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{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
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{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


Simple Types

Type Name Description
accountClassType This type defines the constraints for the account class.
accountIdType This type defines the constraints for an user/employee Id.
accountStatusType This type defines the constraints for the account status.
accountUserType This type defines the constraints for the type of user that can be created.
activityStatusType Defines activity status
activityStreamStatusType Activity stream status type
activityStreamType This type defines the type for an Activity Stream.
activityType Type of the activity.
activityVisibilityType This type defines the constraints for the visibility level.
aggregationType This type defines the aggregation functions available on sql groupby data source
andOrType “AND / OR part of where clause”
apiKeyStateType Possible status values for and API key.
appInstallerAction The application installer action types
appNameType This type defines the constraints for Application Name. Allowable characters for the application names…
appStatusType This type of a document share
appStringInfoStatusType This type defines the status of a returned application string.
assetDiscoveryConnectionProtocolType This type defines the possible network protocols used to connect to scanned devices.
assetDiscoveryJobResultCodeType This type defines the possible result codes for a discovery job.
assetDiscoveryJobStatusType This type defines the possible statuses for a discovery job.
assetDiscoverySchedulePeriodType This type defines the possible types of period for asset discovery schedules.
assetDiscoverySourceType This type defines the possible sources for devices to be scanned.
asyncTaskStatusType The status of an asynchronous task.
auditGrantType This type defines debug conmands.
authenticationType No description
bpmFlowcodeParameterActionType This defines the actions the BPM will take on a flowcode parameter.
bpmIdType The node ID
bpmParamNameType This defines the constraints for the input/output parameter type.
bpmStageCompletionType This type defines the possible status of a stage.
bpmStateType This type defines the possible states of a business process.
bpmTimePlanEventTriggerType This defines the constraints for the BPM time plan trigger types.
bpmTitleType Tooltip/title text
bpmType This defines the different types of flow that can be created and executed by the BPM engine.
buildAgentStatusType Status of the build agent
buildStatusType This type defines the build status type.
buildTargetOSType Status of the build agent
buzzActivityVerbType Defines the supported activity verbs.
captureStatusType This type defines the status for a progressive capture
centralityType “supported social graphs”
characterType A single character
chartDisplayType The type of chart to display
cloudImportStatusType This type defines the possible statuses for a cloud import.
columnDataType No description
columnSizeType No description
configOptionDataType This type defines the editable scope of an application or system config item.
configOptionEditableType This type defines the editable scope of an application or system config item.
conversationStatusType This type defines the status of a conversation for a given user
conversationType This type defines the type of a conversation.
countryCodeType This type defines the constraints for country codes.
cryptoKeyType This type defines the possible types of public key.
customFieldNameType This type defines the constraints for custom field name.
customFieldSetTypeType This type defines the possible sources for devices to be scanned.
customFormGroupType The type of form rendition
databaseSystemType This type defines the database system types.
dataCleardownActionType This type defines the possible database transaction isolation levels
dataCleardownObjectType This type defines the possible objects who’s data can be cleared down.
dataSourceFilterUserPromptDisplayDefinitionType “The type of user input”
dataSourceType The type of chart to display
deskConfigStatusType known supported actions for a request.
displayMode “iframe” or “div”
dkimStatus Status of the DKIM configuration
documentShareType This type of a document share
entityActionType This type defines the action to perform for the data set.
entityEmailTemplateSourceType This type defines the constraints for entity email template source.
entityRelationshipType This type defines the relationship type.
entityRuleActionType This type of actions that can be fired
entityRuleEventType This type defines the status for a form
esmCustomFormControlType This type defines the possible control types on a esm custom form.
esmCustomFormLayoutType This type defines the possible layouts on a esm custom form.
espSubscriptionContactType Possible inventory managed state.
fileDescriptionType This type defines a string limited to a maximum of 64 characters.
fileNameType This type defines the constraints for file name. File names cannot contain any of these characters -…
folderNameType This type defines the constraints for single folder name. Folder names cannot contain any of …
graphAnalysisJobStatus Analysis job status of the graph
groupIdType This type defines the constraints for Group ID entity. Allowable characters for a group ID’s include A-Z,…
groupMemberRole This type represents the role that a group member (user account) plays within a group.
groupNameType This type defines the constraints for a group name.
groupType This represents a type of organizational unit. The special case here is a “team” which is an organizational unit that…
guestContactIdType This type defines the constraints for the guest contact Id.
