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Returns information about your current session, or, with appropriate rights any other active session on the server.
API Details
- Status:
- The required privilege level to invoke this method is
- The supported database role for this method is
System Rights | Database Rights | Mail Rights | Calendar Rights |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Request Parameters
The getSessionInfo method takes the following input parameters.
When sending a JSON request payload to the API, the order of parameters is not significant. However, for XML request payloads, parameters must be provided in the exact order specified in this documentation to comply with input validation requirements.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
sessionId |
xs:string |
Optional | You can specify the session Id that you would like to retrieve information about. If you do not specify any session ID then your current logged in session will be assumed. |
Response Parameters
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
now |
xs:dateTime |
Required | The last activity time related to the session. |
sessionId |
xs:string |
Required | The ID related to the session. |
authenticationType |
authenticationType |
Optional | The authentication type for this session. |
instanceId |
xs:string |
Required | The Instance ID related to the session. |
createdOn |
xs:dateTime |
Required | The date and time the session was established. |
isGuestSession |
xs:boolean |
Required | Whether the session is self service session or not. |
remoteIpAddress |
xs:string |
Required | The client remote IP address that was used to create the session. |
sessionVariable |
Array<sessionVariableType> |
Optional | The session state variables such as “Current User/Current Group”. |
userId |
accountIdType |
Required | The user ID relating to this session (i.e. who is logged in). |
firstName |
nameType |
Optional | User’s first name |
lastName |
nameType |
Optional | User’s last name |
userName |
nameType |
Required | The display name of the user. |
jobTitle |
nameType |
Optional | User’s job title |
accountRefUrn |
xs:anyURI |
Required | The uniform resource name for this account/user. |
activityStreamURN |
xs:anyURI |
Optional | The activity stream URN for this account/users Buzz. |
accountClass |
accountClassType |
Required | The account/login class. |
userType |
accountUserType |
Required | The account/login type. |
guestRole |
guestRoleType |
Optional | If the accountClass = “guest” then this will reflect the role the guest currently has. |
guestPortalId |
accountIdType |
Optional | The ID of the portal account associated with this guest contact. |
guestPortalLoginId |
guestContactIdType |
Optional | The guest contact login id. |
guestContactRecordId |
xs:long |
Optional | The guest contact record ID. |
currentLanguage |
languageInfoType |
Required | The currently selected language for this user. |
regionalSettings |
regionalSettingsType |
Required | The regional settings associated with this user. |
currentTimeZoneOffset |
xs:integer |
Required | The current (at the time of this operation) timezone offset for the sessions timezone expressed in seconds. The number will be positive for eastbound offsets (before GMT) and negative for westbound offsets (after GMT). |
groupMembership |
Array<groupMembershipType> |
Optional | The user’s group membership. |
diagnosticLogSeverityLevel |
severityLevelType |
Required | The log severity level enabled for diagnostics logging on the session. |
diagnosticLogMessageGroups |
logMessageGroupType |
Required | The log diagnostic log message groups enabled for diagnostics on the session. |
resultXmlSchemaValidationEnabled |
xs:boolean |
Required | Indicates if the server is validating the result XML messages against the schema. |
databaseSecurityHintingEnabled |
xs:boolean |
Required | Indicates if the server is proving database security violation hints. |
flowCodeTracingEnabled |
xs:boolean |
Required | Indicates if FlowCode tracing is enabled for this session. |
systemRights |
systemRightsType |
Required | The system rights granted to the session. |
assignedRole |
Array<nameType> |
Required | List of role(s) assigned to the user session. |
personalMailRights |
mailboxRightsInfoType |
Optional | The list of personal mailbox rights associated granted to this account. |
sharedMailboxRights |
Array<mailboxRightsInfoType> |
Optional | The list of shared mailboxes and rights that are accessible to this session. |
location |
geoLocationType |
Optional | The location information of the session |
homeOrganization |
xs:string |
Optional | The home organization of this user |
applicationRights |
Array<propListType> |
Optional | The list of applications and their associated rights granted to the session. |
appStateCRC |
xs:unsignedInt |
Required | A CRC number that represents the application state for this session. The caclulation is derrived from the applications the user has rights so, as well as a the build number, and last app update date. |
profileImageRef |
xs:anyURI |
Optional | The image reference for the profile image relating to the user of this session. |
onlineStatus |
onlineStatusType |
Required | Your currently reported on line status. |
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