



Documentation Library

Search for information on Hornbill Documentation.


{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for "{{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}}" in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

Have questions about this site?

What is this site?

  • This website is Hornbill's new product documentation website and is currently under development.
  • It is intended that all existing and future public-facing documentation we produce will be available to search, browse and share.
  • Hornbill's current documentation is available at Hornbill Wiki but over time this content will be migrated to this documentation site.
  • Please feel free to have a look around at any time.

Why has Hornbill created this site?

  • Hornbill's products have moved on considerably since we introduced it almost 10 years ago. At the time, the MediaWiki tool was sufficient, but we have outgrown it.
  • Our customers are more enterprise focused and more self-sufficient than ever before, so for 2023 and beyond we have established a new documentation platform and team to drive our documentation initiative forwards.
  • We are aiming to deprecate the use of Hornbill Wiki for most Hornbill related documentation.
  • We want to enable our growing partner network with product resources and information, documentation beyond our Wiki approach is required.
  • We could definitely do with some help, and may even pay for some! If you have domain knowledge and would like to help, please check out our Hornbill Docs Contributor Guide and contact the Hornbill docs team at

What will this site be good for?

  • Community contribution will be facilitated, encouraged, and most welcome.
  • High quality documentation, will be kept up to date as rapidly as our products evolve.
  • Real-time content search and discovery.
  • Articles organized into books, books into libraries, creating a more natural and logical structure to our documentation.
  • Legacy API documentation and various other documentation sources will all be consolidated into a single unified documentation system.
  • Documentation available in browser as well as printable/viewable as PDF on demand.
  • Personalized documentation experience, allowing dark/light mode, article subscriptions, social media sharing and other useful features.
  • Almost all publicly available documentation on will be open-source and available to fork on GitHub, allowing customers to derive their own custom documentation around Hornbill products should they wish to.

What is the timeline for this site?

  • We have taken the decision to publish and make available early, there is very little content at this time.
  • As and when we have completed/usable documentation, it will be published here.
  • We have a host of additional features we wish to add over time, so please watch this space.
  • We expect most of our existing documentation should be reviewed/migrated to over the coming months.
  • The documentation project will be ongoing, will continue to expand, evolve and improve day-by-day.

{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}




  • Download the archive containing the import executables for your operating system and architecture
  • Extract zip into a folder you would like the application to run from e.g. C:\servicenow_request_import\
  • Open “conf.json” and add in the necessary configuration
  • Open Command Line Prompt as Administrator
  • Change Directory to the folder containing the extracted files C:\servicenow_request_import\
  • Run the command relevant to the computer you are running this on:
  • ** For Windows Machines : goServiceNowRequestImport.exe -dryrun=true

