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Cloud Automations
Operation | Description |
Blog Authors | |
Blog Topics | |
Clone Blog | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to clone an existing blog post. |
Create Blog | This is a hubspot integration that allows you to create a new blog post |
Delete Blog | This is a Hubspot Integration that allows you to delete an existing blog post. |
Publish Blog | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to publish an existing draft post. |
Unpublish Blog | This is the Hubspot integration that allows you to unpublish a published blog. |
Update Blog Post | This is a hubspot integration that allows you to update a blog post |
Operation | Description |
Add Contacts To Company | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to add an existing contact to an existing company in Hubspot. |
Company Properties | |
Create Company | This is a Hubspot integration method that allows you to create a new company within Hubspot. |
Delete Company | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete and existing company. |
Contact Lists
Operation | Description |
Create Static List | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to create a new static list in Hubspots contact list section |
Does Contact Exist In Folder | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you search for the existance of a contact within a folder. |
Move Contacts To List | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to move a list contacts into a selected list. |
Remove Contact By Email From List | This is a Hubspot integrations that allow you to remove a contacts from a selected list. |
Remove Static List | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete a static list |
Operation | Description |
Add Contact | This is a hubspot integration that allows you to add a new contact to the list of contacts within Hubspot. |
Delete Contact By Email | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete a contact with the email that you entered. |
Delete Contact Using Selection | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete a contact from Hubspots contact list using a select box to choose a contact to delete. |
Edit Contact Advanced | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to edit existing properties within Hubspot. There are 4 different types of Properties you can edit
Each one has a list of existing properties of that type that you can select and put a new property to be used. |
Edit Contact By Email | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to edit the basic contact information of a contact in Hubspot. |
Get Contact By Email | This is the Hubspot integration that allows you to get the contacts details by the email. |
Get Contact URL | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to get the URL that leads to their contact details page within Hubspot. |
GetContactByEmail | This is the Hubspot integration that allows you to get the contacts details by the email. |
Merge Contacts | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to merge two existing contacts into a single contact.
Note: Merging contacts cannot be undone. The data from the secondary contact will be merged into the primary contact, and while you can see the combined history of the two records in the resulting single contact, there is not a way to separate the contacts after the merge. |
Properties |
Operation | Description |
Add Deal Associations | t integration that allows you to add associations (`contact/company`) to a particular deal. |
Create A Deal | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to create a new deal.
You can choose properties to include in it from lists of existing properties which take in 4 different data types:
Deal Properties | |
Delete A Deal | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete an existing deal from a list. |
Pipelines | |
Update A Deal | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to update an existing deal.
You can choose properties to include in it from lists of existing properties which take in 4 different data types:
String Number Boolean Date Time |
Operation | Description |
Create Note | This is a hubspot integration that allows you to add a new contact to the list of contacts within Hubspot. |
Operation | Description |
Add Column To Table | This is a Hubspot integration. This allows you to add columns to an existing table, both of the normal data types and select boxes. |
Add New Table | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to create a new table within HubDB. |
Change A Tables Name | This is a Hubspot Integration that allows you to change an existing tables name. |
Delete Columns From Table | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete a selection of columns from the existing table. |
Delete Table Rows | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete a selection of table rows using a set of filters. |
Delete Table | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to delete a selected table. |
Publish Table | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to publish a draft table. |
Social Media
Operation | Description |
Cancel Queued Social Media Post | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to cancel a social media post that is set to be published at a later date. |
Create Draft Social Media Post | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to create a draft media post, this can later be published in HBubspots Marketing section. |
Create Social Media Post | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to create a social media post that can be posted immediately or can be queued to be posted at a later date. |
Reschedule Post | This is a Hubspot integration that allows you to select a scheduled social media post and change the date that it is sheduled for while retaining all other aspects of the original post. |
Operation | Description |
Create Timeline Activity | Creates a HubSpot Timeline Activity. |
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