guestRoleType This type defines the guest account role type.
haiProviderType This type defines the available services used to provide HAi capabilities (depreciated, see haiServiceProviderType).
haiServiceProviderType This type defines the available services used to provide HAi capabilities.
hbuildAutoTestStatusType The publish mode
hbuildPublishSchemeType Defines the supported publishing schemes
hbuildPublishStatusType The publish mode
hbuildReleaseNoteType Defines the types of release note items
indexDocumentIdType An index document ID starting with ‘lid_’.
indexedFieldType The type of field in an indexed document
indexHoldOffTimeType This type represents a numeric value between 0-120
indexSizeType The size, in bytes, of an Elasticsearch index.
instanceDeployedStatusType This type defines the monthly event week.
instanceHealthStatusType This type defines the monthly event week.
integralDataType This type defines the possible field datatypes for custom document fields.
itemIdType This type is a basic number type that can represent an integer based object identifier value in the range of 0 to…
joinType “The type of join used”
knowledgeBaseDocumentTypes Possible types of Documents. Types (service
libDocumentOrderByFieldType This type describes order by fields supported on a document
libDocumentStatusType This type defines the status for a document stored in the document library
libraryShareType The type of a library share. Currently only ‘user’ is supported. It might be extended to ‘group’ and ‘role’ upon request
lifecycleWorkflowType The workflow type relating to a lifecycle
listItemType No description
loginIdType This type defines the constraints for an user account login Id.
logMessageGroupItemType This type defines the constraints for the message groups as a single selection vlaue.
mailboxConnectorProtocolType This type defines the protocol types used for a mail server connections.
mailboxType This type defines the constraints for the mailbox type.
mailConnAuthenticationType This type defines the mechanism to be employed when authenticating to the mail provider.
mailConnEncryptionType This type defines the encryption scheme used for a mail connection.
mailDeliveryStatusType This type defines the possible delivery states of a message recipient.
mailFolderIdType This type represents a mail folder identifier which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than zero.
mailFolderParentIdType This type represents a mail folder identifier which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than or equal to…
mailFolderType This type defines the special folder types that can exist in a mailbox. Each special folder type must exist …
mailMessageIdType This type represents a mail message identifier which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than zero.
mailRecipientClassType The class of recipient, can be ‘to’, ‘cc’, ‘bcc’ or ‘from’.
matchType This type defines data order.
measureFrequencyPeriodType This type defines the frequency which the data is sampled and measured.
measureSamplesGroupsArrangementType How the measure samples groups must be arranged.
measureStatusType This type of a document share
measureValueUnitType This type defines the type of measures that are possible.
messagePriorityType This type defines the constraints for the message priority.
nameType No description
naturalNumberType This type represents an integer number which is any valid non-negative 64-bit number greater than zero.
networkRuleType This type defines the constraints Network Rule Type.
nodeIdType The node ID
noticeIconType Types of notice
noticePresentationType Where a notice should be presented.
noticeTypeType Types of notice
notificationFilterEffectType “The effect of a rule in the notification filter set”
notificationFilterEndpointType “The endpoint that determines which notification filter rules should be applied”
notificationStatusType Defines the status types of notification messages
notificationType Defines the supported activity verbs.
numberType This type is a basic number type that can represent a value in the range of 0 to 2147483647…
oAuthMajorAuthenticationType This type defines the oAuth supported authentication types.
onlineStatusType This type defines user’s online status.
orderByListType This type represents the sorting order of the list items.
orderDirectionType This type defines data order.
packageStatusType The status of the package.
passwordType This type is used for passwords that need to be sent across the wire. This password must be BASE64 encoded to…
percentageValueType This type represents a percentage value of between 0-100%
platformEditionType This type defines the platform edition type.
portalGuestAccessStatusType This type defines the constraints for the mailbox type.
preDefinedSamplePeriodType Time period to restrict the sample set to
printOrientationType “The report output format”
priorityModeType The priority selection mode
privLevelType This type defines the constraints for the privilege level.
recordDataSourceType This type defines the record source.
reportDataSourceDefinitionType “The type report data source”
reportDeliveryTypesType “The delivery type for a report”
reportDisplayDefinitionType “The type of report output - for now only supporting html”
reportHistoryListOrderByField The history fields which can be used for ordering report history list
reportOutputType “The file type for the report Output”
reportRunStatusType “The status of a report run”
reportTemplateType “The type of report template”
reportTitlePositionType “The type of report output - for now only supporting html”
requestBpmHudVisibilityType This type defines the visibility options for bpm hud.