Example Configuration

  "HBConf": {
    "UserName": "Hornbill Instance Username",
    "Password": "Hornbill Instance Password",
    "InstanceID": "Hornbill Instance ID (case sensitive)"
  "SNAppDBConf": {
    "Driver": "mysql",
    "Server": "IP Address of Database Server",
    "Database": "servicenow_dbname",
    "UserName": "Database User ID",
    "Password": "Database Password",
    "Port": 3306,
    "Encrypt": false
  "CustomerType": "0",
  "ConfIncident": {
    "Import": false,
    "CallClass": "Incident",
    "DefaultTeam": "Service Desk",
    "DefaultPriority": "Low",
    "DefaultService": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
    "SQLStatement": {
      "0": "SELECT task.sys_id AS request_guid, task.sys_class_name AS callclass, task.number AS callref, ",
      "1": "task.made_sla, task.opened_at AS logdate, task.u_desk_visit, u_symptoms.u_name AS symptom_name, ",
      "2": "task.short_description, task.description, task.u_category, task.category_1, task.contact_type, ",
      "3": "task.u_resolved_at, task.closed_at, task.close_code, task.close_notes, task.sys_created_by AS createdby_username, ",
      "4": " AS company_name, AS service_name, AS department, ",
      "5": "task.u_first_line_fix, parent_task.number AS parent_task_ref, ",
      "6": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'incident' AND element = 'incident_state' AND value = task.incident_state) AS incident_state, ",
      "7": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'state' AND value = task.state) AS task_state, ",
      "8": "(SELECT name from cmdb_ci where sys_id = task.u_close_ci) AS close_ci, ",
      "9": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.opened_by) AS loggedby, ",
      "10": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.assigned_to) AS owner_username, ",
      "11": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.assigned_to) AS owner_name, ",
      "12": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user_group where sys_id = task.assignment_group) AS support_group, ",
      "13": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.a_ref_1) AS incident_customer_username, ",
      "14": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.a_ref_1) AS incident_customer_name, ",
      "15": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'incident' AND element = 'priority' AND value = task.priority) AS priority, ",
      "16": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'incident' AND element = 'impact' AND value = task.impact) AS impact, ",
      "17": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'incident' AND element = 'urgency' AND value = task.urgency) AS urgency, ",
      "18": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'incident' AND element = 'severity' AND value = task.severity) AS severity, ",
      "19": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.u_resolved_by) AS resolved_by, ",
      "20": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.u_resolved_by) AS resolved_by_name, ",
      "21": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by, ",
      "22": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by_name, ",
      "23": "(SELECT name FROM cmn_location WHERE sys_id = task.location) AS site ",
      "24": "FROM servicenow_dbname.task ",
      "25": "LEFT JOIN core_company ON = core_company.sys_id ",
      "26": "LEFT JOIN cmdb_ci ON task.u_internal_service = cmdb_ci.sys_id ",
      "27": "LEFT JOIN cmn_department dept ON task.u_business_unit = dept.sys_id",
      "28": "LEFT JOIN task parent_task ON task.parent = parent_task.sys_id ",
      "29": "LEFT JOIN u_symptoms ON task.u_symptom = u_symptoms.sys_id ",
      "30": "WHERE task.sys_class_name = 'incident' "
    "CoreFieldMapping": {
      "h_datelogged": "[logdate]",
      "h_dateresolved": "[u_resolved_at]",
      "h_dateclosed": "[closed_at]",
      "h_summary": "[short_description]",
      "h_description": "ServiceNow Incident Task Reference: [callref]\n\n[description]",
      "h_external_ref_number": "[callref]",
      "h_createdby": "[createdby_username]",
      "h_fk_user_id": "[incident_customer_username]",
      "h_fk_user_name": "[incident_customer_name]",
      "h_status": "[incident_state]",
      "h_request_language": "en-GB",
      "h_impact": "[impact]",
      "h_urgency": "[urgency]",
      "h_customer_type": "0",
      "h_container_id": "",
      "h_fk_serviceid": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
      "h_resolution": "[close_notes]",
      "h_resolvedby_user_id": "[resolved_by]",
      "h_resolvedby_username": "[resolved_by_name]",
      "h_closedby_user_id": "[closed_by]",
      "h_closedby_username": "[closed_by_name]",
      "h_category_id": "",
      "h_category": "[symptom_name]",
      "h_closure_category_id": "",
      "h_closure_category": "[close_code]",
