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{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}
{{group.title ||}}
Type Name | Description |
accountClassType | This type defines the constraints for the account class. |
accountIdType | This type defines the constraints for an user/employee Id. |
accountStatusType | This type defines the constraints for the account status. |
accountUserType | This type defines the constraints for the type of user that can be created. |
activityStatusType | Defines activity status |
activityStreamStatusType | Activity stream status type |
activityStreamType | This type defines the type for an Activity Stream. |
activityType | Type of the activity. |
activityVisibilityType | This type defines the constraints for the visibility level. |
aggregationType | This type defines the aggregation functions available on sql groupby data source |
andOrType | “AND / OR part of where clause” |
apiKeyStateType | Possible status values for and API key. |
appInstallerAction | The application installer action types |
appNameType | This type defines the constraints for Application Name. Allowable characters for the application names… |
appStatusType | This type of a document share |
appStringInfoStatusType | This type defines the status of a returned application string. |
assetDiscoveryConnectionProtocolType | This type defines the possible network protocols used to connect to scanned devices. |
assetDiscoveryJobResultCodeType | This type defines the possible result codes for a discovery job. |
assetDiscoveryJobStatusType | This type defines the possible statuses for a discovery job. |
assetDiscoverySchedulePeriodType | This type defines the possible types of period for asset discovery schedules. |
assetDiscoverySourceType | This type defines the possible sources for devices to be scanned. |
asyncTaskStatusType | The status of an asynchronous task. |
auditGrantType | This type defines debug conmands. |
authenticationType | No description |
bpmFlowcodeParameterActionType | This defines the actions the BPM will take on a flowcode parameter. |
bpmIdType | The node ID |
bpmParamNameType | This defines the constraints for the input/output parameter type. |
bpmStageCompletionType | This type defines the possible status of a stage. |
bpmStateType | This type defines the possible states of a business process. |
bpmTimePlanEventTriggerType | This defines the constraints for the BPM time plan trigger types. |
bpmTitleType | Tooltip/title text |
bpmType | This defines the different types of flow that can be created and executed by the BPM engine. |
buildAgentStatusType | Status of the build agent |
buildStatusType | This type defines the build status type. |
buildTargetOSType | Status of the build agent |
buzzActivityVerbType | Defines the supported activity verbs. |
captureStatusType | This type defines the status for a progressive capture |
centralityType | “supported social graphs” |
characterType | A single character |
chartDisplayType | The type of chart to display |
cloudImportStatusType | This type defines the possible statuses for a cloud import. |
columnDataType | No description |
columnSizeType | No description |
configOptionDataType | This type defines the editable scope of an application or system config item. |
configOptionEditableType | This type defines the editable scope of an application or system config item. |
conversationStatusType | This type defines the status of a conversation for a given user |
conversationType | This type defines the type of a conversation. |
countryCodeType | This type defines the constraints for country codes. |
cryptoKeyType | This type defines the possible types of public key. |
customFieldNameType | This type defines the constraints for custom field name. |
customFieldSetTypeType | This type defines the possible sources for devices to be scanned. |
customFormGroupType | The type of form rendition |
databaseSystemType | This type defines the database system types. |
dataCleardownActionType | This type defines the possible database transaction isolation levels |
dataCleardownObjectType | This type defines the possible objects who’s data can be cleared down. |
dataSourceFilterUserPromptDisplayDefinitionType | “The type of user input” |
dataSourceType | The type of chart to display |
deskConfigStatusType | known supported actions for a request. |
displayMode | “iframe” or “div” |
dkimStatus | Status of the DKIM configuration |
documentShareType | This type of a document share |
entityActionType | This type defines the action to perform for the data set. |
entityEmailTemplateSourceType | This type defines the constraints for entity email template source. |
entityRelationshipType | This type defines the relationship type. |
entityRuleActionType | This type of actions that can be fired |
entityRuleEventType | This type defines the status for a form |
esmCustomFormControlType | This type defines the possible control types on a esm custom form. |
esmCustomFormLayoutType | This type defines the possible layouts on a esm custom form. |
espSubscriptionContactType | Possible inventory managed state. |
fileDescriptionType | This type defines a string limited to a maximum of 64 characters. |
fileNameType | This type defines the constraints for file name. File names cannot contain any of these characters -… |
folderNameType | This type defines the constraints for single folder name. Folder names cannot contain any of … |
graphAnalysisJobStatus | Analysis job status of the graph |
groupIdType | This type defines the constraints for Group ID entity. Allowable characters for a group ID’s include A-Z,… |
groupMemberRole | This type represents the role that a group member (user account) plays within a group. |
groupNameType | This type defines the constraints for a group name. |
groupType | This represents a type of organizational unit. The special case here is a “team” which is an organizational unit that… |
