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Searching in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
Search results have been limited. There are a total of {{docApp.searchResponse.totalResultsAvailable}} matches.

You have an odd number of " characters in your search terms - each one needs closing with a matching " character!

{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


/ data / entityBrowseRecords2


This method should be used instead of entityBrowseRecords. This method is used to browse or search for a list of entity records within the specified entity.

API Details

  • Status:
  • The required privilege level to invoke this method is user
  • The supported database role for this method is slave
System Rights Database Rights Mail Rights Calendar Rights
--- --- --- ---

Request Parameters

The entityBrowseRecords2 method takes the following input parameters. It is important to note that the parameters must be passed to the method in the same order as they appear here in order to satisfy the requirement of the input validation checks.

Name Type Attributes Description
application appNameType Optional Specify the name of the application this operation relates to. If not specified then “system” is assumed.
entity simpleIdType Required The name of the entity you want to query.
matchScope searchJoinType Optional This can be either ‘all’ or ‘any’. This determines if all fields in the search filter must match or if any field will match a result. Multiple values for the same column are always treated as a separate sub-criteria and ‘any’ value will match regardless of this setting. The default behavior if this is not specified is ‘all’
searchFilter searchColumnType Optional
Array (0/∞)
Specify one or more values as search criteria. You can only specify columns that are defined by the entity as searchable. Invoke data::entityGetBrowseMetaData operation to get the list of searchable columns and it’s metadata.
orderBy orderByColumnType Optional
Array (0/∞)
One or more items to describe the order of the result set. If not specified then the order of the data will be dictated by the natural order of the underlying database.
formatValues xs:boolean Optional
This is an optional parameter, the default value is ‘false’. If you do not specify this parameter or specify false, the result set will be returned with the data values in their raw format. If you specify true, then the values will be formatted according to the application level format settings.
returnMeta xs:boolean Optional
This is an optional parameter, the default value is ‘false’. If you do not specify this parameter or specify false, the result set will be returned but will not include any meta data. If you specify true, then the meta data that describes the result set will be returned.
returnRawValues xs:boolean Optional
This is an optional parameter, the default value is ‘false’. If you specify true, then the result data will include raw values for columns that have been formatted. The raw values are returned as an attribute in the corresponding column value called “raw”. The raw value will only be present if: -

- The value has been formatted and is now different to the raw value
- The column is not a TEXT or BLOB data type.
maxResults xs:integer Optional
This is an optional parameter, the default value is ZERO (0). If you wish to limit the results returned from your query you can set this value to the maximum number of records you want to get back. If you specify ZERO (0) then all records will be returned. If you do not want any data back you can specify -1, this is useful for obtaining just the meta data that would result from the query

Response Parameters

Name Type Attributes Description
metaData anyDataType Optional If the returnMeta input parameter is set to ‘true’, then the <metaData> element will be returned with a data structure describing the database column attributes associated with each column in the result set.


   <metaData>     <res_column_name         type=“VARCHAR”          column=“the_column_name”         table=“the_table”          size=“20”          scale=“0”          precision=“0”          primaryKey="yes
rowData anyDataType Optional The data returned from this operation is dependant on the result of the SQL query. The result set is formatted in a standard way and consists of (optional) meta data as well as zero or more rows of data.


   <rowData>     <row>       <res_column_name>the_column_value</column_name>       <res_column_name>the_column_value</column_name>       …     </row>     <row>       <res_column_name>the_column_value</column_name>       <res_column_name>the_column_value</column_name>       …     </row> 	…   </rowData> 
queryExecTime xs:unsignedInt Optional The amount of time in microseconds that it took the database server to execute the query and return the results
queryResultsTime xs:unsignedInt Optional The amount of time in microseconds it took to process the results and serialize to XML/JSON (excluding any transmission time back to the caller)
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