      "h_ownerid": "[owner_username]",
      "h_ownername": "[owner_name]",
      "h_fk_team_id": "[support_group]",
      "h_fk_priorityid": "[priority]",
      "h_site_id": "[site]",
      "h_source_type": "[contact_type]",
      "h_company_id": "",
      "h_company_name": "[company_name]",
      "h_withinfix": "[made_sla]",
      "h_withinresponse": "[made_sla]",
      "h_custom_a": "[request_guid]",
      "h_custom_b": "[service_name]",
      "h_custom_c": "[close_ci]",
      "h_custom_d": "[close_code]",
      "h_custom_e": "[createdby_username]",
      "h_custom_f": "[incident_customer_name]",
      "h_custom_g": "[owner_name]",
      "h_custom_h": "[department]",
      "h_custom_i": "[site]",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "AdditionalFieldMapping": {
      "h_firsttimefix": "",
      "h_custom_a": "",
      "h_custom_b": "",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "",
      "h_custom_i": "",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": "",
      "h_flgproblemfix": "",
      "h_fk_problemfixid": "",
      "h_flgfixisworkaround": "",
      "h_flg_fixisresolution": ""
    "StatusMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Status": "Service Manager Status",
      "New": "",
      "In Progress": "",
      "Scheduled": "",
      "Accepted": "",
      "Resolved": "status.resolved",
      "Closed": "status.closed"
    "PriorityMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Priority": "Service Manager Priority"
    "ServiceMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Service Name": "Service Manager Service Name"
  "ConfServiceRequest": {
    "Import": false,
    "CallClass": "Service Request",
    "DefaultTeam": "Service Desk",
    "DefaultPriority": "Low",
    "DefaultService": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
    "SQLStatement": {
      "0": "SELECT task.sys_id AS request_guid, task.sys_class_name AS callclass, task.number AS callref, ",
      "1": "task.made_sla, task.opened_at AS logdate, task.u_desk_visit, ",
      "2": "task.short_description, task.description, task.u_category, task.category_1, task.category_2, task.contact_type, ",
      "3": "task.u_resolved_at, task.closed_at, task.close_code, task.close_notes, ",
      "4": "task.u_total, task.u_total_string, task.u_unit_cost, task.u_ucost_string, task.u_quantity, task.u_payment_method, ",
      "5": "task.approval, task.u_it_approval_required, task.u_business_approval_required, task.sys_created_by AS createdby_username, ",
      "6": " as department, AS company_name, AS service_name, ",
      "7": "task.u_first_line_fix, parent_task.number AS parent_task_ref, AS workflow, ",
      "8": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'sc_request' AND element = 'request_state' AND value = task.request_state) AS request_state, ",
      "9": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'state' AND value = task.state) AS task_state, ",
      "10": "(SELECT name from cmdb_ci where sys_id = task.u_close_ci) AS close_ci,",
      "11": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.opened_by) AS loggedby, ",
      "12": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.assigned_to) AS owner_username, ",
      "13": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.assigned_to) AS owner_name, ",
      "14": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user_group where sys_id = task.assignment_group) AS support_group, ",
      "15": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'priority' AND value = task.priority) AS priority, ",
      "16": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'impact' AND value = task.impact) AS impact, ",
      "17": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'urgency' AND value = task.urgency) AS urgency, ",
      "18": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.requested_for) AS requested_for_username, ",
      "19": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.requested_for) AS requested_for_name, ",
      "20": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.u_resolved_by) AS resolved_by, ",
      "21": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.u_resolved_by) AS resolved_by_name, ",
      "22": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by, ",
      "23": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by_name, ",
      "24": "(SELECT name FROM cmn_location WHERE sys_id = task.location) AS site ",
      "25": "FROM servicenow_dbname.task ",
      "26": "LEFT JOIN core_company ON = core_company.sys_id ",
      "27": "LEFT JOIN cmdb_ci ON task.u_internal_service = cmdb_ci.sys_id ",
      "28": "LEFT JOIN cmn_department dept ON task.u_business_unit = dept.sys_id ",
      "29": "LEFT JOIN task parent_task ON task.parent = parent_task.sys_id ",
      "30": "LEFT JOIN wf_context wf ON task.sys_id = ",
      "31": "WHERE task.sys_class_name IN ('sc_request','sc_task')"
