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/ session / guestGetSessionInfo


Invoke this operation to obtain session information relating to a guest account associated with an application. Guest login’s are used by web applications that require some interaction with the core application logic. This operation allows a web application to establish a working context based on the security model that is defined when creating the web application instance. If a session is already established the operation will return information about the application session. If there is no session, then an anonymous session will be established and information about that will be returned to the caller. If you are already logged in as a full user, this operation will fail.

API Details

  • Status:
  • The required privilege level to invoke this method is none
  • The supported database role for this method is none
System Rights Database Rights Mail Rights Calendar Rights
--- --- --- ---

Request Parameters

The guestGetSessionInfo method takes the following input parameters. It is important to note that the parameters must be passed to the method in the same order as they appear here in order to satisfy the requirement of the input validation checks.

Name Type Attributes Description
portalId accountIdType Required The portal ID for which you wants to get session information for.
returnPortalOptions xs:boolean Optional
Set this to true if you want to retrieve portal options. Default is false as this adds a performance hit so should only be used sparingly.

Response Parameters

Name Type Attributes Description
sessionId xs:string Required The newly created session identifier. This is a string value that uniquely identifies the session you have just created
guestRole guestRoleType Required Returns either ‘anonymous’ or ‘authenticated’.
ssoProfile xs:string Optional The name of a guest single-sign-on profile to use for guest access.
allowSelfServicePasswordReset xs:boolean Optional Returns ‘true’ if password resets are allowed on this portal. The ‘returnPortalOptions’ input parameter must be set to ‘true’ in order for this value to be returned.
allowGuestSelfRegistration xs:boolean Optional Returns ‘true’ if guest self-registrations allowed on this portal. The ‘returnPortalOptions’ input parameter must be set to ‘true’ in order for this value to be returned.
needGuestSelfRegistrationAuthorization xs:boolean Optional Returns ‘true’ if guest registration authorisation is required on this portal. The ‘returnPortalOptions’ input parameter must be set to ‘true’ in order for this value to be returned.
allowGuestSelfRegistrationOrgSetting xs:boolean Optional Returns ‘true’ if contacts can choose their organization when registering themselves on this portal. The ‘returnPortalOptions’ input parameter must be set to ‘true’ in order for this value to be returned.
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