guestContactIdType | This type defines the constraints for the guest contact Id. |
guestRoleType | This type defines the guest account role type. |
haiProviderType | This type defines the available services used to provide HAi capabilities (depreciated, see haiServiceProviderType). |
haiServiceProviderType | This type defines the available services used to provide HAi capabilities. |
hbuildAutoTestStatusType | The publish mode |
hbuildPublishSchemeType | Defines the supported publishing schemes |
hbuildPublishStatusType | The publish mode |
hbuildReleaseNoteType | Defines the types of release note items |
iBridgeImportProcessingType | This type defines how an iBridge cloud data import is processed. |
indexDocumentIdType | An index document ID starting with ‘lid_’. |
indexedFieldType | The type of field in an indexed document |
indexHoldOffTimeType | This type represents a numeric value between 0-120 |
indexSizeType | The size, in bytes, of an Elasticsearch index. |
instanceDeployedStatusType | This type defines the monthly event week. |
instanceHealthStatusType | This type defines the monthly event week. |
integralDataType | This type defines the possible field datatypes for custom document fields. |
itemIdType | This type is a basic number type that can represent an integer based object identifier value in the range of 0 to… |
joinType | “The type of join used” |
knowledgeBaseDocumentTypes | Possible types of Documents. Types (service |
libDocumentOrderByFieldType | This type describes order by fields supported on a document |
libDocumentStatusType | This type defines the status for a document stored in the document library |
libraryShareType | The type of a library share. Currently only ‘user’ is supported. It might be extended to ‘group’ and ‘role’ upon request |
lifecycleWorkflowType | The workflow type relating to a lifecycle |
listItemType | No description |
loginIdType | This type defines the constraints for an user account login Id. |
logMessageGroupItemType | This type defines the constraints for the message groups as a single selection vlaue. |
mailboxConnectorProtocolType | This type defines the protocol types used for a mail server connections. |
mailboxType | This type defines the constraints for the mailbox type. |
mailConnAuthenticationType | This type defines the mechanism to be employed when authenticating to the mail provider. |
mailConnEncryptionType | This type defines the encryption scheme used for a mail connection. |
mailDeliveryStatusType | This type defines the possible delivery states of a message recipient. |
mailFolderIdType | This type represents a mail folder identifier which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than zero. |
mailFolderParentIdType | This type represents a mail folder identifier which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than or equal to… |
mailFolderType | This type defines the special folder types that can exist in a mailbox. Each special folder type must exist … |
mailMessageIdType | This type represents a mail message identifier which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than zero. |
mailRecipientClassType | The class of recipient, can be ‘to’, ‘cc’, ‘bcc’ or ‘from’. |
matchType | This type defines data order. |
measureFrequencyPeriodType | This type defines the frequency which the data is sampled and measured. |
measureSamplesGroupsArrangementType | How the measure samples groups must be arranged. |
measureStatusType | This type of a document share |
measureValueUnitType | This type defines the type of measures that are possible. |
messagePriorityType | This type defines the constraints for the message priority. |
nameType | No description |
naturalNumberType | This type represents an integer number which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than zero. |
networkRuleType | This type defines the constraints Network Rule Type. |
nodeIdType | The node ID |
noticeIconType | Types of notice |
noticePresentationType | Where a notice should be presented. |
noticeTypeType | Types of notice |
notificationFilterEffectType | “The effect of a rule in the notification filter set” |
notificationFilterEndpointType | “The endpoint that determines which notification filter rules should be applied” |
notificationStatusType | Defines the status types of notification messages |
notificationType | Defines the supported activity verbs. |
numberType | This type is a basic number type that can represent a value in the range of 0 to 2147483647… |
oAuthMajorAuthenticationType | This type defines the oAuth supported authentication types. |
objectRefStateType | Object reference state type. |
onlineStatusType | This type defines user’s online status. |
orderByListType | This type represents the sorting order of the list items. |
orderDirectionType | This type defines data order. |
packageStatusType | The status of the package. |
passwordType | This type is used for passwords that need to be sent across the wire. This password must be BASE64 encoded to… |
percentageValueType | This type represents a percentage value of between 0-100% |
platformEditionType | This type defines the platform edition type. |
portalGuestAccessStatusType | This type defines the constraints for the mailbox type. |
preDefinedSamplePeriodType | Time period to restrict the sample set to |
printOrientationType | “The report output format” |
priorityModeType | The priority selection mode |
privLevelType | This type defines the constraints for the privilege level. |
recordDataSourceType | This type defines the record source. |
reportDataSourceDefinitionType | “The type report data source” |
reportDeliveryTypesType | “The delivery type for a report” |
reportDisplayDefinitionType | “The type of report output - for now only supporting html” |
reportHistoryListOrderByField | The history fields which can be used for ordering report history list |
reportOutputType | “The file type for the report Output” |