    "CoreFieldMapping": {
      "h_datelogged": "[logdate]",
      "h_dateresolved": "[u_resolved_at]",
      "h_dateclosed": "[closed_at]",
      "h_summary": "[short_description]",
      "h_description": "ServiceNow Service Request Task Reference: [callref]\n\n[description]",
      "h_external_ref_number": "[callref]",
      "h_createdby": "[createdby_username]",
      "h_fk_user_id": "[requested_for_username]",
      "h_fk_user_name": "[requested_for_name]",
      "h_status": "[request_state]",
      "h_request_language": "en-GB",
      "h_impact": "[impact]",
      "h_urgency": "[urgency]",
      "h_customer_type": "0",
      "h_container_id": "",
      "h_fk_serviceid": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
      "h_resolution": "[close_notes]",
      "h_resolvedby_user_id": "[resolved_by]",
      "h_resolvedby_username": "[resolved_by_name]",
      "h_closedby_user_id": "[closed_by]",
      "h_closedby_username": "[closed_by_name]",
      "h_category_id": "",
      "h_category": "[symptom_name]",
      "h_closure_category_id": "",
      "h_closure_category": "[close_code]",
      "h_ownerid": "[owner_username]",
      "h_ownername": "[owner_name]",
      "h_fk_team_id": "[support_group]",
      "h_fk_priorityid": "[priority]",
      "h_site_id": "[site]",
      "h_source_type": "[contact_type]",
      "h_company_id": "",
      "h_company_name": "[company_name]",
      "h_withinfix": "[made_sla]",
      "h_withinresponse": "[made_sla]",
      "h_custom_a": "[request_guid]",
      "h_custom_b": "[service_name]",
      "h_custom_c": "[close_ci]",
      "h_custom_d": "[close_code]",
      "h_custom_e": "[createdby_username]",
      "h_custom_f": "[requested_for_name]",
      "h_custom_g": "[owner_name]",
      "h_custom_h": "[department]",
      "h_custom_i": "[site]",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "AdditionalFieldMapping": {
      "h_custom_a": "",
      "h_custom_b": "",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "",
      "h_custom_i": "",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "StatusMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Status": "Service Manager Status",
      "New": "",
      "In Progress": "",
      "Scheduled": "",
      "Accepted": "",
      "Resolved": "status.resolved",
      "Closed Cancelled": "status.cancelled",
      "Closed": "status.closed"
    "PriorityMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Priority": "Service Manager Priority"
    "ServiceMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Service Name": "Service Manager Service Name"
  "ConfChangeRequest": {
    "Import": true,
    "CallClass": "Change Request",
    "DefaultTeam": "Service Desk",
    "DefaultPriority": "Low",
    "DefaultService": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
    "SQLStatement": {
      "0": "SELECT task.sys_id AS request_guid, task.sys_class_name AS callclass, task.number AS callref, ",
      "1": "task.made_sla, task.opened_at AS logdate, task.u_desk_visit, task.type_1 AS change_type, ",
      "2": "task.short_description, task.description, task.u_category, task.category_1, task.category_2, task.contact_type, ",
      "3": "task.u_resolved_at, task.closed_at, task.u_closed_code, task.close_notes, task.approval, ",
      "4": "GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT AS department, AS company_name, AS service_name, ",
      "5": "task.u_first_line_fix, parent_task.number AS parent_task_ref, AS workflow, task.u_justification, task.u_disruption, ",
      "6": "task.u_disruption_duration, task.backout_plan, task.u_support_plan, task.u_communication_plan, task.u_security_implication, task.change_plan, ",
      "7": "task.test_plan, task.u_implementation_result, task.u_imp_results, task.u_post_imp_results, ",
      "8": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'sc_request' AND element = 'request_state' AND value = task.request_state) AS request_state, ",
      "9": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'state' AND value = task.state) AS task_state, ",
      "10": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.opened_by) AS loggedby, ",
      "11": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.assigned_to) AS owner_username, ",
      "12": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user_group where sys_id = task.assignment_group) AS support_group, ",
      "13": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'priority' AND value = task.priority) AS priority, ",
      "14": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'impact' AND value = task.impact) AS impact, ",
      "15": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'urgency' AND value = task.urgency) AS urgency, ",
      "16": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.requested_for) AS requested_for_username, ",