requesterDataModelType Data model applied to the request type
requestMessageFormatType This type defines the type of http request message format.
requestQueueType The type of request queue
requestSubStatusBaseType Request status types.
requestWaitingForType Request sub-status waiting for.
rfc822AddressType No description
roleListOrderByField The role fields which can be used for ordering roles list
roleType This type defines the possible types of role that can be created on the system.
sampleFrequencyPeriodType This type defines the frequency with which the data is sampled.
scheduledJobRunType This type defines list of allowed scheduled job types which can be configured/invoked for scheduled job APIs.
scheduleRunStatusType No description
scheduleType No description
searchJoinType This type defines the action to perform for the data set.
securityEventListOrderByField The user info fields which can be used for ordering Audit list
securityEventSourceType This type defines the constraints for the Log source.
securityEventType This type defines the constraints for the log type.
serviceCatalogStatusType Possible status for a service.
serviceCatalogType The type defintions for service catalogs.
serviceStatusType This type defines the database system types.
sessionConnectionType This type defines the connection type for a session.
sessionElevationType The type of of session elevation applied.
severityLevelType This type defines the constraints for the severity level.
simpleIdType Simple ID’s are generally unique within the scope of their use. Allowable characters for a simple ID’s…
sisConnectionProtocol The protocol that should be used when connectiing to a managed computer
sisDiscoveryJobModeType Possible status values datbaase sync state.
sisDiscoveryJobProtocolType Possible status values datbaase sync state.
sisGroupNameType This type defines the constraints for an Site Integration Server group name.
sisInventoryListType Possible inventory list types.
sisJobPriority Possible priority for the a Site Integration service job.
sisJobStatus Possible statuses for the a Site Integration service job.
sisJobSuperStatus Possible super-statuses for a Site Integration service job.
sisJobType Possible types for Site Integration service jobs.
sisNameType This type defines the constraints for an Site Integration Server name.
sisOnlineStatus Possible status values for the SIS online status.
sisPackageOperationCommandType Possible status values datbaase sync state.
sisPairingState Possible states for the SIS registration.
sisServiceState Possible states for the Site Integration service status.
sisTargetOSType The target operating system type used for site integration services/ITOM.
smallStringType This type defines a string limited to a maximum of 64 characters.
socialGraphNodeType “types of nodes present in a social objects graph”
ssoAuthenticationRealmType This type defines the tagret entity for the SSO profile.
ssoAuthType This type defines the possible single-sign-on protocols supported.
ssoSamlBindingType This type defines the possible bindings used for the idP.
subscriptionProductType Subscription product line item types
systemConfigEnabledType This online/availability status of a configuration item.
systemConfigStatusType This status of a configuration item.
taskFilterType This type defines the possible assignment types for a task.
taskListReturnType The type of tasks to return
taskOutcomeButtonType This type defines the types of button supported for task outcomes.
taskOutcomeNameType Task outcome name.
taskPriorityType This type defines the constraints used when defining a task priority. Task priority values follow…
taskStateType This type defines the possible states for a task.
transactionIsolationLevel This type defines the possible database transaction isolation levels
twofaMethodType This type defines supported 2FA methods.
userAccountIdType Supported types for User Account Identifier.
userBasicInfoListOrderByField The basic user info fields which can be used for ordering users list
userListOrderByField The user info fields which can be used for ordering users list
userProfileListOrderByField The user info fields which can be used for ordering users list
valueSourceType “the type of value we will test against”
webCallVerbType This type defines the type of http request .
whereClauseOperatorType “The where clause operator type”
widgetDataFormatterType This type defines the type of format to apply to widget data values (for example measure sample data)
workingDayTimeslotType This type represents the working time slots in a day. Each digit represents a 15 minute time period in a 24…
workingTimeEndType This type defines the end of a working timeslot within a service level calendar. Because the ESP system…
workingTimeStartType This type defines the start of a working timeslot within a service level calendar. Because the ESP system…
workspaceJoinStatusType This defines the workspace join status types.
workspaceMembershipStatusType This type defines the filter when querying a list of workspaces available.
workspaceSearchFieldType This type defines the filter when querying a list of workspaces available.
workspaceVisibilityType This type defines the constraints for the visibility level of the workspace. Currently following types of workspaces…
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