a specific pins specify the timestamp of the pin. To remove all pins from a user specify the user name, to remove all pins in a channel leave both timestamp and username blank.


Reminder Add Creates a Slack reminder.
Reminder Complete Completes a Slack reminder.
Reminder Delete Deletes a Slack reminder.


Get User Info Retrieves information about a Slack user.
User Lookup Id Looks up the ID of a Slack user from their username.
In This Document