      "17": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.requested_for) AS requested_for_name, ",
      "18": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.u_resolved_by) AS resolved_by, ",
      "19": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by, ",
      "20": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by_name,",
      "21": "(SELECT name FROM cmn_location WHERE sys_id = task.location) AS site ",
      "22": "FROM servicenow_dbname.task ",
      "23": "LEFT JOIN core_company ON = core_company.sys_id ",
      "24": "LEFT JOIN cmdb_ci ON task.u_service = cmdb_ci.sys_id ",
      "25": "LEFT JOIN cmn_department dept ON FIND_IN_SET(dept.sys_id, task.bu_affect) > 0 ",
      "26": "LEFT JOIN task parent_task ON task.parent = parent_task.sys_id ",
      "27": "LEFT JOIN wf_context wf ON task.sys_id = ",
      "28": "WHERE task.sys_class_name = 'change_request'",
      "29": "GROUP BY task.number"
    "CoreFieldMapping": {
      "h_datelogged": "[logdate]",
      "h_dateresolved": "[u_resolved_at]",
      "h_dateclosed": "[closed_at]",
      "h_summary": "[short_description]",
      "h_description": "ServiceNow Change Request Task Reference: [callref]\n\n[description]\n\n\n\n'''Change Justification'''\n\n[u_justification]\n\n\n\n'''Change Disruption'''\n\n[u_disruption]\n\n'''Disruption Duration'''\n\n[u_disruption_duration]\n\n'''Security Implication'''\n\n[u_security_implication]\n\n'''Change Plan'''\n\n[change_plan]\n\n'''Backout Plan'''\n\n[backout_plan]\n\n'''Test Plan'''\n\n[test_plan]\n\n'''Support Plan'''\n\n[u_support_plan]\n\n'''Communication Plan'''\n\n[u_communication_plan]\n\n'''Approval Outcome'''\n\n[approval]\n\n'''Implementation result'''\n\n[u_implementation_result]\n\n'''Implementation results'''\n\n[u_imp_results]\n\n'''Post Implementation Results'''\n\n[u_post_imp_results]",
      "h_external_ref_number": "[callref]",
      "h_fk_user_id": "[requested_for_username]",
      "h_status": "[task_state]",
      "h_request_language": "en-GB",
      "h_impact": "[impact]",
      "h_urgency": "",
      "h_customer_type": "0",
      "h_container_id": "",
      "h_fk_serviceid": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
      "h_resolution": "[close_notes]",
      "h_category_id": "[category_2]",
      "h_closure_category_id": "[u_closed_code]",
      "h_closedby_user_id": "[closed_by]",
      "h_closedby_username": "[closed_by_name]",
      "h_ownerid": "[owner_username]",
      "h_fk_team_id": "[support_group]",
      "h_fk_priorityid": "[priority]",
      "h_site_id": "[site]",
      "h_company_id": "",
      "h_company_name": "[company_name]",
      "h_withinfix": "[made_sla]",
      "h_withinresponse": "[made_sla]",
      "h_custom_a": "[request_guid]",
      "h_custom_b": "[service_name]",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "[u_closed_code]",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "[requested_for_name]",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "[department]",
      "h_custom_i": "[site]",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "AdditionalFieldMapping": {
      "h_start_time": "",
      "h_end_time": "",
      "h_change_type": "[change_type]",
      "h_custom_a": "[category_2]",
      "h_custom_b": "",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "",
      "h_custom_i": "",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": "",
      "h_scheduled": ""
    "StatusMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Status": "Service Manager Status",
      "Open": "",
      "Pending": "",
      "Closed Incomplete": "status.closed",
      "Closed Complete": "status.closed"
    "PriorityMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Priority": "Service Manager Priority"
    "ServiceMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Service Name": "Service Manager Service Name"
  "ConfProblem": {
    "Import": false,
    "CallClass": "Problem",
    "DefaultTeam": "Service Desk",
    "DefaultPriority": "Low",
    "DefaultService": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
    "SQLStatement": {
      "0": "SELECT task.sys_id AS request_guid, task.sys_class_name AS callclass, task.number AS callref, ",
      "1": "task.made_sla, task.opened_at AS logdate, u_symptoms.u_name AS symptom_name, ",
      "2": "task.short_description, task.description, task.u_category, task.category_1, task.contact_type, ",
      "3": "task.u_resolved_at, task.closed_at, task.close_code, task.close_notes, ",
      "4": " AS company_name, AS service_name, AS workflow, ",
      "5": "task.u_first_line_fix, parent_task.number AS parent_task_ref, ",
      "6": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'state' AND value = task.state) AS task_state, ",
      "7": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.opened_by) AS loggedby, ",
