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Elevation Role - User Administrator

Role Information

  • Application Reference: com.hornbill.core
  • Type: Elevation - Roles of this type are system roles, and are shipped for the purpose of elevating application FlowCodes. Elevation roles can not be assigned to any users of the system.
  • Privilege Level: User - The privilege level applied to normal user of the system. If a normal user is granted every right available then the user becomes a security equivalent to an admin user.

Role Rights

Application Rights

The following are the application rights assigned to the User Administrator role.

Group A - Contacts

ID Description
canViewContacts Can View Contacts
canCreateContacts Can Create Contacts
canEditContacts Can Edit Contacts
canDeleteContacts Can Delete Contacts
canViewOrganizations Can View Organizations
canCreateOrganizations Can Create Organizations
canEditOrganizations Can Edit Organizations
canDeletOrganizations Can Delete Organizations

Group B - Admin

There are no Group B application rights assigned to this role.

Group C - System

There are no Group C application rights assigned to this role.

Group D - InternalOrganisation

There are no Group D application rights assigned to this role.

Group E - Task

There are no Group E application rights assigned to this role.

Group G - Collaboration

There are no Group G application rights assigned to this role.

System Rights

The following are the system rights assigned to the User Administrator role.

Group A - systemRightsAType

ID Description
manageRoles Can manage roles
createRole Can create role
deleteRole Can delete role
manageUsers Can manage users
createUser Can create user
updateUser Can update user properties
deleteUser Can delete user
manageGroups Can manage user groups
managePortalAccounts Can manage portal accounts

Group B - systemRightsBType

ID Description
manageScheduleJobs Can manage schedule jobs
createScheduleJob Can create schedule job
updateScheduleJob Can update schedule job
deleteScheduleJob Can delete schedule job

Group C - systemRightsCType

There are no Group C system rights assigned to this role.

Group D - systemRightsDType

There are no Group D system rights assigned to this role.

Group E - systemRightsEType

ID Description
addWorkspaceMember Can add members to workspace
removeWorkspaceMember Can manage timer instances
changeWorkspaceOwner Can change workspace owner

Group F - systemRightsFType

There are no Group F system rights assigned to this role.

Group G - systemRightsGType

There are no Group G system rights assigned to this role.

Group H - systemRightsHType

There are no Group H system rights assigned to this role.

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