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Searching in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
Search results have been limited. There are a total of {{docApp.searchResponse.totalResultsAvailable}} matches.

You have an odd number of " characters in your search terms - each one needs closing with a matching " character!

{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


Entity Details: SysContact


This defines a basic system contact entity - no relationships defined or enforced


  • Application Reference: com.hornbill.core
  • Table: h_sys_contact

Entity Options

  • Enable Webhooks: true (default)
  • Visible To Reporting: false (default)
  • Enable Business Rules: false (default)
  • Disable Direct Access: false (default)

Entity Name List

  • ID Column: h_pk_id
  • Filter: No filter
  • Columns:
    • h_firstname
    • h_lastname

Access Control

Update Access

    function parseBoolean(val){
        if(typeof val==="string"){
            return val == "true";
        } else {
            return !!val;
    var isGuestSession = parseBoolean(&[session.isGuestSession]);
    return isGuestSession === false || (&[field.h_logon_id] === &[session.userId] && isGuestSession === true);

Delete Access

    function parseBoolean(val){
        if(typeof val==="string"){
            return val == "true";
        } else {
            return !!val;
    var isGuestSession = parseBoolean(&[session.isGuestSession]);
    return isGuestSession === false || (&[field.h_logon_id] === &[session.userId] && isGuestSession === true);

Entity Access Control

  • Privilege Level: none



Delete Record


Search and Browse Control


No search filter has been defined.

Searchable Columns

  • h_pk_id
  • h_firstname
  • h_lastname
  • h_company
  • h_email_1
  • h_tel_1
  • h_jobtitle
  • h_description
  • h_logon_id
  • h_contact_status
  • h_organization_id

Result Columns

  • h_pk_id
  • h_firstname
  • h_lastname
  • h_tel_1
  • h_email_1
  • h_icon_ref
  • h_jobtitle
  • h_description
  • h_logon_id
  • h_contact_status
  • h_organization_id

Free Text Index

Free text search index is not enabled for this entity.

File Attachment Store

No file attachment store details defined.

Activity Stream

This entity has no activity stream defined.

Data Change Log

  • Data Change Log Table: h_sys_audit_trail

Data Change Log Columns

  • h_private
  • h_logon_id
  • h_country
  • h_language
  • h_timezone
  • h_email_1
  • h_email_2
  • h_email_3
  • h_tel_1
  • h_tel_2
  • h_tel_3
  • h_firstname
  • h_lastname
  • h_jobtitle
  • h_description
  • h_notes
  • h_contact_status
  • h_custom_1
  • h_custom_2
  • h_custom_3
  • h_custom_4
  • h_custom_5
  • h_custom_6
  • h_organization_id

Entity Relationships

There are relationships defined against this entity.

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