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  1. {{book.title}}

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  1. {{book.title}}


/ admin / userUpdate


Invoke this method to update one or more user properties.

API Details

  • Status:
  • The required privilege level to invoke this method is user
  • The supported database role for this method is none
System Rights Database Rights Mail Rights Calendar Rights
--- --- ---

Request Parameters

The userUpdate method takes the following input parameters. It is important to note that the parameters must be passed to the method in the same order as they appear here in order to satisfy the requirement of the input validation checks.

Name Type Attributes Description
userId accountIdType Required The ID of the user to update.
loginId loginIdType Optional
The Login ID for this user.
employeeId accountIdType Optional
The Employee ID for this user.
userType accountUserType Optional The type of user, either ‘user’ or ‘basic’.
nonUserAccount xs:boolean Optional If set to ‘true’ the account will not be visible in user browse/search lists.
enable2fa twofaMethodType Optional
Set this to use two-factor authentication method for this account.
name nameType Optional The display name of the user.
password passwordType Optional The new password to set for the user. If not specified password will remain unchanged. This password must be BASE64 encoded to ensure that no plain text passwords are transmitted over the wire.
firstName nameType Optional
The first name of the user.
lastName xs:string Optional
The last name of the user.
jobTitle xs:string Optional
The job title of the user.
homeOrganization groupIdType Optional The home organization of the user.
site xs:string Optional The site where this co-worker is based.
phone xs:string Optional The direct dial telephone number for the user.
email rfc822AddressType Optional
The email for the user.
mobile xs:string Optional The cell phone number for the user (used for SMS notification).
availabilityStatus numberType Optional The availability status currently set for this user.
absenceMessage xs:string Optional
The absence message for this user.
timeZone xs:string Optional The default Time Zone applied to this user. If you want to get a list of timezones, please see the time::getTimezoneList.
language xs:language Optional The assigned language of the user.
dateTimeFormat xs:string Optional The default date/time format of the user.
dateFormat xs:string Optional The default date format of the user.
timeFormat xs:string Optional The default time format of the user.
currencySymbol xs:string Optional The default currency symbol to use.
countryCode countryCodeType Optional The default country code of the user.
securityOptions userAccountSecurityOptionsType Optional Security related account options.
notifyEmail xs:boolean Optional Enables/Disables notifications to this users e-mail address.
notifyTextMessage xs:boolean Optional Enables/Disables notifications to this users mobile phone via SMS text messaging.
userProfile userExtendedProfileData Optional When updating a full user, this property can be used to update the extended user profile properties.

Response Parameters

This method returns no response parameters.

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