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/ automation / sisRunJob


Used to run a job

API Details

  • Status:
  • The required privilege level to invoke this method is user
  • The supported database role for this method is none
System Rights Database Rights Mail Rights Calendar Rights
--- --- ---

Request Parameters

The sisRunJob method takes the following input parameters. It is important to note that the parameters must be passed to the method in the same order as they appear here in order to satisfy the requirement of the input validation checks.

Name Type Attributes Description
jobPriority sisJobPriority Optional
Specify the priority of job to run.
name xs:string Required No description provided
description xs:string Optional No description provided
target xs:anyURI Required Spefify a URN that describes the computer(s) that this job should be run on. For example, to target a specific computer, you should specify ‘computer:DAVEPC01’. To target a list of computers, you can specify ‘list:list_id’.
reference xs:anyURI Optional Specify any reference URN meaningful to the caller.
sisTarget xs:anyURI Optional Specify the Site Integration target. Can either be a group “grp:TheGroupName” or a SIS server directly “sis:SisName”
adminCredentials xs:unsignedInt Optional
Specify the credentials to use for administration tasks when running this job. If not specified, then the credentials that the Site Integration Service is using will be used.
runAsCredentials xs:unsignedInt Optional
Specify the credentials to use for running the process when running this job. If not specified, then the provided adminCredentials will be used.
packageId xs:string Required Specify the package we are running this job from.
operation xs:string Required Specify the operation within the package to run.
earliestStartTime xs:dateTime Optional The earliest date and time at which the job can be run. If not specified, the job will run as soon as possible, subject to any other constraints.
latestStartTime xs:dateTime Optional The latest date and time at which the job can be run. If specified, if the job cannot be run by this time, it is automatically failed. If not specified, the job will remain queued until it can be started successfully.
param sisJobInputParameterType Optional
Array (0/∞)
The input parameters required by the package in order to run the job.
extraCredentials sisExtraCredentialType Optional
Array (0/∞)
The extra credential required by job

Response Parameters

Name Type Attributes Description
job sisJobResultInfoType Required Information about the job.
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