      "8": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.assigned_to) AS owner_username, ",
      "9": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user_group where sys_id = task.assignment_group) AS support_group, ",
      "10": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'priority' AND value = task.priority) AS priority, ",
      "11": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.requested_for) AS requested_for_username, ",
      "12": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.u_resolved_by) AS resolved_by, ",
      "13": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by, ",
      "14": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by_name,",
      "15": "(SELECT name FROM cmn_location WHERE sys_id = task.location) AS site ",
      "16": "FROM servicenow_dbname.task ",
      "17": "LEFT JOIN core_company ON = core_company.sys_id ",
      "18": "LEFT JOIN cmdb_ci ON task.u_internal_service = cmdb_ci.sys_id",
      "19": "LEFT JOIN task parent_task ON task.parent = parent_task.sys_id",
      "20": "LEFT JOIN u_symptoms ON task.u_symptom = u_symptoms.sys_id",
      "21": "LEFT JOIN wf_context wf ON task.sys_id = ",
      "22": "WHERE task.sys_class_name = 'problem' AND task.known_error != 1"
    "CoreFieldMapping": {
      "h_datelogged": "[logdate]",
      "h_dateresolved": "[u_resolved_at]",
      "h_dateclosed": "[closed_at]",
      "h_summary": "[short_description]",
      "h_description": "ServiceNow Problem Task Reference: [callref]\n\n[description]",
      "h_external_ref_number": "[callref]",
      "h_fk_user_id": "[requested_for_username]",
      "h_status": "[task_state]",
      "h_request_language": "en-GB",
      "h_impact": "",
      "h_urgency": "",
      "h_customer_type": "0",
      "h_container_id": "",
      "h_fk_serviceid": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
      "h_resolution": "[close_notes]",
      "h_category_id": "[symptom_name]",
      "h_closure_category_id": "[close_code]",
      "h_closedby_user_id": "[closed_by]",
      "h_closedby_username": "[closed_by_name]",
      "h_ownerid": "[owner_username]",
      "h_fk_team_id": "[support_group]",
      "h_fk_priorityid": "[priority]",
      "h_site_id": "[site]",
      "h_company_id": "",
      "h_company_name": "[company_name]",
      "h_withinfix": "[made_sla]",
      "h_withinresponse": "[made_sla]",
      "h_custom_a": "[request_guid]",
      "h_custom_b": "[service_name]",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "",
      "h_custom_i": "[site]",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "AdditionalFieldMapping": {
      "h_workaround": "",
      "h_custom_a": "",
      "h_custom_b": "",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "",
      "h_custom_i": "",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "StatusMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Status": "Service Manager Status",
      "Open": "",
      "Closed Complete": "status.closed"
    "PriorityMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Priority": "Service Manager Priority"
    "ServiceMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Service Name": "Service Manager Service Name"
  "ConfKnownError": {
    "Import": false,
    "CallClass": "Known Error",
    "DefaultTeam": "Service Desk",
    "DefaultPriority": "Low",
    "DefaultService": "ServiceNow Historic Requests",
    "SQLStatement": {
      "0": "SELECT task.sys_id AS request_guid, task.sys_class_name AS callclass, task.number AS callref, ",
      "1": "task.made_sla, task.opened_at AS logdate, u_symptoms.u_name AS symptom_name, ",
      "2": "task.short_description, task.description, task.u_category, task.category_1, task.contact_type, ",
      "3": "task.u_resolved_at, task.closed_at, task.close_code, task.close_notes, ",
      "4": " AS company_name, AS service_name, AS workflow, ",
      "5": "task.u_first_line_fix, parent_task.number AS parent_task_ref, ",
      "6": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'state' AND value = task.state) AS task_state, ",
      "7": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.opened_by) AS loggedby, ",
      "8": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.assigned_to) AS owner_username, ",
      "9": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user_group where sys_id = task.assignment_group) AS support_group, ",
      "10": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'priority' AND value = task.priority) AS priority, ",
      "11": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.requested_for) AS requested_for_username, ",
      "12": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.u_resolved_by) AS resolved_by, ",
      "13": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by, ",
      "14": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by_name,",