reportRunStatusType | “The status of a report run” |
reportTemplateType | “The type of report template” |
reportTitlePositionType | “The type of report output - for now only supporting html” |
requestBpmHudVisibilityType | This type defines the visibility options for bpm hud. |
requesterDataModelType | Data model applied to the request type |
requestMessageFormatType | This type defines the type of http request message format. |
requestQueueType | The type of request queue |
requestSubStatusBaseType | Request status types. |
requestWaitingForType | Request sub-status waiting for. |
rfc822AddressType | No description |
roleListOrderByField | The role fields which can be used for ordering roles list |
roleType | This type defines the possible types of role that can be created on the system. |
sampleFrequencyPeriodType | This type defines the frequency with which the data is sampled. |
scheduledJobRunType | This type defines list of allowed scheduled job types which can be configured/invoked for scheduled job APIs. |
scheduleRunStatusType | No description |
scheduleType | No description |
searchJoinType | This type defines the action to perform for the data set. |
securityEventListOrderByField | The user info fields which can be used for ordering Audit list |
securityEventSourceType | This type defines the constraints for the Log source. |
securityEventType | This type defines the constraints for the log type. |
serviceCatalogStatusType | Possible status for a service. |
serviceCatalogType | The type defintions for service catalogs. |
serviceStatusType | This type defines the database system types. |
sessionConnectionType | This type defines the connection type for a session. |
sessionElevationType | The type of of session elevation applied. |
severityLevelType | This type defines the constraints for the severity level. |
simpleIdType | Simple ID’s are generally unique within the scope of their use. Allowable characters for a simple ID’s… |
sisConnectionProtocol | The protocol that should be used when connectiing to a managed computer |
sisDiscoveryJobModeType | Possible status values datbaase sync state. |
sisDiscoveryJobProtocolType | Possible status values datbaase sync state. |
sisGroupNameType | This type defines the constraints for an Site Integration Server group name. |
sisInventoryListType | Possible inventory list types. |
sisJobPriority | Possible priority for the a Site Integration service job. |
sisJobStatus | Possible statuses for the a Site Integration service job. |
sisJobSuperStatus | Possible super-statuses for a Site Integration service job. |
sisJobType | Possible types for Site Integration service jobs. |
sisNameType | This type defines the constraints for an Site Integration Server name. |
sisOnlineStatus | Possible status values for the SIS online status. |
sisPackageOperationCommandType | Possible status values datbaase sync state. |
sisPairingState | Possible states for the SIS registration. |
sisServiceState | Possible states for the Site Integration service status. |
sisTargetOSType | The target operating system type used for site integration services/ITOM. |
smallStringType | This type defines a string limited to a maximum of 64 characters. |
socialGraphNodeType | “types of nodes present in a social objects graph” |
ssoAuthenticationRealmType | This type defines the tagret entity for the SSO profile. |
ssoAuthType | This type defines the possible single-sign-on protocols supported. |
ssoSamlBindingType | This type defines the possible bindings used for the idP. |
subscriptionProductType | Subscription product line item types |
systemConfigEnabledType | This online/availability status of a configuration item. |
systemConfigStatusType | This status of a configuration item. |
taskFilterType | This type defines the possible assignment types for a task. |
taskListReturnType | The type of tasks to return |
taskOutcomeButtonType | This type defines the types of button supported for task outcomes. |
taskOutcomeNameType | Task outcome name. |
taskPriorityType | This type defines the constraints used when defining a task priority. Task priority values follow… |
taskStateType | This type defines the possible states for a task. |
transactionIsolationLevel | This type defines the possible database transaction isolation levels |
twofaMethodType | This type defines supported 2FA methods. |
userAccountIdType | Supported types for User Account Identifier. |
userBasicInfoListOrderByField | The basic user info fields which can be used for ordering users list |
userListOrderByField | The user info fields which can be used for ordering users list |
userProfileListOrderByField | The user info fields which can be used for ordering users list |
valueSourceType | “the type of value we will test against” |
webCallVerbType | This type defines the type of http request . |
whereClauseOperatorType | “The where clause operator type” |
widgetDataFormatterType | This type defines the type of format to apply to widget data values (for example measure sample data) |
workingDayTimeslotType | This type represents the working time slots in a day. Each digit represents a 15 minute time period in a 24… |
workingTimeEndType | This type defines the end of a working timeslot within a service level calendar. Because the ESP system… |
workingTimeStartType | This type defines the start of a working timeslot within a service level calendar. Because the ESP system… |
workspaceJoinStatusType | This defines the workspace join status types. |
workspaceMembershipStatusType | This type defines the filter when querying a list of workspaces available. |
workspaceSearchFieldType | This type defines the filter when querying a list of workspaces available. |
workspaceVisibilityType | This type defines the constraints for the visibility level of the workspace. Currently following types of workspaces… |
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