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Searching in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}

{{docApp.searchResultFilteredItems.length}} results for: {{docApp.currentResultsSearchText}} in {{docApp.searchFilterBySpecificBookTitle}}
Search results have been limited. There are a total of {{docApp.searchResponse.totalResultsAvailable}} matches.

You have an odd number of " characters in your search terms - each one needs closing with a matching " character!

{{docApp.libraryHomeViewProduct.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}

{{group.title ||}}


  1. {{book.title}}


Entity Details: Contact


This defines a basic contact entity


  • Application Reference: com.hornbill.core
  • Table: h_sys_contact

Entity Options

  • Enable Webhooks: true (default)
  • Visible To Reporting: false (default)
  • Enable Business Rules: false (default)
  • Disable Direct Access: false (default)

Entity Name List

  • ID Column: h_pk_id
  • Filter: No filter
  • Columns:
    • h_firstname
    • h_lastname

Access Control

Update Access

    function parseBoolean(val){
        if(typeof val==="string"){
            return val == "true";
        } else {
            return !!val;
    var isGuestSession = parseBoolean(&[session.isGuestSession]);
    return isGuestSession === false || (&[field.h_logon_id] === &[session.userId] && isGuestSession === true);

Delete Access

    function parseBoolean(val){
        if(typeof val==="string"){
            return val == "true";
        } else {
            return !!val;
    var isGuestSession = parseBoolean(&[session.isGuestSession]);
    return isGuestSession === false || (&[field.h_logon_id] === &[session.userId] && isGuestSession === true);

Entity Access Control

  • Privilege Level: none



Delete Record


Search and Browse Control


No search filter has been defined.

Searchable Columns

  • h_pk_id
  • h_firstname
  • h_lastname
  • h_company
  • h_email_1
  • h_tel_1
  • h_jobtitle
  • h_description
  • h_logon_id
  • h_contact_status

Result Columns

  • h_pk_id
  • h_firstname
  • h_lastname
  • h_tel_1
  • h_email_1
  • h_icon_ref
  • h_jobtitle
  • h_description
  • h_logon_id
  • h_contact_status
  • h_organization_id

Free Text Index

  • Index Storage: entity
  • Index Document Reference Column: h_idx_ref

Indexed Columns

Name Tokenized Search Key
h_email_1 false
h_firstname false
h_lastname false
h_company false

Result Columns

  • h_pk_id
  • h_email_1
  • h_firstname
  • h_lastname
  • h_company
  • h_organization_id
  • h_tel_1

File Attachment Store

  • Store ID: fs_entity
  • Timeout: PT10S
  • Key Expression: Not specified

Activity Stream

This entity has no activity stream defined.

Data Change Log

  • Data Change Log Table: h_sys_audit_trail

Data Change Log Columns

  • h_private
  • h_logon_id
  • h_country
  • h_language
  • h_timezone
  • h_email_1
  • h_email_2
  • h_email_3
  • h_tel_1
  • h_tel_2
  • h_tel_3
  • h_firstname
  • h_lastname
  • h_jobtitle
  • h_description
  • h_notes
  • h_contact_status
  • h_custom_1
  • h_custom_2
  • h_custom_3
  • h_custom_4
  • h_custom_5
  • h_custom_6

Entity Relationships


Name Related Entity Reference Key Foreign Key Mandatory Managed
organizationsRel OrganizationContacts h_contact_id h_pk_id false false


Name Related Entity Reference Key Foreign Key Mandatory Managed Mapped Values
Organization Organizations h_organization_id h_organization_id false false
In This Document