      "15": "(SELECT name FROM cmn_location WHERE sys_id = task.location) AS site ",
      "16": "FROM servicenow_dbname.task ",
      "17": "LEFT JOIN core_company ON = core_company.sys_id ",
      "18": "LEFT JOIN cmdb_ci ON task.u_internal_service = cmdb_ci.sys_id",
      "19": "LEFT JOIN task parent_task ON task.parent = parent_task.sys_id",
      "20": "LEFT JOIN u_symptoms ON task.u_symptom = u_symptoms.sys_id",
      "21": "LEFT JOIN wf_context wf ON task.sys_id = ",
      "22": "WHERE task.sys_class_name = 'problem' AND task.known_error = 1"
    "CoreFieldMapping": {
      "h_datelogged": "[logdate]",
      "h_dateresolved": "[u_resolved_at]",
      "h_dateclosed": "[closed_at]",
      "h_summary": "[short_description]",
      "h_description": "ServiceNow Known Error Task Reference: [callref]\n\n[description]",
      "h_external_ref_number": "[callref]",
      "h_fk_user_id": "[requested_for_username]",
      "h_status": "[task_state]",
      "h_request_language": "en-GB",
      "h_impact": "",
      "h_urgency": "",
      "h_customer_type": "0",
      "h_container_id": "",
      "h_fk_serviceid": "[service_name]",
      "h_resolution": "[close_notes]",
      "h_category_id": "[symptom_name]",
      "h_closure_category_id": "[close_code]",
      "h_ownerid": "[owner_username]",
      "h_fk_team_id": "[support_group]",
      "h_fk_priorityid": "[priority]",
      "h_site_id": "[site]",
      "h_company_id": "",
      "h_company_name": "[company_name]",
      "h_withinfix": "[made_sla]",
      "h_withinresponse": "[made_sla]",
      "h_custom_a": "[request_guid]",
      "h_custom_b": "",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "",
      "h_custom_i": "[site]",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "AdditionalFieldMapping": {
      "h_solution": "",
      "h_root_cause": "",
      "h_steps_to_resolve": "",
      "h_custom_a": "",
      "h_custom_b": "",
      "h_custom_c": "",
      "h_custom_d": "",
      "h_custom_e": "",
      "h_custom_f": "",
      "h_custom_g": "",
      "h_custom_h": "",
      "h_custom_i": "",
      "h_custom_j": "",
      "h_custom_k": "",
      "h_custom_l": "",
      "h_custom_m": "",
      "h_custom_n": "",
      "h_custom_o": "",
      "h_custom_p": "",
      "h_custom_q": ""
    "StatusMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Status": "Service Manager Status",
      "Open": "",
      "Closed Complete": "status.closed"
    "PriorityMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Priority": "Service Manager Priority"
    "ServiceMapping": {
      "ServiceNow Service Name": "Service Manager Service Name"
  "ConfActivities": {
    "Import": false,
    "SQLStatement": {
      "0": "SELECT task.sys_class_name AS callclass, task.number AS callref, ",
      "1": "task.opened_at AS logdate, task.approval_set, parent_task.number AS parent_task_ref, ",
      "2": "sysappr.state AS approval_state, sysappr.u_rejection_reason, sysappr.expected_start, sysappr.due_date, ",
      "3": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'state' AND value = task.state) AS task_state, ",
      "4": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user where sys_id = task.opened_by) AS loggedby, ",
      "5": "(SELECT name FROM sys_user_group where sys_id = task.assignment_group) AS support_group, ",
      "6": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'priority' AND value = task.priority) AS priority, ",
      "7": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.requested_for) AS authoriser, ",
      "8": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = task.closed_by) AS closed_by, ",
      "9": "(SELECT user_name FROM sys_user WHERE sys_id = sysappr.approver) AS approver, ",
      "10": "(SELECT name FROM wf_activity WHERE sys_id = sysappr.wf_activity) AS wf_activity, ",
      "11": "(SELECT label FROM sys_choice where name = 'task' AND element = 'state' AND value = task.state) AS task_state ",
      "12": "FROM servicenow_dbname.task ",
      "13": "LEFT JOIN task parent_task ON task.parent = parent_task.sys_id ",
      "14": "LEFT JOIN sysapproval_approver sysappr ON task.parent = sysappr.sysapproval ",
      "15": "WHERE task.sys_class_name = 'sysapproval_group' "
    "Category": "BPM Authorisation",
    "ParentRef": "[parent_task_ref]",
    "Title": "Approval Activity",
    "Description": "Workflow: [wf_activity]\nPriority: [priority]\nRaised By: [loggedby]\nSupport Group: [support_group]",
    "StartDate": "[expected_start]",
    "DueDate": "[due_date]",
    "AssignTo": "[approver]",
    "Status": "[task_state]",
    "Decision": "[approval_state]",
    "Reason": "[u_rejection_reason]"
  "TeamMapping": {
    "ServiceNow Team Name": "Service Manager Team Name"
  "CategoryMapping": {
    "ServiceNow Category Name": "Service Manager Category ID"
  "ResolutionCategoryMapping": {
    "ServiceNow Category Name": "Service Manager Category ID"

