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This operation updates an existing task. The user with ADMIN privilege will be allowed to update completed/canceled tasks.
API Details
- Status:
- The required privilege level to invoke this method is
- The supported database role for this method is
System Rights | Database Rights | Mail Rights | Calendar Rights |
sys.b.manageTasks sys.b.updateTask |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Request Parameters
The taskUpdate2 method takes the following input parameters.
When sending a JSON request payload to the API, the order of parameters is not significant. However, for XML request payloads, parameters must be provided in the exact order specified in this documentation to comply with input validation requirements.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
taskId |
xs:string |
Required | The unique task identifier |
title |
xs:string |
Optional | The short description of the task to be actioned |
details |
xs:string |
Optional | A more detailed description with additional information that may be needed to assist with the completion of the tasks |
options |
taskOptionsType |
Optional | define specific options for this task |
priority |
taskPriorityType |
Optional Default= normal |
Identifies the priority of the task. If not specified, a default value of ‘normal’ is used |
category |
xs:string |
Optional | The category of task. |
reference |
xs:string |
Optional | Reserved for SYSTEM use and it’s ReadOnly |
startDate |
xs:dateTime |
Optional Nillable |
The date/time that work is expected to commence. If not specified then not startDate will be set |
dueDate |
xs:dateTime |
Optional Nillable |
The date/time that the is expected to be completed by. If not specified then there is no due date defined. |
timeSpent |
xs:unsignedInt |
Optional | The amount of time (in minutes) spent on this task. If not specified then there is no time spent recorded. |
timeBillable |
xs:boolean |
Optional | Indicates that the time spent on this task is billable time. |
expires |
xs:dateTime |
Optional Nillable |
If an expiry date/time is specified here, when the time is reached and the task is still outstanding, the task will be completed with no outcome and set to a state of ‘expired’ |
progress |
percentageValueType |
Optional | In the case where a task will take some time to complete, this can be used to indicate the progress of the work being done. A value between 0-100 is valid |
assignTo |
xs:anyURI |
Optional | Specify which user, group or role to assign this task to. |
assignToGroup |
xs:anyURI |
Optional Nillable |
Specify which group to assign this task to. |
owner |
xs:string |
Optional | The user account that is the owner of this task. |
outcome |
Array<taskOutcomeType> |
Optional | Specify one or more outcomes to add to this task. If the outcome is already specified it will be replaced with the one provided |
removeOutcome |
Array<xs:string> |
Optional | Specify one or more outcomes to remove |
appointment |
xs:boolean |
Optional Default= false |
DEPRECATED: If set to ‘true’, then this task is an appointment. |
location |
xs:string |
Optional | DEPRECATED: The location of this appointment |
private |
xs:boolean |
Optional | DEPRECATED:This is a private appointment (the details of the subject and details are hidden from everyone except the owner) |
showInCalendar |
xs:boolean |
Optional | DEPRECATED: If set to ‘true’, then this task should be shown as a calendar item |
referenceId |
xs:string |
Optional | Reserved for SYSTEM use and it’s ReadOnly |
objectRefUrn |
xs:anyURI |
Optional | Application defined object reference URN, mainly used for storing Entity reference URN |
reminder |
xs:duration |
Optional | Duration before task’s due for completion date when reminder notifications should be sent out. If not specified, default value will be picked from system settings “task.notification.taskDueReminder”. |
remindAssignee |
xs:boolean |
Optional | Should assignee be sent reminder notifications about task’s due for completion date. |
remindOwner |
xs:boolean |
Optional | Should owner be sent reminder notifications about task’s due for completion date. |
extra |
xs:string |
Optional | A JSON structure representing additional content for the task |
Response Parameters
This method returns no response parameters.
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- Node {{docApp.node}} / {{}}
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