Configuration Explanation

Hornbill Instance Specific Configuration Properties


Connection information for the Hornbill instance:

  • “UserName” - Instance User Name with which the tool will log the new requests
  • “Password” - Instance Password for the above User
  • “InstanceId” - ID of your Hornbill instance (case sensitive)


Contains the connection information for the ServiceNow application database.

  • “Driver” the driver to use to connect to the database that holds the ServiceNow application information:
  • mysql = MySQL Server v5.0 or above, or MariaDB
  • mssql = Microsoft SQL Server (2005 or above)
  • “Server” The address of the SQL server
  • “UserName” The username for the SQL database
  • “Password” Password for above User Name
  • “Port” SQL port
  • “Encrypt” Boolean value to specify whether the connection between the script and the database should be encrypted. ‘’NOTE’’: There is a bug in SQL Server 2008 and below that causes the connection to fail if the connection is encrypted. Only set this to true if your SQL Server has been patched accordingly.


Integer value 0 or 1, to determine the customer type for the records being imported:

  • 0 - Hornbill Users
  • 1 - Hornbill Contacts


Contains request-class specific configuration. This section should be repeated for all Service Manager Call Classes.

  • Import - boolean true/false. Specifies whether the current class section should be included in the import.
  • CallClass - specifies the Service Manager request class that the current Conf section relates to.
  • DefaultTeam - If a request is being imported, and the tool cannot verify its Support Group, then the Support Group from this variable is used to assign the request.
  • DefaultPriority - If a request is being imported, and the tool cannot verify its Priority, then the Priority from this variable is used to escalate the request.
  • DefaultService - If a request is being imported, and the tool cannot verify its Service from the mapping, then the Service from this variable is used to log the request.
  • SQLStatement - The SQL query used to get call (and extended) information from the ServiceNow application data. This is broken up in to numbered elements, for ease of reading and updating.
  • CoreFieldMapping - The core fields used by the API calls to raise requests within Service Manager, and how the ServiceNow data should be mapped in to these fields.
  • ** Any value wrapped with [] will be populated with the corresponding response from the SQL Query
  • ** Any Other Value is treated literally as written example:
    • “h_summary”:“[short_description]”, - the value of short_description is taken from the SQL output and populated within the request summary field
    • “h_description”:“ServiceNow Incident Task Reference: [callref]\n\n[description]”, - the request description would be populated with “ServiceNow Incident Task Reference:”, followed by the ServiceNow Task reference, 2 new lines then the description text from the ServiceNow task. pandoc 1.17.2
  • Core Fields that can resolve associated record from passed-through value:
    • “h_site_id”:“[site]”, - When a string is passed to the site field, the script attempts to resolve the given site name against the Site entity, and populates the request with the correct site information. If the site cannot be resolved, the site details are not populated for the request being imported.
    • “h_fk_user_id”:“[requested_for_username]”, - As site, above, but resolves the original request customer against the users or contacts within Hornbill.
    • “h_ownerid”:“[owner]”, - As site, above, but resolves the original request owner against the analysts within Hornbill.
    • “h_category_id”:“[symptom_name]”, - As site, above, but uses additional CategoryMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
    • “h_closure_category_id”:“[close_code]”, - As site, above, but uses additional ResolutionCategoryMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
    • “h_ownerid”:“[owner_username]”, - As site, above, but resolves the original request owner against the analysts within Hornbill.
    • “h_fk_team_id”:“[support_group]”, - As site, above, but uses additional TeamMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
    • “h_fk_priorityid”:“[priority]”, - As site, above, but uses additional PriorityMapping from the configuration, as detailed below.
  • AdditionalFieldMapping - Contains additional columns that can be stored against the new request record. Mapping rules are as above.
  • StatusMapping - Allows for the mapping of task-class specific Statuses between ServiceNow and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Statuses from ServiceNow, and the right-side values are the corresponding Statuses from Hornbill that should be used when importing requests.
  • PriorityMapping - Allows for the mapping of task-class specific Priorities between ServiceNow and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Priorities from ServiceNow, and the right-side values are the corresponding Priorities from Hornbill that should be used when escalating the imported requests.
  • ServiceMapping - Allows for the mapping of task-class specific Services between ServiceNow and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Service names from ServiceNow, and the right-side values are the corresponding Services from Hornbill that should be used when raising the new requests.


Contains the configuration to allow the import of ServiceNow Approval Tasks as Hornbill Activities.

  • Import - boolean true/false. Specifies whether Activities should be included in the import.
  • SQLStatement - The SQL query used to get call (and extended) information from the ServiceNow application data. This is broken up in to numbered elements, for ease of reading and updating.
  • Category - the Category of the Activity being raised within Hornbill (either BPM Authorisation or Task).
  • ParentRef - The column containing the reference number of the parent task of the approval task being imported.
  • Title - The summary title of the new Activities
  • Description - The detailed description of the Activities
  • StartDate - The Start Date of the Activities
  • DueDate - The Due Date of the Activities
  • AssignTo - The ID of the analyst that the Activity should be assigned to
  • Status - The status of the Activity (Open, Closed Complete or Closed Incomplete)
  • Decision - The approval decision
  • Reason - The reason as to why the approval decision was made


Allows for the mapping of Support Groups/Team between ServiceNow and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Support Group names from ServiceNow, and the right-side values are the corresponding Team names from Hornbill that should be used when assigning the new requests.


Allows for the mapping of Problem Profiles/Request Categories between ServiceNow and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Category label from ServiceNow, and the right-side values are the corresponding Profile Codes from Hornbill that should be used when categorizing the new requests.


Allows for the mapping of Resolution Profiles/Resolution Categories between ServiceNow and Hornbill Service Manager, where the left-side properties list the Resolution Category label from ServiceNow, and the right-side values are the corresponding Resolution Codes from Hornbill that should be used when applying Resolution Categories to the imported requests.

In This Document